A/N: This update took way too long. That's all I can say.
Disclaimer: Black Cat Angel and I do not own any of the anime's used in this story. Black Cat Angel owns Liana Diamondblade and we both own the plot. Let us continue.
Also, special thanks to Getsunohimesama for inspiring this chapter. You're awesome!
Chapter 11
Lelouch P.O.V.
As Train and I strode toward the make-shift hospital room within the hotel, my mind was filled with dread. I wasn't surprised by Kagome's miraculous recovery…okay maybe the recovery did surprise me, but it was a surprise I was grateful for.
At least, I had been grateful at first.
However, it became expressly clear to me after talking with Train that I had done something awful. Yes, ordering Kagome to live saved her life, but now she can't die. Period. The Geass I used on her will force her to live just as it does with Suzaku.
The guilt from plaguing Suzaku with such a curse had crushed me enough. After all, at one time he had been my best friend, and up until I found out that he was a Britannian knight, I would have done anything to protect him just as I would for Nunnally.
With Kagome though, I used my Geass for a selfish purpose. I didn't want her to die. I didn't want to watch her die. She was too good, too pure for a death so depressingly ugly. One look in her eyes had revealed to me that she was the kind of girl who was loved and respected by many. For this mission she left behind family, friends, and her responsibilities as a student.
She had a full life ahead of her. A life free of danger…and in seconds that life was nearly taken away from all of that…and from me.
I'm fully aware that I shouldn't think along those lines. I've known Kagome for…two days maybe? There's no way to really be sure with everything that's happened, but from the moment she called me Lulu…I felt a connection with her.
She came to the embassy to help me. She was shot because of me. She's been cursed because of me.
Liana was right, I'm a worthless piece of scum.
Even so, while there is guilt for what I've done, there isn't the slightest bit of regret for doing so. Kagome and Suzaku are different in every possible way. Whereas he wishes for nothing but death, she fights to live. There's a fire in her eyes that I haven't seen in many others. Not even Kallen, the most fiery tempered girl I know, has the drive to live the way Kagome does.
Granted, Kagome's will is of a muted sort. She is tender-hearted and kind, somewhat weak to a degree, yet there's strength within that weakness.
I shifted my gaze toward Train who walked beside me down the long hall. He was still concerned with my mental state obviously. Knowing that made me feel less like a monster, but it did nothing to ease my growing worries. After all, the underlining question behind this madness is the identity of Kagome's attacker.
Whoever it was, I intend to make him pay for his actions.
"Lelouch!" Train questioned again, albeit more loudly. "Would you relax! Good grief, you're wound up so tightly that you're drawing blood with your nails."
I barely unclasped my hands, noting the traces of blood dripping from the places where my nails had broken the skin of my palms.
Train shook his head. "You've got to keep your anger in check Pretty Boy. Kagome wouldn't want to see you upset."
Miss Diamondblade groaned. "She's still unconscious you dunce."
The golden eyed ex-assassin glared at the older woman but otherwise didn't address her. "Try to calm down alright."
"I'll give it my best effort," I told him, narrowing my gaze on the door directly ahead of us. Once Liana's mother reached it, she stood aside to allow us in first.
"As I stated before, she's unconscious right now," she began, "so keep quiet."
I nodded my consent. "Yes ma'am. Thank you very much for saving her life."
"Yeah, we definitely owe you one," Train added, attempting cordiality.
The older woman simply bowed her head towards me, choosing to pretend that Train wasn't standing next to me. "Don't take too long. There are important matters that need to be discussed. Our enemies are still on the move after all."
"We're well aware of that," I answered, growing annoyed by her presence. "We'll meet you and the others in the lobby in thirty minutes."
"Very well." With that the older woman left, her footsteps barely echoing in the hall.
Sighing I placed my hand over the doorknob, bracing myself for what might meet my eyes as well as what might meet my ears. After all, Liana was probably already inside and I'm the last person she wants to see.
Train nudged my shoulder. "What's the hold up. Just open the door."
For a moment I continued to stare at my hand over the doorknob, contemplating whether I was ready to see Kagome yet. The last time I had walked into anything resembling a hospital room was the last day I saw my mother alive and the last time I saw my sister's eyes.
Inwardly cursing, I allowed my hand to drop from the knob. My legs shook from the effort it took to stand as the memories of that horrible day swept through my mind. More than seven years have passed, but that day continues to haunt me, driving me forward in my quest for vengeance. However, back then...
