Full Summary:

"We've always been unstoppable...That is until now."

Death, Love, Friendship, betrayal and hatred is all the same here. Victor starts hunting again, not for Lissa this time around though, two new names have been added to the Strigoi Hit List and if they don't choose to Awaken - they will die, and Rose loses her partner but - she's not the only one.

But mainly, who the hell does this cowboy think he is?


I've just finished "Re-Vamping" the story today guys. I didn't really get rid of anything, but I had added enough to each of the chapters that you might wanna skim over it all again-=If you've been following my story=-If you haven't, I hope you like it. It's taken me awhile, but I think I have enough of a draft in my head to know how to continue on with it and finish.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, Richelle Mead does of course. =]

My name is Rosemarie "Rose" Hathaway. I'm 19 years old, and the best Guardian my age; and then some. Mainly because I'm Shadow Kissed, which means I died, but was brought back to life. I'm a Guardian for my best friend, Lissa. I secretly train select moroi hand-and-hand combat in my free time, and kill the undead for a living.

Vasilisa "Lissa" Dragomir is 19 years old; a royal moroi, and one who I train. She isn't the best, but she's a lot better then when we first started. She's also a Spirit User, as in magic; weird huh? With this magic, she brought me back to life, giving us a bond, and now, after 4 years, the bond works 2 ways. We can now see and hear what each other are thinking and feeling. She practices with Spirit everyday, along with another Spirit User, Adrian. It's been a few years, and together, they're amazing at it.

As for Adrian Ivashkov, he's 22; a Spirit User, obviously. He's the Queens' great nephew, making him a royal. He spends most of his time drinking and smoking clove cigarettes; because of a side effect Spirit has. Since he doesn't have a bond mate, he's forced to deal with Spirits' Darkness alone. Unlike like Lissa, who has me to help with that.

Mia Rinaldi is another moroi in our group. She isn't royal, and at first that bothered the hell outta her; but she's fine with it now. She's 18 and a water user. She's another one of my "students", and she's actually quiet good, though she wouldn't be able to defend herself from a strigoi, she's getting there.

The last moroi in the group is Christian "Chris" Ozera. He's 19, like most of us, and Lissas' lover boy since senior year in high school. He's a royal, but his family title is pretty much ruined because his mom and dad willing turned strigoi. He's my best "student", and like an annoying brother. One I begged my mom not to have but she wouldn't listen to me, even though he's 5 months older then me.

When it comes to Guardians we have quiet a few in our group. One is Mason "Mase" Ashford. He's 21 and Adrians' Guardian.

Mark Turner is 25 and Masons' partner. No one calls him Mark; it's usually just Turner, for what reason? I don't know.

Mikhail Tanner is a 24 year old. He's Christians' Guardian and since the Ozeras' aren't the most loved royals they only get one Guardian; Christians' being Tanner.

Eddie Castile is 21, and Masons' best friend. They're a lot alike off duty, but on duty Eddie is a lot more mature while Mason is very relaxed. He's Mias' single Guardian because she isn't royal she only gets one; and also her boyfriend. They got together 4 months after she graduated.

Lastly, is a 23 year old man, Grant Slater; my partner. I've said how royals usually get two Guardians; well Lissa isn't any different. She's got me and Grant.

We're a big group, and we're practically a family. We've all been together since graduation, some of us longer then that. Because we know each other so well, we know everyone's moves, fighting preference, everything. We all work well together; always able to watch each others' backs while still watching the moroi. With the added bonus of my "Strigoi Alert" to know if, where, and how many Strigoi are around, we make the best team out there.

Separately we're deadly, yeah. But together, we're your worse nightmare. And that's what we're famous for; we're probably one of the most notorious Guardian/Moroi group around so far.

It's impossible to kill us; not when we're together. Hell, not even if we're apart.

Well, that's what we use to think.


So I've never written fiction before. Don't kill me if this is all gay.

It's a random idea that I had two nights ago, and I wanted to try this out, and don't kill me if this doesn't go the way I want it to.

Tell me what 'cha think.

