I know this is one of those damn annoying notes again… I know I have promised updates for both of my stories to a lot of people. But I am sorry to say but it is going to be a while before that happens.

Those who follow me on twitter know that a week ago last Sunday we buried my husbands grandmother. Well at 2am this morning at the age of 58 we lost my husbands father. It was very sudden. They are saying it was a heart attack and after them trying for almost two hours we asked them to stop and just let him go.

My husbands father was more of a father to me in the 12 years my husband and I have been together than my own father has been my whole life. He was a man that would have given you the shirt off his back and his last piece of bread if he knew it would help you. He was a great man. The kind of man that only comes around once in a lifetime and I owe him everything…. He will be missed.

It feels like a dream… a horrible horrible dream but we are trying to look to the bright side of things. We took care of my father in law. He was bed ridden and had been for almost 4 years. He was in constant pain from the degenerative disk disease in his lower back and the arthritis. He isn't hurting anymore and he is at peace now.

But to top it all off my husbands cousins mother (who is also someone my husband has always considered a grandmother) was rushed to the emergency room this morning and they are saying there isn't much more they can do for her either. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

So while some of you might not care this helped me sort some things in my head but it is going to be a while before I get back into the swing of things. Seeing him gasping for breath, saying he couldn't breath and having to perform CPR on him until the ambulance arrived were the single most terrifying experiences of my life. We believe he was gone before the ambulance arrived and while it wasn't a peaceful death when he laid back and closed his eyes before I started CPR he had a smile on his face.

So before this actually become a whole freaking chapter in itself. I am going to stop and go try to get some sleep.

Rest in Peace Larry Dale… we will see you again one day. We love you and will miss you!