Rorschach's journal:

Came out of apartment late tonight. Disregard landlady's frantic yelling, probably yelling about horrible personal hygiene or dirty landing. Can't be bothered. Won't cause fight in front of her snot-nosed kids.

Outside, the city is oddly silent. There is a sharp chorus of ambient noise. Car alarms mostly. Some police car sirens. I wonder what's going on. No whores in the alleyway, no confused crackheads wandering around. Usually by now are very active. Orange glow coming from downtown. Like fire.

Then I see there are apparently zombies roaming the street. A female body lies face down in the gutter oppose of me. It twitches.

Didn't know zombies existed.

Explains hush of city.

They stumble toward me reeking of decay, worse even than the whores.

So this is mankind's punishment- going to be eaten by humanoid creatures gone cannibal. Some upstart doctor was in the paper not long ago, claiming some medication or other would solve all problems of cancer. Something big. Then come rumors of zombies from yellow journalists. Doctor looked possibly homosexual, well groomed. Feminine. Smoked cigarillos. Homosexuality innate reason for creating undead legions?

Realize cannot investigate further. Think said doctor might be zombie nearest me.

I imitate their walk and shuffle past. Blank. My face hides me from their weird intent stares. Keep head down anyway. Hat pulled down. Probably I don't smell good to cannibals. I debate whether saving underbelly civilians would be breach of morals. They're scum. Deserve to be purged. Especially in this district. On one hand, zombies may actually eat more criminals and prevent some problems. Except that would make more cannibals. Bigger problem.

Daniel would help scum. Is now a pudgy failure, but has strong drive to protect. Misdirected enthusiasm.

If Comedian were not dead he would just shoot everything. No exceptions. Might be helpful in long run. Starting to notice sane and non-criminal civilians not present on street here. Inside homes.

No point to me helping if world's smartest man might already be working on solution to zombie invasion. And Manhattan could explode all invaders at once. If he felt inclined to lend a blue hand.

Walk by empty diner. Is not really empty. Corpses litter inside, blood streaks windows. Corpses soon to become zombies? Not sure. Lights still on, street lamps still glow.

Take out crew of Top Knots, leave them unconscious on a curb. Still some gangs wandering, probably won't be eaten. Unfortunate. Zombies not too thick this side of town. I guess there are more nearer hospital.

Would make sense in theory, but never venture down that far anymore. They've kicked me off their sidewalk too many times. Say we're sorry you're homeless, but End Is Near sign too disturbing for terminal patients and families. Threaten to call cops. I always leave before removed bodily. Everybody wins.