A/N: Hello, all! This is Kairi-san again! I humbly apologize for ignoring my fans for three long years! I had my life to live and it got hectic, heh. Well, this is my newest fic, "Once in a Lifetime," a Chobits fanfiction! Please forgive me for any OOCness, I do not actually own the manga at this time, not that I do not plan for that to change some time soon. I know that Chi has no sense of touch as a persocom in the manga, but for my story she has a limited sense of touch as a persocom. Please forgive my taking liberties. Rated T for later chapters.

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in this fanfic… not even my mystery character. CLAMP owns Chobits and well, someone else owns the other character, but I can't give that way now (it would ruin my plot line!)

Summary: Chi loves Hideki and Hideki loves Chi, but Chi is a persocom, not a human. This worries her uncontrollably. Until one day she finds a cherry blossom across her heart, which changes her life forever! Chi/Hideki…implied Chi/?

Without further ado, Chapter 1!

Chapter 1: Cherry Blossom

The night was long and dark in Tokyo. Two figures could be seen laying on a futon inside a high-rise apartment downtown. One was obviously a human male in long-sleeved pajamas, sleeping soundly. The other was a female persocom with ivory hair in a pink frilly nightgown who was fidgeting in her apparent sleep.

"Hideki…." she moaned in her sleep, "Chi cannot be human…"

With that, she turned in her sleep and cuddled with her lover, seeking comfort in his warmth. During the day this worried her. She could feel his warmth, but he could never do the same with her… she was not made like that. She was made of a special kind of plastic and metal and a few wires and such. No warmth could emit from that, only coldness. She was soon fast asleep.

A bright light flashed briefly in the room. Following the light, a figure whose shadow looked like a teenager appeared. He/she stepped into the moonlight just barely and smiled at the sleeping couple. The figure thought to itself for a moment and whipped something out of its clothing.

"Hmm…"it said hurriedly.

Suddenly, Chi turned right side up in her sleep, still clutching Hideki's hand gently. The figure smiled again and made up its mind. Pulling its hand out gently, it placed the thing on top of the sleeping persocom. Another bright light flashed and the couple was alone again.

All that remained of their night visitor was a single, pink cherry blossom…

A/N: Well, that's the first chapter! I'm sorry that is so short, but it was supposed to be like a prologue! Please read and review! By the way, if I make/made any mistakes, please tell me so! Until next time… Kairi.