Title: Two Wrongs Do Make a Right
Author: Arix
Rating: M
Pairings/Characters: Jack, Ianto, The Doctor [10], Gwen/Rhys, The TARDIS
Spoilers : TW-all of it including CoE, DW-Up to Journey's End
Summary: Hooray it's my very own CoE fix it fic. Does it count as a fix it if I stick with canon just go past it?
Disclaimer: I own nothing unfortunately.


The Doctor lay on his seat in the TARDIS control room, wondering where to go next. He'd been lying here, with the TARDIS in the vortex, since everyone had left. For him it had only been a few hours since Donna had gone, though he wondered how long it had been for everyone. Not like it mattered. He did, after all, have a time machine, so no matter how much time passed for them he could pop in at any point.

Just as he was contemplating how his time machine worked verses time passage for his friends the TARDIS gave a shutter and all the lights went out. Shooting out of his seat he moved quickly over to the console, trying to figure out what was wrong, though he already knew. The heart of the TARDIS, the semi-sentient life force made up of the vortex that made the TARDIS the TARDIS, was gone. Vanished and he had no idea why or even how. Sinking back into his seat he just stared around him. He really hoped she came back and soon. He didn't know how long the TARDIS could last in the vortex without it's heart.

Where was he? He didn't know. The last thing he remembered was the 456, the Thames House and Jack holding him. Jack holding him as he...died? Had he died? If he did he didn't think that death would be like this. It was just blackness, empty blackness. It felt wrong some how. Like he wasn't supposed to be here. He almost felt as if he was waiting. Waiting for what he didn't know but he was waiting for something.

Suddenly his vision (Did he have eyes to see anymore?) was filled with a glowing brilliance. Without a doubt this was why he was here, waiting in the dark. This light had put him in this dark place to wait until it could come for him. He had no idea what it was but he felt peace and awe in it's presence. Before he could even begin to try and think of what it was the golden ight spoke to him.

What was done must be fixed for in some ways two wrongs do make a right.

As the words filled his consciousness the brightness grew until it filled everything he was, everything he is and everything he would be. He was then swept away in it's brilliance.

As quickly as it had left the heart came back, filling the TARDIS with light as it did. Jumping again to his feet, the Doctor rushed to the console and placed his hand on it. Closing his eyes he sent out his mind to commune with his ship. He wanted to know what his ship had done.

Far away from the Doctor, in London, England, UK, Earth, one Ianto Jones came back to life with a gasp and a jerk.

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