Ah! My Goddess! Fan fiction.

Ah! My Valkyrie!

Chapter one: Ah! One winged Lind gets a mortal!

Disclaimer: I do not own Ah! My goddess! That honor is for Kosuke Fujishima alone. So bow down to him mortals!

Yggdrasil - Goddess Relief Office

Karma, fate, fortune, or destiny: whatever it is you prefer to call it that which decides the life of humans is and was often altered within this small oval like room. The smell of plants and flowers encompass the room but the presence of actual plant life was limited. The marble floors and golden metal stripes that make up the floors and walls glisten majestically in a fashion that could warm the heart of even the coldest of any society. The room was quiet as several goddesses posing as statues, sitting in the air, without any outside help; waiting. Each and every goddess exercising their endless patience on the phone before them to ring for the opportunity to grant the wish of a mortal to increase the shares for heaven, the greatest joy a goddess within this office could hope for. For all but one goddess it was just one uneventful day after another, the phone before them remaining as lifeless today as it was the past couple of months. A mirror beside the phone of that one of the goddesses began to glow and soft white feathers seem to appear from within it. Once the glowing light faded, a woman with light brown hair, deep blue eyes and a matching blue ceremonial dress that also had yellow shapes and designs woven into it appeared within the room. This newly arrived goddess had a blue colored diamond shape on her forehead between her eyes and similar triangle shaped blue facial markings on her cheeks. The goddesses nearby turned their attention to the new arrival.

"Welcome back, another successful wish I take it." The goddess in similar with blue facial markings in the shape of a square and purple clothing asked while looking up, the slightest bit of jealousy and envy mixed within the pitch of her voice.

The goddess in blue nodded her head gently. "The client was very satisfied with his wish. He is now in the job he has always dreamed of." The goddess look as though she was glowing from within her she seemed so happy with her.

"Save some of the calls for us. Even if you are the best among us Belldandy you don't need to be getting 95% of the calls. Share the work with me a little bit will you?" A goddess behind Belldandy said not bothering to mask the annoyance in her voice. Belldandy just giggled sheepishly and innocently. Both the goddesses just lowered their heads and sighed to this knowing this was likely to continue.

A goddess wearing an entirely different set of clothing entered the room and floated over to the recently arrived Balldandy. "Welcome back, I've been awaiting your return. Skuld and Urd wish to speak with you, I was told they both will be waiting for you within Yggdrasil's Mainframe control room."

"Thank you, I will return shortly friends." Belldandy called out after listening to her message as she floated out of the oval room onto an open space that appeared to be within a mass of clouds, while doing so two large white wings appeared behind her. All around her were several large, floating marble structures that matched the décor of the Goddess Relief Office (GRO) as far as the eye could see and probably much further beyond that. Each of the platforms is being accompanied by a large golden ring slightly below the largest section of each platform. Plants also seem to grow neatly on the platforms, almost as if the plants growth were being guided by some unseen force.

Having said her goodbyes Belldandy flew off towards another platform, going faster than most normal mortal eyes could follow, but this speed was nothing for a goddess such as herself, she could maintain this pace for hours without so much as breaking a sweat, this was just one of the many perks of being a first class goddess and Belldandy, like all other goddesses of this rank; thought this was no special feat. She continued on until she reached her awaiting sisters.


Yggdrasil – Valkyrie training hall. Field 33

A woman in a white full body suit with blue lines running up and down various parts of the skin tight suit showed off her finely toned body. This was obviously a woman who took great care in keeping herself physically strong though she was also very pretty in the face. Her hair colored softly and light blue. The way the sun reflected off her currently made it seem almost white in its entirety. She had three blue circles on her forehead in the formation of a triangle that pointed downwards towards the bridge of her noise an additional two circles, slightly larger, one for each cheek. Her eyes were a bright blue, however that brightness was dimed by some bitter sadness she tried to shield herself from.

She posed herself in an unusual position and nodded. In the distance a figure that was too far to make out well tossed a large boulder toward the woman in white. A large pole axe materialized within her hands from some unknown origin and with a powerful swing the woman shattered the boulder with a single strike using the axe. Chunks of the boulder rained down around her, many of which striking her body at various spots but the woman remained still taking each and every hit from the once large boulder in stride, unflinching from the sting each hit gave her.

A clapping sound from behind the woman rang outward. The woman turned around and kneeled to the man that was approaching her face clearly surprised, however careful not to be disrespectful and look up towards him without permission.

The man approached her smiling the entire time. "That is quite an impressive feat; you are definitely the pride of the Valkyrie division Lind."

