Title: Two Wrongs Do Make a Right
Author: Arix
Rating: M
Pairings/Characters: Jack, Ianto, The Doctor [10], Gwen/Rhys, The TARDIS
Spoilers : TW-all of it including CoE, DW-Up to Journey's End
Summary: Hooray it's my very own CoE fix it fic. Does it count as a fix it if I stick with canon just go past it?
Disclaimer: I own nothing unfortunately.

Chapter 2

Jack stared straight at the Doctor as he waited for a reply, a wide grin on his face. Many would be fooled by that grin, thinking it was real. Jack was very adept at hiding behind grins and flirting. No one but those closest to him knew the difference. Unfortunately, the Doctor was one of the few who could see its falsity.

The Doctor could see the barely concealed pain in Jacks eyes. It has already been a year and the pain was still as bad as it had been right after the destruction of the 456. Nothing seemed to quell it. Not booze, or sex or drugs. Maybe time would fix it but now they didn't have to wait and see. This new development should help Jack immensely with that ache inside him and allow him to over come it.

As the Doctor began to speak, he also began to pace back and forth, shooting glances at Jack every few seconds. "Well the TARDIS did something. I was out in the vortex trying to figure out where to go next. I've been to a lot of places and now it's hard to find out where to go sometimes. Still don't know where I'll be going after dropping you off but that's something to decide later. Anyway, I was sitting in the vortex trying to figure out what to do when suddenly she was gone and by she I mean the heart of the TARDIS. Just gone. Vanished. Everything went dark and shut off. Rather terrifying actually. I wasn't sure how long the structure of the TARDIS could survive in the vortex without the heart. Actually I'm not even sure why she visibly left. She easily could have just come back at the exact same point she left and I never would have known the difference. Maybe she wanted me to know." He stopped for a minute and stared off into space pondering that thought.

Shaking his head slightly he looked at Jack before continuing to pace and speak. "Well anyways she went off and did something. Something I didn't know she could do. I didn't even know she could leave the TARDIS much less interact with our universe like she did. Once she came back I automatically linked with her to speak to her and was shocked to find out what she had done." He stopped pacing and faced Jack with his hands on his hips. "Long story short, she made it so you're not wrong any more."

Jack stared at the Doctor with surprise clearly evident on his face. "Wait you mean I'm not a fixed point any more? I can die now?"

"O no no no." The Doctor shook his head at Jack. "She can't undo what was done to you but she can do it again. You're still an impossible man. You're still the man who can't stay dead you're just not the only one. She created another one. This makes you not wrong any more."

"Wait how does that make me not wrong any more?" Jack was extremely puzzled by this. He thought that the fact that he was a fixed point made him wrong.

"Well it's actually quite simple, well kind of. It's simple in an immensely complicated way. Being a fixed point isn't wrong. There are fixed events in time that count as points as well. It's the fact that you were the only fixed living thing that made you wrong. The universe doesn't like when there's only one of something. It's wrong and abnormal. Having more then one makes it a normal quirk of the universe. So you're still an impossible man but you're not wrong any more." The Doctor gave a smile at Jack. He loved explaining things. It was so much fun to quell ignorance even if that ignorance was not acknowledged or known.

Jack was shocked. He turned around and staggered over to the console seat and sat down. He stared at the Doctor for a few minutes while he processed all that new information. Rubbing his temples he sighed. "Alright so I'm not wrong any more. Wonderful for you to tell me that. Doesn't effect me much though does it? You were the only one who could feel my wrongness anyway." He dropped his hands. "Was there anything else or can I go back to my fun?"

"O yes of course there's more. Don't you wanna know who was brought back by the TARDIS and is now like you?" The Doctor was getting excited. He did care about Jack and he couldn't wait to see the man's reaction to his news. He thought it would cheer him up and the Doctor loved it when his friends were happy.

"Alright who is it then?" Jack was interested now. Since the Doctor was so happy about telling him it had to be someone he knew. Someone he knew who had died. His breathe caught in his throat. There were so many people who he'd lost but some stuck in his head. He hoped it was one of them. In fact, he knew without a doubt who he really wished it was. That realization stopped him and saddened him. What kind of monster was he to wish for his lover's live back over his young grandchild's. At least Ianto had lived for some time even though it hadn't been as long as some. With the realization of who he wished it was also came another. The TARDIS would never have brought Steven back as someone like him. Steven was too young. To be stuck as a 9 year old for eternity would be hell. The TARDIS was smarter than that. It would have to be someone who was an adult.

Throughout his musing the Doctor hadn't spoken. The Time Lord had waited for him to finish his thoughts. Jack's eyes returned to the Doctor since they had slid off to the side as he thought. "Who is it Doctor? Who did the TARDIS bring back?"

The Doctor couldn't wait any longer. He didn't want to upset the immortal by dragging it on. "She told me she brought him back for you. So that you wouldn't be wrong and so you wouldn't be alone. I assume you've realized it has to be someone you know since I wouldn't care about telling you if it wasn't." Moving forward he crouched in front of Jack so that they were eye to eye. "She brought back Ianto, Jack. Ianto Jones is now like you."

Jack let his breath out in a whoosh and happiness filled him. He smiled his first real smile in a year. "Really Doctor? Ianto's back? Ianto's alive?" He waited for the Doctor to nod before standing up and rushing over to the console. Standing in front of it he smiled wider. "Thank you. Thank you so much." He could feel the TARDIS saying your welcome. Her consciousness flowed over him. When it retreated and he turned back around to the man behind him. "I know I shouldn't be this happy that someone, even if it is Ianto, is condemned to eternity as I am but I can't help it. I won't be alone Doctor. I won't be alone until the end of time."

The smile on his face was all encompassing. The Doctor had never seen him smile like that. He hadn't realized how lonely Jack had felt by being the only one. He didn't even know Jack thought that far ahead. Maybe this man really had changed and was much more of a man then the Time Lord thought. One thing he did know was that he was happy that Jack was happy. He smiled widely in return at the blue eyed, immortal. "So then. Should I take you to him?"

Jacks response was immediate. "Yes please Doctor. I would really like to see him again."