Back then I could only watch helplessly. I was a but a child without any hope of holding power in my fragile hands. Within my soul lies the persona of Zero, the masked deliverer of miracles, but even with his unrelenting strength threaded deeply in my soul, a deeper part of me is still that scared little boy, even to this day. I'm still the boy who witnessed his mother's murder. I'm still the child who could do nothing to protect his little sister.
And on this night, I couldn't protect an innocent young woman from pain and suffering.
Wordlessly, Train stepped around me. Within seconds he opened the door, forcing my gaze to meet the image of Kagome laying lifelessly in a makeshift hospital bed. Her ebony locks of hair are splayed across the pillows, her face expressionless. Tubes protruded from her arms, which lay lifeless by the sides of her body.
Liana sat in a chair nearby. She was glaring at me. I was aware enough to register her lips moving. She was probably shouting at me to leave, but I didn't...no, I couldn't hear her at all. For those brief moments that seemed to stretch on for lifetimes, I could only see Kagome Higurashi.
There were another few seconds of muted shouts and mutterings streaming from behind me before coming to a dead halt. My gaze didn't move, but I paid attention long enough to note the sound of Train grasping Liana's arm. She began to protest, then stopped abruptly. My curiosity was piqued by the sudden silence of the stubborn girl; however, it wasn't enough for me to shift my focus away from Kagome.
At last there was the sound of the door clicking closed behind me. For whatever reason, Train had decided to take himself and Liana out of the equation, leaving me to visit Kagome alone.
"I hate owing that stupid feline favors," I thought, taking slow steps forward. "However..."
With deliberate slowness I sit down where Liana had been seconds earlier while slowly reaching out to hold her left hand. Immediately I flinch at the contact. Her skin is so cold.
I don't attempt to talk to her while she's asleep. Instead I simply hold her hand in mine and offer up the little warmth I can.
"Like this she reminds me...of Nunnally."
My grip involuntary tightens around her hand. "From now on...I swear I'll protect you Kagome. And the person that did this will pay with their life..."
The muttered words trailed off when Kagome spoke suddenly.
Blinking I leaned closer to her, still holding her hand. "What?"
She whimpered, her face morphing into an expression of pain. "Inuyasha."
Whimpering again she called out once more, "Inuyasha...where are you? Inuyasha...please...I..." Tears leaked out from beneath her eyelids as she continued to whisper the name over and over again.
I pressed my palm against her forehead. She had a fever.
"Inuyasha...where are you. I need...you...please..."
I"m not sure what came over me, but in the next second I was speaking to her. "Kagome. I'm right here. You don't have to worry about a thing now. You're safe."
Her expression softened. "I can't reach you Inuyasha. I'm scared."
My hand moved away from hers to cup her cheek. "Kagome, there's no need to be frightened. I'm right next to you and I don't plan on going anywhere."
I didn't feel good about lying to her, but if pretending that I'm this Inuyasha guy helped to ease her pain I would do it. She wouldn't be in this condition if not for me, so to repent for my sin of dragging this girl into my problems I have to...
"Will you stay with me forever?"
The question caught me off-guard. I couldn't answer for a long moment.
I stared down at her face, at her closed eyes and the tears still streaming down her cheeks. She reminded me so much of Nunnally and yet...I could never feel this way about Nunnally. As much as I love my sister and would give life and limb to protect her, there's something about Kagome that makes me want to give more than that.
It's clear that she's in love with another man but...
"Please tell me that you'll stay with me forever."
And right then, all reason flies out of my mind. In one moment, Kagome Higurashi changed my entire view on love. How she did it is something I'll never be able to comprehend because up until this moment, I never dreamed of feeling anything but contempt for the world and its people aside from the very few I held dear to my black heart.
I suppose Kagome, within a very short time, has become one of those few.
"You don't have to ask," I whispered, placing a chaste kiss to her forehead before continuing, "As long as you want me, I'll stay."
Pulling away enough to stare down at her face again, I watch as the corners of her lips lift into an exquisite smile. "I love you."
Leaning down I breifly brush my lips across hers. I'm certain this will be the only opportunity I'll have to do this. Still, this one moment will be enough to drive me on until I've succeeded in my goals. Maybe after this quest has ended...
No...even then I can't get too close. I'll only hurt her in the end.
Pulling away from her, I rise up from the chair without any traces of confusion lingering in my thoughts. My resolve is stronger than it has ever been thanks to this. I'll fight on for the beautiful girl who sacrificed her well-being to help me.