Still kneeling Lind replies. "Thank you for your kindness but I am still very weak." The shame could easily be heard in her normally loud and commanding voice.

"Please stop being so formal with me, rise and walk with me for a moment will you please." Lind seemed conflicted but ultimately agreed. "Your hair…" The man looks towards her as the two begin to walk noticing that Lind's hair was short on her left but long on her right. "Have you still not discovered the reasoning for your plight?"

Lind sighed sadly and a single wing appeared on the left side of her only. "I am still shamed with only a single wing." Lind explained as she made her shame disappear once again, not wanting to show it off longer then needed.

"There is no shame in your condition Lind; in fact I am here for that very reason. Soon an opportunity to become equal to your peers will present itself should you decide to take it from within the GRO. If you find yourself interested you are to wait in front of Belldandy's phone." The man explained as the two reached the end of the field, the ground just suddenly stopping in front of them."

"I don't mean to question your knowledge, Almighty, but why the GRO of all places? How can granting others wishes help me?" Lind asked thoughts of why this might be racing though her mind as fast as she could manage to no avail.

The ruler of heaven laughed a bit and put a hand on her shoulder. "Trust in me and you will not be called One Winged Lind much longer, and I know how that name upsets you." Lind looked away trying to hide the sick look on her face. "I make my argument; now go, before you miss your chance, he should be calling soon." Lind seemed unsure at what she was being told, but coming from her master, the ruler of heaven; she knew there must be truth to it. So she flew to the office as fast as she could, kicking off from the edge of the land so hard the floating island listed far over until it was able to stabilize itself and even out. "Good luck, Lind." The Almighty wished as he watched her fly away as fast as her body would allow as another woman in a suit identical to Lind's approached the Almighty from his right, standing slightly behind him.

"Are you sure she is ready for a task of that sort? It doesn't exactly fit her skill set." The lady asked also watching as Lind who was nearly out of sight for even the other goddess.

The almighty turned to face her. "Nothing is ever certain; even I cannot see the future with total accuracy. That's the joy of life, in its unknowns. Wondering what tomorrow will bring us, how we will deal with it. In Lind's story when sacrifices need to be made. We all tell ourselves we will do the right thing no matter what. Do what needs to be done for the greater good no matter the cost. The truth is no one, not even I can say what she will do until she faced with that difficult decision herself. It's then that we will act based on her decision." The almighty turns back to where Lind was flying to, she now completely out of sight. "Until that time we will remain within the shadows and just observe."

"Why are you going to doing this to her? You could stop this easily yourself, why put her though such a tough task. It makes no sense at all!"

The Almighty looked a bit surprised that a goddess would take this tone with him, even if she was a Valkyrie but decides to let it go for now knowing she is only concerned for her comrade in arms. "I can't expect to be leader forever; there will come a time when even I need to step down. When that time comes someone needs to replace me and Lind is already as strong as me, maybe even stronger once she meets that mortal. He can also teach her that joy can be found from other things besides fighting."The ruler of heaven explained. The Valkyrie looked like she wanted to argue some more but she knew he was right at least about finding a replacement for him eventually. "For now we will sit back and watch Lind then we will act accordingly once she picks her path." He said as he teleported away.

"Don't become too attached to him Lind… It will be easier for you later on to carry out what you must in the future when the time comes…" The lone Valkyrie thought as she walked away from the cliff and returned to her normal activities.


Earth realm – Nekomi Institute of Technology: College Dorm.

A college sophomore dressed in casual attire of a white shirt and blue jeans wakes up with a startle at the sound of someone pounding at his door. "Wake up Morisato! Time to get up!" An unusually loud voice called out from the other side of the door.

"I'll be right there." Morisato called back as he sat up and yawned. Morisato or Keiichi as many called him was your average college student, normal in looks, low on money and in a dorm. He sports typical black hair and brown eyes, common for those of Japanese decent. He was about five foot three inches. Looking around he noticed his various personal items scattered around the single room apartment. Most of the items within the room were old but surprising all in good condition and well within working order. The stale air within the room was because of the window that the previous tenant had for whatever reason nailed shut and decided to install iron security bars on both sides of the glass. "Definitely someone with a severe case of paranoia." Keiichi thought to himself as he looked around at him home. "Home, What a nice feeling to have my own." He thought pleasantly while his shoes on and dragged his feet outside for the morning exercises with the rest of the dormitory residents, something he always dreaded, especially first thing in the morning.

