Please review and tell me what you think. I need to continue this, mainly for myself, but I would love to hear from readers whether or not you also want me to continue it. This story is mostly told from Sodapop's point of view, but will still switch around. Anyways, I'll quit blabbing and get on with the story. Enjoy and don't forget to review!

Soda POV

"Ponyboy, are you ready?" Darry called to our eighteen year old brother, soon to be graduating.

He would of graduated at seventeen (on the account of him being so smart), but Johnny and Dally's deaths had an effect on him, so he didn't pass his sophomore year. He just had to repeat, but it was okay because he was in a grade with people his own age. He was disappointed in himself, but after he made a bunch of friends, I don't think he minded.

We didn't hear a reply from our bedroom.

"Ponyboy, don't make me call you again. Let's go or you're gonna be late!" Darry yells.

"Alright, alright, God… you know there are more important things then school, Darry." Pony mumbled rolling his eyes at Darry.

"Hey, drop the attitude little man. I don't know what your problem has been the past week, but it's a new week so let's start it off better. You're graduating soon anyways, so no more high school, just college." Darry states angry, but still proud that Pony's going to college.

I smile, "Yeah, Pone you get to be a smarty pants at a fancy college."

"Well what if I don't want to go to college, huh? There are a lot better things I could be doing then going to some stupid college just to learn shit I already know." He replies, almost like he is trying to convince himself.

I'm shocked, Pony always talks about going to college. Two weeks ago he was filling out applications at the kitchen table, wearing a smile. Darry looked real remorseful and proud that day; I know he was remembering himself, bein' eighteen and filling out applications except mom and dad were around then.

Darry looks at him funny, "Ponyboy, you've been talking about college for the past month or two. I know you want to go, so whatever is wrong with you… you… can always talk to me and Soda, no matter what. Got it kiddo?"

"Yeah, whatever." Pony says getting his bag and heading out the door to his car.

Darry and I exchange glances; we shake our heads and head out to go to work.

The DX: Soda POV

I am fixing up some old couple's broken carburetor, when I hear a loud crash from the break room.

I get up and head in that direction.

Opening the door, "Steve, what are you doing?"

"Trying to get the stupid beverage machine to give me my damn Coke," He whacks the machine.

I smirk and shake my head at him. I walk over to him and reach my hand into the slot, easily grabbing the drink. I throw it at him and walk back out to the car I was working on.

"Yeah, well, I loosen it." Steve grumbles.

"Your welcome," I call back.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks. I'm workin' register, alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, we'll switch it in few hours." I remind him.

"Okay." He replies heading into the store.

The rest of the day passes uneventfully and after school girls come to gawk at me, but when my shift is over, me and Steve head over to my house.

Evening: Soda POV

I walk into the house, Steve following me. I see Darry's truck in the driveway, so I know that he's home. Two- Bit, glory, who knows where he is. Ponyboy should be home, but his new attitude is weighing him down. I know that something is wrong, not finals like he wants me to believe. Something is bringing up sleepless nights, no appetite, and snapping at anything that someone says. I want to get answers, but can never get far enough in the interrogation before he clams up.

"Hey Dar!" I holler.

"Hey, Soda. Hi Steve." He calls back from his bedroom; he must have just gotten home.

I plop down on the couch, exhaustion setting in. Darry comes out a few seconds later and mimics my actions, except with a loud sigh.

"Hard day at work?" I ask.

"Yep, the usual." He replies.

I'm about to reply when, I hear a car door slam.

"Pony, wait. I'm all for goin' at Socs, but really. C'mon man… I know something's wrong, the whole gang does. What's going on?" I hear Two-Bit's voice from the fence.

"Nothing's wrong, God damn it! I wish everyone would quit houndin' me. That Soc had it coming and he started it." Pony replies, the hostility present in his voice.

"You could have ignored it… and we keep houndin' you, 'cause we care. You're worrying us sick, man…" Two-Bit says quietly.

"Yeah, well you won't have to worry about that for long." Ponyboy sneers, walks up the porch and into the house.

When he gets inside, I see the obvious signs of a fight. He has a busted lip and a cut on his bicep. Probably if you looked under his shirt you would see bruises from kicks that he probably received. His face looks okay but what's worrying me is the cut on his arm.

"Pone, what happened?" I question getting up from my spot on the couch walking over to him.

"Nothin'." He mumbles.

"Oh yeah, that sure looks like nothin' kid." Steve steps into the conversation.

By this time Two-Bit has entered the house, a bruise is forming on his jaw. He looks at Pony then sits on the couch by Steve.

"Shut your mouth Randle, I wasn't talkin' to you." Pony says coldly.

Steve is taken back by his tone and looks like he wants to deck Ponyboy, but I send him a pleading glance. Thankfully, he shuts up.

"Get in a fight, Pony?" Darry speaks for the first time, his face reads disappointment.

Pony stares at the floor.

Darry taking this as a yes, "What the hell were you thinking? You think you're so grown up because you're eighteen, but you are actin' like a hood. So then I'm going to treat you like one or at least how one should be treated. You're grounded." Darry is trying real hard to keep his emotions in check, but he's still shaking with anger.

"Whatever." Pony states turning around.

"Why, Pone… why?" I ask just as disappointed, he should know that fighting doesn't do any good.

"Does it matter?" He throws at me.

"Pone… you know that fighting ain't no good." I reply trying to read into those expressive eyes of his. When we were younger, I could tell everything that was wrong or right with him just by looking in his eyes. What I see there now, is… defeat?

Defeated, by what? I ask myself.

"Yeah, well, too bad for me." He answers uselessly, starting to walk to his room.

Finally, I'm so tired of hoping that he will come to me, I've given' him enough chances. I'm worried, puzzled, and frustrated. I feel like a boiling pot of water, ready to spew at any given moment.

"That's it." I mutter. "Ponyboy Michael Curtis get your ass over here and park it on the couch. You are grounded there until you tell us what the hell is wrong with you!" I yell.

It's silent, I never blow up like that, especially at Pony, or swear too often, but man, this kid has me worried and I want things out in the open so we can help him.

Pony complies with my demand, while shooting me strange glances.

I sigh, calming down. I look at him, he just returns the glance; he thinks I've lost it. I shake my head and give him a grin that says I'm okay, just worried. He nods his head in understanding. That's the way it's always been with us, a look or facial expression can speak volumes.

"Go ahead." I soften my tone.

"I don't want to tell you…" He starts.

Darry groans, Two-Bit and Steve roll their eyes.

"Well, that's too bad…" I try to reply back before Ponyboy interrupts me.

"No, that's not what I meant. I mean… I can't tell you… I just…" He trails off.

Then I have an idea if he doesn't want to say it, whatever it is, "Can you show us?"

He pauses, thinking, then nods his head, "Yeah, but I have to be ungrounded from the couch first."

I laugh and he smiles at me, "Fine, but hurry up."

He stands up and walks to his room; I take his place on the couch.

"Might take a while, so then I can fix my face and arm, but I'll try to hurry." He tells us.

"I think your face looks fine kid, better than usual, actually." Steve replies.

"I could say the same to you Steve." Pony says to him smoothly.

Steve narrows his eyes and grumbles something about a smart ass kid.

Pony seems better I guess, us forcing him to talk about it, has improved his attitude. Maybe the actual answer to his problems will make everything better. I think, glad that finally something is being done to help Ponyboy…