"I love you more Kagome Higurashi."
Without another word I left the room and all lingering feelings of guilt behind.
Back in the Feudal Era
"Where is that stupid wench."
With slight groans, Miroku, the handsome but lecherous monk, Sango, the beautiful demon slayer, and Shippo, the ever rambunctious little fox-demon, all glanced back at the half-demon sitting cross-legged in front of the bone-eater's well with his sheathed sword, Tessaiga, propped up against his left shoulder. The group groaned louder upon noting that said half-demon was battling against an aneurism.
Of course with it being the feudal era, none of them knew what an aneurism was, but that's not the point.
Inuyasha heard the groans of his friends. He could sense their gazes locking on him as he continued to tap his index finger against his bicep. With one brow raised and teeth bared, he struggled against screaming complaints toward his friends for Kagome's extended absence. In fact, he was contemplating going to her time to drag her fat butt back.
But if he did that he would have to deal with Kagome pestering him about how she needed her space and needed time to study and all this other junk he didn't care about.
However, this was the norm and Inuyasha, though he outwardly pretended to be annoyed with the girl continuously by his side, the fact that she went back home for a couple of days wasn't something that bothered him all that much anymore. She did have a life on the other side of that well before she met him. He could learn to exude some patience.
He'd never admit that out loud of course, but within his mind he could be as rational as he wanted to be. No one else needed to know.
But today...Inuyasha was having a tougher time with his patience level than usual. Something felt off to him for some reason. He couldn't explain just what it was that was making him feel so uneasy, only that it had something to do with Kagome.
In other words, he was worried sick but his stupid pride wouldn't let him go to the other world to check on her.
From a little ways out, the other members of the demon slaying group sighed.
Miroku was the first to speak. "You'd think he'd be a bit wiser by now."
"This is Inuyasha we're talking about here, isn't it?" Shippo asked. "You can't expect a dummy like him to do anything right..."
Shippo just sighed at Inuyasha's indignant yell. "And with that attitude we may as well give up on seeing Kagome again. They must have gotten in a really heated argument this time."
Sango shook her head, lowering herself to the ground while reaching to pet Kirara's head. "I don't think it was an argument." She turned her gaze toward Miroku. "I watched Inuyasha see her off. There was small banter between them like usual, but other than that everything was fine."
"Do you think there's an issue with the magic in the well?" Miroku questioned.
"Perhaps, but truthfully, something feels a little off to me," Sango clarified, tapping her chin with her index finger. "Kagome said she was going to be back two days ago. It's normal her to spend extra time in her world when she's distracted or just home sick, but she only planned to spend one day in her world and it's been nearly four days now."
Miroku lowered his gaze in thought. "You make a good point Sango. Kagome is rather late this time around."
Shippo shrugged. "I'm willing to bet she just got tired of dealing with all of you."
One smack in the head later.
"Aaaaah! Come on! I'm just a kid!"
Miroku blew imaginary smoke from off his fist. "That line can only carry so far kid."
Sango continued to pet Kirara's head. "The thing is, if we're concerned about Kagome, just imagine how Inuyasha must be feeling. He wants to trust that she's safe in her own world, but what if something happened to her?"
Inuysha inwardly cringed upon hearing Sango's words. "I'm sure Kagome is fine...but..." his gaze barely drifted toward the well.
Without another thought he jumped in. His worry and impatience winning out in the end.
Back in Paris
"Man someone better buy me ten gallons of milk for all this crap I'm dealing with."
Liana was pacing in front of Train in one of the sitting rooms near the elevators, grumbling, well yelling was more accurate, about how Lelouch was a no good, selfish, dunce. Truthfully, Train didn't understand why Liana hated the guy so much or why she blamed him for what happened to Kagome. For one thing, he has no control over Kagome's decisions nor did he have any control over what happened to her because of those decisions. Secondly, it was clear that the guy really cared about Kagome, hence the heavy guilt weighing on the guy's shoulders.
Train knew that look well. For a while he had sported the same doom and gloom disposition that guilt brought about. Even now, after three good years have passed, he still feels deep hatred towards himself for what happened to Saya, even knowing that there was nothing he could have done to stop it.
The sense of helplessness that comes with the lack of control over saving another life is something Train understood. He also understood the complete control a person has when taking a life and the reasons for why people kill. For him it was a job. It held no meaning for him.
But for Lelouch, killing is a necessary evil to create a kinder and gentler world.