Outside in the make shift parking lot that was more of a large alleyway more than anything, the dorm inhabitants in their entirety formed a circle and began their morning exercises though no normal person would guess that at first glance, it looked more like something along the lines of yoga for the blind, dazed and confused. Nearly all the people within this particular dorm were also members of the Nekomi Institute of Technology (NIT) Motor club. This was due largely to the fact that the shared leadership of the club between Toraichi Tamiya and Otaki Aoyama recommending this particular dorm to their members. Both of them were great mechanics however they had conflicting ideas about how the club should spend its budget, also to add insult to injury neither knew how to shake the money tree as it were to boost the income of the club. As a result the club was once again doing nothing with the members of its club besides these bizarre exercises that seemed more like a cracked up version of yoga and drinking expired milk afterwards. All things in short Keiichi was not getting the college dream he had hoped for but still made the best of it he could. Another rule that bothered and vexed Keiichi was the rule of the dorm that prevented woman from being allowed, this more than anything spoiled Keiichi's mood. He was never good with woman as it was, and the dorm only made that fence for Keiichi had to climb over only that much higher. Keiichi meeting women while at this dorm was like comparing him to lemmings, each member of the dorm following one another to their peril they know what is coming for them at the edge of the cliff they all were about to leap from, but march on still at the same pace still, the women being the rocks below. Keiichi meets his goal… under very unpleasant terms however.

After the exercises Keiichi decided to get some sleep before going to his first class. Completely unaware his fortune was soon to do a one-eighty for the better.

He wakes sometime later to the sound of a television program about horoscopes. "Who would believe in silly things like that, besides I know my fortune already." Keiichi thought sadly knowing his own personal luck was never good. "Ah crap!" He shouts looking at the time he notices its 10:44 and he was going to be late for class. In his hurry he grabs his helmet and jacket then makes a dash for his motorcycle in the parking lot in their make shift exercise space. Arriving at the bike he walks it out and tries to start it up to find it is not working. He lowers his head in defeat and sighs. "I should have guessed as much, this always happens to me."


Yggdrasil – Yggdrasil's mainframe central control room.

Belldandy landed down gently on an unusually large platform and quickly made her way inside the structure. She was greeted by several large monitors as well as the three main system operators. Ere Ex and Chrono. Three second class goddesses that are given the task to make sure the mainframe in front of them was working properly all the time. "Urd! Skuld! Are you in here?" Belldandy called out looking very confused because neither of her two sisters were in sight.

Chrono, without turning around answered knowing already who that voice belonged to. "Belldandy, your sisters are not scheduled to work here today with us. Perhaps we can help you with something instead?" Chrono said over the sound of her fingers constantly pounding down on an invisible keyboard, the keys glowing as she touched down on each of them.

Belldandy was now totally confused and her face showed it. "No... I was just told that they wanted to meet me about something. It can't be all that important or they will find me themselves. Sorry to trouble you all, farewell." Belldandy bowed and was about to leave when the doors in the room slammed shut in front of her locking her in and making the room completely dark. After a few moments that the lights within the structure came to life for the four goddesses present within.

"Well that's not supposed to happen." Ere said aloud curiously as she made new screens appear in front of her. "I'll get those doors open for you as soon as I can Belldandy. Sorry for this trouble."

"Yes please, and thank you." Belldandy said as she sat down behind the three other goddesses and looked at the closed doors wondering what might of caused this error and why she was asked to come here when her sisters were not.


Earth realm – Nekomi Institute of Technology

Keiichi runs on foot to the campus and watches as another student drives past him, completely ignoring him and his need for a ride. Campus life buzzed with the voices of students as each went about their day, following whatever today's schedule had brought them to. Each with their own motivations, most here for learning, some like Sayoko Mishima – the self titled queen of the campus was more interested in being popular with the student body above anything else. With looks and money this was not hard to accomplish, especially among the male half of the college population. Even Keiichi once took a chance on her, wearing a green striped suit which she flat out rejected walking away while telling him to grow seven or eight inches and he might possibly have a chance. Keiichi the lemming just hit the rocks labeled Sayoko Mishima that time.

Then there was Toshiyuki Aoshima, Sayoko's cousin. Being of the same family he was equally as rich though much more bashful unlike his female cousin. He did not wait for women to approach him like she did with the men. Instead he resorted to underhanded tactics to get what he wanted from the girls then discard them. This act quickly made him an enemy among women all over campus that not even his near infinite money supply could buy him out of, not that it stopped him from trying however. Given his negative reputation he focused on transfer students or anyone else who might be blissfully ignorant of his dirty little reputation.

