A/N: Hi guys! I hate to say it, but this is the last chapter of Incompatibility!
Sad, I know, but I hope you guys like it!
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Vocaloid. :3
Now let's read, yes?

The Final Chapter- Rin's POV

An uncertain amount of time ago.

I opened my eyes slowly, my eyesight blurry and unfocused. When I looked out in front of me, I found myself floating in some type of purple liquid. The strange part was that I could stare into it and not feel anything in my eyes, and what's more…

How can I breathe?

I immediately clamped my hands over my mouth and shut my eyes, curling up into a ball, and tried to hold my breath, but it soon ran out, so I had to take a gasp of air. Oddly enough though, instead, I inhaled the purple liquid. Expecting myself to choke and gag, I swallowed it with ease and found myself breathing perfectly fine. I slowly took my hands off of my mouth and held them out in front of me, staring down at my arms, and that's when I realized I was completely naked and covered in wires. I widened my eyes in embarrassment and looked up, seeing something beyond this purple liquid. I struggled to get closer to the wall and pressed my hands against the glass. It seemed to be that I was in some type of tube… A clear tube with cold walls. I peered out and saw many people in lab coats…or something.

Where am I?

I carefully floated over to another side of the tube and looked out, seeing another tube, a huge tube, filled with a liquid like mine. Inside it was a girl or woman. She had long, flowing white hair that was pulled loosely into a ponytail with a thin piece of black ribbon. She was just floating there with her eyes closed, and bubbles rising from her mouth.

Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind and I become confused.

Aren't I dead?

I heard a slight knock on the glass, and I turned around with the flow of water, seeing someone through the walls.


I saw her green hair, her earrings as stars, her lab coat, and I instantly remembered her. That look of kindness on her face, the same look she gave me so long ago.

In fact, what day is it now? How long…how long have I been…"dead"?

I watched Sonika slowly walk over to a machine and her pushing and pulling things, and suddenly, I felt a strange pressure as I slowly floated close to the bottom of the tube. The tube drained all the liquid, and my feet touched the floor of the tube with a soft pat. I lifted my foot from the floor and saw little holes in the ground, and the liquid draining into them. I lifted my gaze to the front of me and walked over to the panel of glass to see Sonika better. The wires attached to me, however, did not tug or pull no matter where I went, so I could move around freely. They seemed to extend, as now I was no longer floating above from the floor.

And somehow, this clear tube was not soundproof so I was able to hear Sonika speak.

"Hello, Rin." Her voice was muffled from the space between us, but I nodded and pressed my hands to the glass.

"Why…Why am I alive?" I asked her, and she dropped her gaze to the floor.

"Over time…" she started with a sigh, "we've developed a…'cure'…to your 'virus'."


"It took a lot of studying and researching, but eventually, we were able to revive you…and another VOCALOID…" Sonika looked over passed me, and I turned around to see that she was talking about the white-haired girl over there in the other tube.

"But…" I turned back to Sonika and she looked at me, eyebrows raised. "…How did you…?"

Sonika sighed again, and smiled at me sadly. "All it took was some sort of complicated method and data that we had to insert into your hard drive… Then we had to jumpstart you by putting you in this liquid…" she held her hand out and gestured to my tube filled with the purple fluid. "We could have jumpstarted you with electricity, but that is incredibly dangerous, and it might have not worked so…" she looked at me with a smile. "We decided to do it the safe way and wait."

I stared at Sonika for a few seconds, registering all that she has just said.

I'm alive? I'm…alive? I'm alive…

And then I remembered something important to me, making my heart beat faster.

"Does this mean…?" I trailed off, and Sonika nodded, smiling at me, tears formed at the corners of her eyes.

"Yes, this does mean you will be able to be with Len again."

General POV

Christmas Eve, present.

"Ne, look over here, everyone~!" Miku called out, standing in the front of the living room. Everyone in the room, all the VOCALOIDs, looked over curiously as Miku held up a camera in front of her face.

"On the count of three, you all smile, got it?" she instructed, and everyone posed, smiling at the camera. Miku set it on stool high enough, and ran around to the crowd and joined the picture.

"One, two, three!" With a flash of light, there was a click and everyone cheered.

"Alright, alright, disband, everyone! Now you can go enjoy yourselves!" Miku announced happily, waving her hand back and forth.