Liana had caught wind of Zero's deeds, even in a carefree place like Beverly Hills. She knew of the pain he had caused and figured that all he could do was be a calculated killer.
Even though he didn't harm Kagome, to Liana, he may as well have.
Still, Train couldn't sit by and let her keep going down this road. There's no time for such nonsense.
"Liana," he began, rising from his seated position on the couch just as she passed by him for the hundredth time. "Give it a rest already."
She stopped mid-step, turning to face him with anger reflected in her eyes. "Give what a rest? I'm only stating the obvious here. Lelouch is...you know as well as I do that the only thing he wants is revenge. You may think there's some good in him and for a while I thought the same but..." Trailing off she turned away, choosing to stare at the wall instead of him.
"But what?" Train asked, placing his hands on her shoulders. "What evidence has he given you that he's nothing but an evil melodramatic maniac? Has he killed? Yes. Does he want revenge? Yes. But there's one thing that you haven't taken into account Liana."
Liana crossed her arms in front of her chest. "And what's that?"
"You forgave me," he told her soothingly. "And the things I've done are far worse. Lelouch kills for a reason. I killed...because I was told to. For a long time I never thought for myself nor did I think about how I was hurting others. I simply killed."
"I know, but..."
"Let me finish," Train interrupted, tightening his grip on her shoulders. "I was ordered to kill your mother once. Even though I failed to kill her and later chose a different life for myself...you should know that if I had stayed with Chronos, that same order to assassinate your mother would have been given to me again. Plus, that order would have extended to you as well, and in the state of mind I was then...I would have done it without question, simply because I was told to."
Liana stiffened under his touch. "But you aren't that person anymore Train. I can see that you're different from the monster that separated me from my mother for all these years. You may have the same face and skills, but you have different minds entirely." She paused for a moment, fighting against the shaky state of her voice. "But Lelouch...he is changing from good to evil. He has chosen to be evil, and there's no way to stop him. He will protect himself before protecting someone else."
Train sighed, shaking his head as he let go of her. "You're so hypocritical."
"What?" she asked, abruptly turning to face him, eyes wide. "What do you mean hypocritical?"
"You can forgive me because you think I've changed completely from the person I was before," Train explained, sitting down on the sofa. "You can forgive me for an act that directly affected and altered your life. Because of me, you've lost years with your mother; the woman who gave you life to begin with, and yet you can't forgive Lelouch because of something he had no control over? Yes, I find that hypocritical Liana. You're a hypocrite."
Liana couldn't respond to that even though she wanted to. She wanted to say a hundred biting words, fire insults, tell him that she hated him for other reasons, but nothing she said would have been true. He was right in the end. She was a hypocrite.
That realization forced her to sit down next to him. She wanted to run out of the room or hit him. Either one would have sufficed, but instead she sat there, staring at her feet planted on the carpeted floor.
The silence weighed heavily on both of them, but neither of them were willing to break it.
It wasn't until Train placed his hand over her clenched fists atop her lap that either of them spoke.
"I'm sorry."
They spoke the same words at the same moment, causing a somewhat awkward silence to follow until Liana decided to end it.
"Train...you don't have to apologize," Liana began, moving one of her hands underneath his so she could hold it. "Everything you said...is true. And I think the reason I'm so angry is because...is because I want to hate you so badly. Sure, I'm upset that Kagome got hurt, but I know Lelouch wouldn't have let it happen on purpose. I"m sure he would have protected her I just...I just thought of all the people that Kagome would be leaving behind if she died and I just...remembered how I felt when..."
Train interrupted her with a heavy sigh before leaning forward to press his forehead against hers. Liana froze, carefully watching his face contort into a pained expression. Even though his golden eyes were closed, she could feel remorse flooding out of him and into her. She could feel that he wanted her to know how sorry he was without having to say it.
Liana sucked in a deep breath, closing her eyes along with him.
"Liana Diamondblade, you will never know how deeply I wish I could take it all back."
Her eyes snapped open at the shakiness of his voice. Those same eyes widened further when she toke note of the single tear sliding down the right side of his face.
"I may never atone for all the horrible things I've done, but if I could earn true forgiveness from you..."
He trailed off for a second, opening his eyes so he could meet her gaze.
"That would truly make me happy."
Liana wanted to say so much in those moments, but Train didn't give her a chance to. The second he uttered the words he rose up from the couch and started making his way toward the door. He didn't bother to wipe away the single tear he'd cried.
To be continued...