Once in class keiichi was too exhausted to focus because of all his running so begins to drift in and out of sleep during the lecture. Just as he is snapped awake by being called on by the professor for wearing a white shirt. Keiichi being asleep was unable to answer, luckily for him he was spared any shame from saying he didn't know because the bell rung out throughout the class signaling the end of the day. "Saved by the bell." Keiichi called out to no one but himself in relief.

"That is right." Tamiya said from Keiichi's right, a large muscular man with a white muscle shirt. Tamiya is the kind of man that makes up for a lack of brains with raw strength. He is also the first half of the leadership for the motor club.

"Today's your lucky day." Otaki Aoyama said from the left. He was a man with blond spiky hair, black studded leather jacket and had car bolts for earrings. He made up for the second half of the leadership of the motor club.

Keiichi asked startled looking at back and forth at both of the members of the motor club, holding tightly onto his books.

"Now then, why don't we go and show everyone what we're made of?" Tamiya asked while holding his head up high, proud for coming up with another idea.

"You said it! We must go and make a strong push for more funding next year!" Otaki said while mimicking the movements of his counterpart within the club.

"This will not end well for me, I know it." Keiichi thought to himself holding his head low to the table in front of him in a feeble attempt to look as small as possible. "Um, actually I have another class right after this…"

"What did you say!" Tamiya shouted while standing up quickly and making a fist. Considering his size it was definitely an intimidating sight to behold. While Keiichi gazed up at the man before him. "Is that all the loyalty you can muster for our club?" Tears ran down the sides of his face as he continued. "I know we didn't raise you to be that way!"

"Well you didn't raise me at…" Keiichi tried to explain before was interrupted by Otaki.

"On November 15th of last year when you lost your wallet and starved yourself we gave you our onion and cabbage!" Keiichi turned to see Otaki leaning far over the table and also crying in a similar fashion as Tamiya. "Don't tell me you've forgotten that!"

The two tall men grab Keiichi by the stomach and lift him out of his seat and lift him out of the classroom before Keiichi even got a chance to respond. "We can discuss the details in the clubhouse." Tamiya said as the three made their way through the classroom doors.

"I told you, I have a class to go to!" Keiichi shouted as he squirmed and struggled in futility trying to get free of the two men's vice like grip they managed to get Keiichi into. The sounds of his cries muffled as the doors shut before him. A couple of lingering students looking on and thankful that it was not them being hauled away in such a barbaric manner.


Yggdrasil - Goddess Relief Office

The platform that held the GRO shook somewhat violently for a few moments not that the goddesses within noticed since they all sat down floating in the air. Each one of them knew the being that shook the office must have large amounts of magical power to shake things around so much without actually attacking. None of them paid it any attention however, taking total comfort in the fact that no demon with that kind of power could sneak into Yggdrasil without being discovered and halted by their leader. They all knew he would not allow it to occur lightly. A couple goddesses curiosity though did get the better of them as they turned to see the one responsible enter the room.

"Goddess, First Class License Special Duty Unlimited Lind reporting for duty." Lind called out to the room in an impassive and authorative voice. This turned heads as each goddess now looked upon Lind and all of them started whispering among one another. All talking and wondering why a Valkyrie, of all people was there. The white suit and unlimited license was all the convincing the goddesses needed to know she was without a doubt indeed a Valkyrie. Only members of that organization got these personal effects.

"What can we do for you Lind?" One random goddess asked while standing, trying to look as bold as she could before the valkyrie as if she was being inspected along with the others in this office by Lind.

Lind immediately turned her attention sharply to the speaking goddess, causing her to flinch and float backward away from Lind a bit. "I have been instructed by the Almighty to replace First Class Goddess Belldandy within the Office and perform all of her normal duties until I am ordered otherwise. I was expected to grant the wish of one Morisato keiichi." Lind said while holding a folder marked with his name along with a picture of him on it.

More quite chatter ran throughout the office until a goddess that sat besides Belldandy announced herself and pointed to the vacant phone. The goddesses stared at the door that Lind entered as she seemed to have disappeared. The goddesses after several moments noticed she was in front of Belldandy's phone with her eyes closed. All of them in shock that from a standing position Lind was able to fly faster than their eyes could track. If any of them still had doubts about her actually being a Valkyrie they were now without a doubt gone for sure. Still a bit rattled by that display the goddesses slowly one by one calmed and waited once again for their phone to ring.

