So this is my 2nd fan fiction! :D It starts off sort of slow so bear with me for a couple of chapters as you get through all the introductions and stuff.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Gallagher Girls series.


I was trapped. 20 men in black surrounded me. 20 men in black and Zach. He told me not to trust him and I did anyways. I guess what happens next was all my own fault, and I would never forgive myself.

I put all my spy training to use. Roundhouse kicking one guy, punching the lights out of 2 more while kneeing another where it hurts.

But there were too many. I couldn't fight 21 men by myself, especially not in the broken-hearted state I was in. They overwhelmed me, and it all went black.

The next days were I blur. They interrogated me and tortured me. I felt pain, excruciating pain, then I couldn't remember what happened next until I was rescued. The doctors claimed I had PTSD. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

A double agent in the Circle of Cavan rescued me. While I was captive, they managed to destroy it from the inside out. Some sort of top CIA agent I was if someone else had to rescue me, but I was safe now.

The organization who was out to kill me was finally destroyed. Too bad no one could save me from myself.

Discover my shock finding out I was pregnant. Normally when I girl still had her virginity they couldn't get pregnant. Too bad I wasn't a virgin.

The Circle ripped me apart from the inside out. They caused me pain I couldn't remember, but I felt hollow and disgusting.

I wouldn't come out of my room for days. People had to bring food for me to eat. I was in shock. I stayed for days staring at the pale pink plus on the pregnancy test.

It wasn't till I realized my behavior hurt the baby inside me that I stopped. I became the perfect mother. This child would have all of my love, and learn how to be the best spy ever.

My baby was my savior from myself, my angel.

I resigned from the CIA, I resigned from my life. My daughter didn't deserve a broken mother.

At 6 months old she didn't have a father to coo over her and love her like the other children.

Her father would never teach her fighting moves like Grant taught 2 year old Austin Newman to.

Her father would never bring her along on campaign trails to be admired by the whole country like Preston Winters could show his 2 year old daughter Elaine.

Her father would never create the top computerized security system and hack databases to protect her from threats like Jonas could do for his 1 year old twin children Carly and Caleb.

It was almost unbearable to my friends with their perfect husbands and perfect children with fathers who loved them, who knew who their father was.

So I left.

No, I didn't run away. But Cammie Morgan ceased to exist. In her place was Miranda Kaufman. A strong, tough single mother, and the new CoveOps teacher for the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Women.

My mother reluctantly got used to my cover. Bex, Macey and Liz all agreed to not blow it for me. They understood, I needed change.

My daughter grew up with her name being Angelina Jacqueline Kaufman - not Morgan. I didn't know if I'd ever tell her her real last name.

Maybe when I could learn to live with myself, I could explain it all to her without all the lies and secrecy.

But I'm a spy, and being a spy, my whole life was a lie.


Angelina hated her name. You called her Lina. Except her mother, who called her Angel. Lina tried to stop her mother from calling her that, but you could see the pain in her eyes whenever she suggested being called anything other than Angel. So Lina gave up.

Lina lived in Gallagher her whole life, ever since she was 6 months old. Even before she was old enough to actually attend all the girls knew her. She was like their baby sister who they needed to protect. All the teachers knew her too. Gallagher was her family.

Lina was homeschooled by her mother, the CoveOps teacher here. Her mother, the woman no one wanted to mess with. She caught all the girls with whatever prank they tried to pull, and every time they tried sneaking out. All the girls loved and hated her, and were jealous or pitied Lina.

Miranda Kaufman was the perfect mother and spy. Except for one thing - she refused to discuss boys with Lina. Lina's mother absolutely hated anything to do with the other frustrated Lina, to live a life without boys. And unlike the other girls who went here, Lina didn't' have any other homes, anywhere else to go. She was jealous of them.

They knew of the outside world, and traveled places all over the world.

And they had fathers. They had two parents who loved them. She lost her father.

"He's dead." Her mother told her emotionlessly. And that's all she knew about her father. Her mother would never mention anything else. Not even what he looked like or what he was like. She assumed he had blond or dirty blond hair like her, since her mother was a brunette, but that was it.

Lina gave up looking for her father after searching and hacking for years. Until her mother would tell her, she had no leads and no way to find him.

This year Lina is a sophomore. Everything up to here has been a breeze for Lina. Material tends to be easy when you've been tutored by Miranda Kaufman. It doesn't hurt to have her genes either. But this year Lina starts CoveOps.

Everyone knows her mother's class is the hardest one. With spontaneous missions and dangerous pop quizzes, Lina is nervous… and excited. All of her hard work has gone to waste if she can't apply it to real field work. Lina is ready to start her sophomore year.

But right before the welcome back dinner, Lina can tell her mother is agitated and nervous. This worried her. Miranda Kaufman is a mask, it happened to be her codename too. No emotion ever showed on Miranda Kaufman's face, never.

Usually Lina would be happy her mother's mask slipped. It let her know that her mother cared when she could actually see the love in her mother's face.

But agitated and nervous? It seemed impossible. Lina knew something was up. So naturally, it meant a bit of hacking before dinner. What she found shocked her. Lina needed to get ready a bit longer before they arrived…

I have a couple chapters pre-written so if I get some good reviews I'll make sure to post them up soon. :D