Step 6

Get him a computer screen that can only be turned on with heat even though he runs several degrees colder than normal humans.

Alright, children, gather 'round as I tell you the story of how the halfa got grounded for two whole months.

'Twas a bright a sunny morning the day it happened. The halfa awoke and glanced around his space themed bedroom. It was then that he noticed the shiny new computer monitor sitting on his beat up, old wooden desk. He was excited, and rightfully so. The boy's old screen had ended up exploding. The story he told his parents wasn't much of a stretch: he had said that a ghost did it.

He hopped out of bed, and shuffled over to his desk. He plopped down in his chair, and wiggled the mouse around for a minute. Nothing. The boy frowned when he realized the screen wasn't turned on.

Oh, duh. I'm so stupid, the halfa thought before moving his hand to where the button was located on the screen. That is, where the button should have been. The monitor was completely smooth all around, no button or knob in sight. The half ghost frowned again. This was odd. How was he supposed to turn on the computer? The boy got up to go ask his sister.

"Hey, do you know how to work my new computer screen? It won't turn on," the halfa asked, stopping in front of his big sister's room.

The girl rolled her eyes in response, "Of course, little brother. Just press your hand against the bottom corner of the screen, and it should light up."

"Oh," the boy said awkwardly. That was rather embarrassingly obvious. Why did his sister have to be such a know it all? "Thanks."

"Anytime, little brother," the older teenager muttered, already lost in the book she was reading before the boy had interrupted.

Danny shuffled back across the hall to his room and plopped down at his desk. The ghost boy lifted his chin slightly in defiance as he ran two fingers over the right hand corner of the monitor. An animal-like growl reverberated from the back of his throat when the screen refused to come to life.

"That's it!" Danny shouted. He pushed back violently from his desk, causing the legs of his chair to scrape harshly against his bedroom floor. With another growl the teen lung at his computer monitor, and ripped it off his desk. Before the boy could let what little common sense he had talk him down the computer screen was in pieces two stories below, and a shout was echoing from room to room.

"DANIEL JAMES FENTON! You had better have a reasonable explanation as to why your brand new monitor is in the front lawn!"

Step 7 – Brought to you by Juneluxray

Vlad literally makes an 'Annoy Danny Fenton Day.'

Danny Fenton was not pleased on this particular Monday morning. First, his alarm clock wouldn't turn off, and when he shot it with an ecto blast the Ghost Tracker would not shut up. When he finally managed to manipulate the technology into behaving, he realized that he would be the last one to take a shower. That, of course, meant that the water would most likely be that uncomfortable temperature between warm and cold.

When the boy eventually stumbled downstairs after his uncomfortable shower, he tripped over a loose floor board and went sprawling across the floor. Jazz looked up from her book and snickered at her brother. Danny glared at the red head before picking himself up off the floor and furiously marching outside.

Danny got to school in record time. A record time meaning the latest he had ever been when there was not a ghost attacking. Everything had been in his way. The traffic was terrible so he had to wait ten minutes to cross the street; the route he normally took to school was under construction; and he could not find a safe place the transform.

Unfortunately his day only worsened after he got to school. It seemed as if the freshmen were taking an especially long time to go from class to class, causing the hallways to become clogged. Sam laughed at him every time Danny attempted to talk to her. Some kid kept throwing erasers at him during history. Dash took special care to seek him out to shove him into lockers even though Danny had over shot the quarterback a while ago and had not suffered such physical abuse from his bully in almost a year.

The worst part was the ghost attacks. It seemed as if every one of Danny's ghostly enemies decided today was a nice day to come out to play. They weren't even trying to hurt Danny for Pete's sake! They just kept escaping to cause more havoc and destruction.

When Danny had finally caught the last of the ghosts, school was mercifully over. The ghost boy took that opportunity to quickly fly home before anything else came up. He flung open the door to his house and stomped inside, still fuming. He walked to the kitchen and slumped into the first open chair he saw. Maddie looked in amusement at her some. Danny saw this and sent a withering glare her way.

"What's so funny? I've had an awful day! It seems like everyone has gone out of their way to irritate me!"

"Danny-boy!" Jack boomed with a grin." Didn't you here? Vladdy made it an official 'Annoy Danny Fenton Day.' Wasn't that funny of him?"

Danny banged his head against the kitchen table and groaned, vowing that he would get his revenge.