While waiting for her call to come through like she was promised it would she decided to read further into Keiichi's file for any background information on him that might be useful in helping him decide on a wish he might want and help pass the time in the meantime also. "So what kind of a mortal is this Morisato Keiichi." Lind said aloud to self while skimming through the file. The two goddesses besides Lind looked at the Valkyrie then at each other from behind Lind and nodded at each other. Then the two grabbed the phones in front of them and moved further away from Lind, both just slightly disturbed that Lind was talking to her self. This marked the beginning of the most unusual mission Lind would ever get by far in her career as a Valkyrie, but one she'd learn to love soon enough.


Earth realm – Nekomi Institute of Technology: Motor Club clubhouse.

"So as you can see the auto club has run though its budget for this month." Tamiya explained as he, Otaki, Keiichi and several other club members stood around a table as a nearly empty money box was opened before them with very few currency in it. "Does anyone know why?"

One club member dressed in a pink shirt pointed at Tamiya. "Because Tamiya got busted for stealing the window from the Assistant Dean's office and using it as a picture frame." Tamiya lowered his head in shame because of this lack of judgment. Though all the members knew to expect this sort of thing from Tamiya and Otaki.

"At any rate!" Tamiya shouted and slammed his hand into a billboard with various currency numbers scribbled all over it in a chaotic and unorganized manner. Most likely Okati's doing. "There will be no club activities for the rest of the month." He made a determined fist in front of him. "Therefore, today we will devote ourselves to fundraising!"

The entire club staff present minus Tamiya and Otaki lowered their heads and moaned in frustration, all of them knowing this was not going to end very well.


Earth realm – Nekomi Institute of Technology

"Uh… bring your repairs to us… no job to small! Your bicycles, your cars, your radio-controlled toys, your tricycles, anything that has wheels! You can turn to us with all your problems!" Otaki shouted through a loud speaker while leaning out the window of a small white truck as they drove around the campus. "This is the Auto club's big chance to offer our services and hard earned skills to you all!"

"How embarrassing…" Keiichi thought as he stood in the bed of the truck in the back holding up a banner for the club while the other members sat on the wheel wells doing nothing but looking on bored and embarrassed as much as Keiichi."At least they don't have to stand up here with me." A sour thought passing through Keiichi's mind.

"There goes the Auto Club, pulling another bizarre stunt!" A girl in a white and blue sports jacket while holding a tennis racket mentioned. Obviously on the college's tennis team.

"And they wonder why they can't get any girls to join!" Another team member pitched in from behind the first girl to comment.

"There is one girl..." The first girl whispered to her friend in an embarrassed yet correcting manner.


Earth realm – Nekomi Institute of Technology: Classroom number?

A girl is leaning on her hand, clearly sleeping in class. She has messy brown hair, glasses, freckles, wears a brown work coat and a yellow shirt beneath it. That was Sora Hasegawa. She is the lone female member of the auto club.


Earth realm – Nekomi Institute of Technology

"Got a car or motorcycle problems? Just leave it to the Nekomi Tech Auto Club!" Otaki shouted as the club made their way to the main parking lot of the University, getting the attention of attention of a student in a black overall trying to repair his motorcycle.

"Hey, Auto Club! Can you check this out for me?" The student asks while waving the motor club over. The truck backs up and the club gathered around his ride and look down at the bike. "The engine doesn't start. I don't think it's a problem with the spark plug." The owner explained.

Tamiya and Otaki stood tall listening to what was being told. Both have their arms folded over their chest, showing off their confidence. "Okay gotcha! No problemo. Let's go Dai-chan." Tamiya called out into the air.

"You got it Den-Chan!" Otaki also shouted into the air copying Tamiya moments before him. Otaki revealed the inside of his jacket and found a variety of screw drivers and an assortment of mechanic hand tools ready to be used while Tamiya looked down at the bike closely looking for any hints at what the issue with the bike might be. "Let's roll!" Otaki shouted spinning two wrenches between his fingers. Keiichi and the others watched as Otaki and Tamiya went to town on the bike, small parts of the bike flying off the bike.

After tightening one last screw Tamiya stood up once again folding his arms over his chest. "That's all she wrote, guys!" He shouted with his eyes closed. "An auto club original 'the Tamiya special'!"

"Actually I never asked you to customize the thing…" The student said sheepishly knowing the reputation the auto club had either it will be even worse now then before the work or they are planning to charge him a huge amount for this 'repair' or even worse if he was truly unlucky both would occur.

"Well, just take it for a spin and you'll be blown away by how spectacular it is." Tamiya said while standing up, his voice as loud as enthusiastic as ever. The bike owner got on the bike, turned the key and revved the engine and the machine sputtered to life.

The man was surprised in a delighted manner as the engine continued on normal waiting for its owner to give it some kind of command. "Hey, it's working! So how much do I owe you?" The student asked while placing a hand within one of his pockets.

Tamiya held out his unusually large hand, his eyes glimmering with money signs. "30,000…." The student drives off hearing this immediately, kicking up dust on the motor club. "…But since you're getting a discount today, that'll be just 15,000 yen." Tamiya continued, his eyes closed now thinking of the money and not the client drove away already. It took him a moment to realize he was long gone by now. "You bastard! You think you're gonna drive off without paying for my service?" Tamiya shouted while moving to the truck. "Go after him Morisato!" He shouted while pointing towards the direction the student drove off in. "EHHH!" Keiichi jumped in surprise hearing this.

The back of the truck becomes a ramp revealing Keiichi on a moped. Keiichi drives off and from behind him he hears Tamiya telling him not to return until he recovers the payment.

The student, soon to be a victim drove around a corner complaining. "Are you kidding? I can't fork over 30,000 yen!" A short distance behind Keiichi raced down the road to catch up. "I know the seniors. If I don't bring back the money, they'll be hell to pay! I'd better take a short cut, or he'll make it off school grounds." "Here goes nothing!" Keiichi exclaimed as he rode up the grassy hill to his left into some stone like structure within the university's park. Keiichi drove down a building's narrow hallway, forcing students and professors alike to flee into the closest classroom as Keiichi zoomed by. Keiichi continues this through most of the building, the screams of people and the humming of the engine signaling his current location. Eventually he exits the building jumping the moped over the steps going downwards and continuing onwards.

From up above on a student walkway Keiichi sees the victim on the normal road below as they both close in on the universities gate. The victim notices Keiichi much to his surprise. "You gotta be kidding me!" The student complained as Keiichi gave him a thumbs up hand sign before stopping him.

"Thank you for your patronage!" Keiichi said while bowing to the motor clubs victim as he drove off the campus and into town. "Looks like I'll escape the wrath of the seniors now."

"Morisato-kun!" An angry female voice called him from behind making him jump. Turning around he found a mob of angry students, each complaining at the same time about the damages to their clubs or projects when he drove through the buildings. They approached closer and closer and Keiichi's face goes blue with fear as he raises an arm to protect himself, not that it matters against these numbers.

Sometime later Keiichi sat down on some steps, his stomach growling and he holding his wallet upside down, looking clearly depressed. "They even made me hand over my lunch money, now I'm too broke to do anything today." Keiichi sighed while holding his head low. Thoughts of the punishment Tamiya and Otaki had in store for him put Keiichi into a cold sweat. Keiichi put his hands behind his head and leaned back trying to calm down. "This would have to happen on a Saturday! Since my bikes on the blink, I guess there's nothing to do but sit at home." Keiichi listened as a couple walked by talking about having pasta and going home together. This only depressed Keiichi further he had no girlfriend to be with. He began having daydreams of taking Sayoko out on a ride on his bike and that she was totally devoted to him. Dreams of driving her across the beach at sunset ran both laughing and smiling ran though his thoughts. "Yeah right." Keiichi said sadly holding his head in his hands. "Since my horoscope was pretty lousy I might as well go home." Keiichi mentioned to himself while lifting his bags and walking off.


Earth realm – Nekomi Institute of Technology: College Dorm.

Keiichi arrives within the dorm and makes his way to his apartment room 203 and opens to find Tamiya, Otaki and a few others within the campus in his room.

"Hey you're late." Tamiya said sitting in front of Keiichi's table. They all watched as Keiichi approached and set down his bag.

"Are you using my kotatsu to warm up again?" Keiichi asked.

"Right, being that we have some business with you." Tamyia explains then sips from his cup of tea.

"I don't think this has anything to do with this…" Keiichi replies trying his hardest not to show his increasing frustrations with Tamiya and Otaki, especially as Tamiya as he sips loudly while Keiichi speaks.

"The thing is we're all going out tonight." Tamiya tells while setting down the tea cup. "There is a party tonight that we absolutely can't miss, see…"

"It's Saturday, I was planning to go out, too..." Keiichi tried to let in but was cut off as Tamiya face moved close to Keiichi's.

"Your Beemer's out of commission, so you won't be going anywhere, right?" Tamiya shouted, spraying bits of spit onto Keiichi's face. As Morisato tried to back away, the Motor club director followed in pursuit. Then suddenly moving away and going once again with the tears that he thinks gets to his fellow Club member to do whatever he wants. "It just wouldn't do to leave our precious dorm left standing empty!" Tamiya cried out, tears still flowing freely.

"I think it'll be fine if we just lock it!" Keiichi argued while holding his arms out trying to make his point known to the much larger man in front of him.

"Can you guarantee that?" An eerie voice called from behind Keiichi, startling and making him jump off the ground somewhat. Turning around Keiichi saw several other dormitory inhabitants crowding the doorway, all of them looking in at Keiichi and Tamiya. "Are you sure nothing will happen?" Another random tenant asked. "What if you lose your precious boom box from Den-Chan.?" A third asked. "How about your erotic magazine stash in the closet?" The second one who spoke earlier asked, following the leads of his friends.

"We all know we can trust in you Morisato." Tamiya stated with that suspicious look in his eyes that told the entire world he was up to something that was very sneaky and knowing Tamiya probably end horribly. "And so" he gives Keiichi a sheet of paper with a roughly written list. "I figured it wouldn't be any fun, just holding down the fort here so here's a list of tasks for you… do all of them and you won't be bored!" Keiichi looked at the huge list with a shocked, unbelieving look showing. "All right, we're counting on your, kid!" Keiichi heard a voice behind him and noticed Tamiya and Otaki were looking into Keiichi's room from the hallway along with the others previously looking into the room. Shutting the door before Keiichi had a chance to reply. Keiichi sighs and looks at the list.

A list of today's tasks.

The top of the page reads as Keiichi looks it over. "I guess I'm going to have to do it!" Keiichi thought grimly as he read down the rather large list in front of him

Bundling old magazines and putting them into the trash, falling halfway down the stairs making him repackage the magazines…

…up on the roof realigning the TV satellite antenna, nearly falling off the roof…

…cleaning plastic bottles…

…wash and dry the laundry for the entire dorm…

…pick up a delivery…

…clean the mattresses…

…scrub the bathroom floor.

After all the items on the list were completed he took what spare time he had left with the day to look over his bike. Still totally unable to discover the cause for its malfunctioning. Afterwards Keiichi returned to his room, dragging a phone in with him to wait for a call for Aoyama that was supposed to come in around seven or so. Keiichi falls asleep watching a movie involving racing cars while awaiting the phone call. Waking up just as the movie ended. He yawns and stretches and takes the tape and returned it to its case noticing on the cover it was due to be returned tonight. "I don't have money for late fees!" Keiichi thought as he looked at his clock and noticed the time was currently 6:10 pm.


Earth realm – Nekomi

Keiichi ran down the sidewalk in town as the skies were just starting to become dark, the clouds in the nights sky beginning to disappear as it got more and more darker. "I just might make it in time!" Keiichi said to himself while running and looking at his watch. Not paying any attention to the fact he was drifting off the sidewalk and his foot lands inside a wet, filthy, sever drain. His shoe now soaked and giving off an unsavory smell. After brushing it off Keiichi continues onward to the video store. "I guess it's not my lucky day after all." Keiichi was however lucky enough to return the video tape before the store closed. Now to return back to the dorm before the call he was waiting on is missed. While on his way back, he notices a girl crying while walking down the street. He ran by her a short distance before stopping. "I guess I can't just stand by and do nothing…" Keiichi turned around and caught up to the crying girl. "What's the matter?" Keiichi asked as he ran in front of the much smaller girl. "Are you in trouble?"

Keiichi was meet by a cute little girl with tears large in her eyes and her nose and cheeks red from all of her crying. Her being upset was an understatement. "I was sent to do the shopping and I lost my mother's wallet. I lost it!" The girl explained between tearful hiccups then began to cry again once she was done explaining. "And now I can't buy the fish!" The girl said trying to wipe away her tears with her stuffed toy doll.

"I see you dropped your wallet somewhere…" Keiichi said while trying to sounding as sympathetic to the girl's distress.

"That's right." The girl clarified while looking up towards Keiichi trying her best to hold back her tears.

"Why don't we look for it together?" Keiichi said warmly with a smile on his face, completely ignoring he still had to wait on a call back at home in the dorm.

"Okay!" The girl nodded, now calm enough to hold her tears back.

"When did you realize you dropped the wallet?" Keiichi asked as he walked with the girl though the town's shopping district.

"After I bought the radishes, I went to buy the fish, and it was gone!" The girl explained to Keiichi, her voice no longer filled and altered by the sound of her crying.

"Okay, then let's go back to the shopping arcade." Keiichi offered to her. Throughout the night Keiichi and the girl went from vendor to vendor, asking all the owners if they had seen the wallet. Holding her hand as she pouted from another dead end, she looked as if she was going to cry again when one of the vendors stopped the pair.

"Hey little girl!" The owner calls out and the two turn around. "You dropped your wallet, didn't you?" Both smiled hearing this, finally after tedious amounts of searching the two had found the wallet.

"My wallet!" The little girl cried out happily then ran to the shop owner to retrieve her missing possession.

"Be more careful from now on." The owner told her in a fatherly like tone. He sounded firm and tough, but also a tad bit sympathetic towards her.

"I'm sorry. But now I can buy the fish!" The girl was girl said cheerfully. Keiichi watched long enough to make sure the wallet was back in her possession safely before leaving without saying a word to either her or the owner.

"I see. Good for you to be running errands!" The owner said while rubbing the top of her head in an approving manner. Big brother! Now I can buy the fish… huh?" The girl looked in the direction Keiichi was standing to find he was now nowhere to be seen. "Big brother?" She called out again, and again there was no reply. A nearby digital clock read 6:49. Keiichi had only eleven minutes to return to the dorm to pick the call that soon to arrive.

Keiichi ran as fast as he could back to the dorm, his breath was labored as he continued running back to the dorm. The agony from running so far so fast plastered on his face as he carried himself onwards.


Earth realm – Nekomi Institute of Technology: College Dorm.

Keiichi arrived within the dormitory to the sound of a phone ringing, most likely the call he needed to be waiting for all of this time. "Yes… hello?" Keiichi answered as he tried to regain his breath. "Yes… yes… Aoyoma has gone to a college party tonight he'll be back around 9 pm. Yes I got that; I'll give him the message. All right goodbye." The person on the other end hung up before saying goodbye back giving Keiichi an annoyed look. "That was a close call." Keiichi said to the phone as he hung it up and went to take his coat off. "If I'd missed that call, I would've been in huge trouble!" Keiichi said pacing back and forth across a mirror. The clock on his dresser read 8:59 pm. "I need to call him with that message" Keiichi spoke aloud as he noticed the time. As he began to dial the numbers little did he know his life was going to be forever changed in a few seconds.

"Goddess help line. Lind speaking." A female voice on the other end of the phone spoke.

"Oh, I'm sorry, wrong number…" Keiichi tried to say but was interrupted Lind on the other end.

"I will take your request at your room." Lind said in a manner that was not asking as Keiichi would soon be arriving, with or without his approval.

"Wait a sec, what are you talking about." Keiichi said now getting a bit nervous about how this conversation was going. The mirror behind Keiichi began to glow and Lind stepped out of it right in plain view of Keiichi, freaking the boy out completely as he moved away as fast as he could.

"Goddess, First Class License Special Duty Unlimited Lind has arrived." Lind announced as she stood at attention for a moment waiting for instructions, then looked down towards Keiichi. "What is it that you wish to acquire?" Lind's eyes tracked Keiichi's movements as he cowered in a corner, making a mess in his panic. "It's hard to believe such a frail man has earned Yggdrasil's blessing."

Lind said aloud as she walked over to him calmly. "Allow me to introduce myself again. I am the Valkyrie Lind; I have come here to grant you a single wish. You somehow have received Yggdrasil's blessing."

Keiichi covered and held his arms in front of himself. "V-Valkyrie? Does this mean you have come to take my soul to the halls of Valhalla!" Keiichi asked being even more scared now than ever.

Lind couldn't help but find that amusing and her face showed it ever so slightly. "You're not exactly a brave warrior, and gathering souls isn't a job for a Valkyrie of my caliber which makes this assignment I find myself on even more annoying for me so make your wish already so I can return to more important tasks. There is bound to be a battle or two for me to be at right about now."

Keiichi remained in the corner as Lind continued to ask him to make a wish as this all slowly started to sink in. It was not every day that a heavenly warrior arrives through a mirror and tells you she has come specifically to grant you a single wish because he gained the favor from heaven.

The wheels of fate had begun turning for Keiichi in a way he had yet to comprehend. Whether or not this would be a good thing would be entirely on him and the wish he would soon have to make before the Valkyrie before looked on impatiently for him to decide what it is he wanted.


Author's Notes:

This is my very first Fanfiction for this site so reviews and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Also I realize up to this point the story has followed the anime almost scene for scene minus the parts in Yggdrasil.

Don't worry though I made it to the diversion point so expect new and hopefully fun stuff to read from now on.