The group of robots all started to scatter, chattering away happily, and cheery music was playing loudly. Miku walked over to Dell who was talking to Mikuo and Akaito; the two couples happily conversing, until Mikuo and Akaito left the room.

On the other side of the room was another happy group; Teto, Ted, Rinta, Neru, Gakupo and Gumi. As time passed, the number of couples within the VOCALOID house increased slightly. Gakupo and Gumi have formed a somewhat "love/hate" relationship, and now Mikuo and Akaito's relationship has been announced to the entire family. Around the food platter was Meiko and Kaito, having their usual bicker and act about pointless subjects. Meiko hit Kaito on the head and Kaito defended himself while Meiko continued to smack him around. No love has formed between the two, but more of a sibling-like relationship after so many years. Off in the corner of the living room where the old, faded, black leather couch sat, the twins chatted away happily. The two have been reunited after several years and were together nearly most of the time, and now even Rin has entered high school. In the kitchen, Luka, Rei, and Rui all worked hard and diligently on the Christmas gifts, wrapping them in colored and decorated paper. Nearby, two new VOCALOIDs have come to the household; Miriam and Yowane Haku. Miriam was a newly made VOCALOID and immediately got sent to the house. Haku, on the other hand, was revived like Rin, and now lives in the home, rooming with Dell. Haku's return surprised mostly everyone, but they were all glad to see her back after so many years.

And so, the VOCALOID house in once again at peace…

"Hey, Rin~!" Len called out to Rin who was happily eating her oranges early before New Year's. She looked over at her twin slowly and smiled at him through a mouthful of juicy, citrus fruit.

"Mm-hm?" she answered, and Len pulled her down to sit next to him on the couch.

"Our birthday's in a few days, y'know." he inquired, and Rin's smile turned bright.

"Whaaaa?" she exclaimed, the orange bite still in her mouth, and took a moment to swallow. "Oh my, gosh, talk about timing, huh?" she laughed, and Len nodded fast.

"Yeah, I know! Isn't it great?" he asked, sighing happily, and Rin nodded in agreement.

"Although, I don't really see why no one told me you were coming back!" Len waved his arms wide and Rin stared at him, eyebrows raised.

"I mean, I think Miku-chan hinted it, but no one told me straight out; and I only figured it out when I actually SAW you!" Len complained and smacked his forehead. Rin patted his back and laughed nervously.

"Actually, Len…" she started to say, and Len turned his head towards her slowly.

"Mm?" he replied, and Rin shifted her gaze and smiled through her teeth.

"Ahaha… Neeever mind…" she scratched her head, and Len pouted, crossing his arms.

"Heey, Rin! What is it?" he insisted, tugging on her sleeve, and Rin blushed at the sight of seeing her brother pouting.

"Um… Uh, that is…" she stuttered nervously and avoided Len's face as she would find it harder to speak. "I kind of…uh…"

"Whaaat did you do?"

"I actually uh, told everyone to keep it a secret because well…" Rin paused while Len pouted in response. "I wanted my return to be a surprise and well…"

Rin glanced over at Len, scared that he might be mad at her, but instead, right as she looked over at him, he tackled her, knocking her over to the side of the couch.

"Ackkk—Len!" she squeaked as she feel on her side, and Len continued to hug her, laughing.

"Geez, Rin, I had like, a heart attack when I saw you, really!" he told her still hugging Rin, and she squirmed awkwardly. The way Len was leaning on Rin made the position uncomfortable and strange, but Rin didn't push him away, not like she could anyways.

"Um, well…" Rin began, but was interrupted by a wave of cheers and hoots. Len let go of Rin instantly and sat on knees, noticing that the sound was directed towards the pair, while Rin pushed herself up against the couch. Above them were most of the VOCALOIDs, Miku leading them all. Len raised his eyebrows in confusion while Miku grinned and pulled out a small plant-like object.

"Hee hee~" she giggled, winking at the twins, and Len immediately blushed. Rin, on the other hand, gave her a look of sincere confusion.

"Ooh~~!" Neru smirked at the two, covering her mouth. "Rin-chan and Len-kun are under the mistletoe!"

"Oh!" Rui gasped, acting like she didn't know anything. "Now Rin-chan and Len-kun have to kiss!"

"Whatever shall they do…" Rei added apathetically in his monotone voice, and Len frowned awkwardly.

"Wait—Len and I have to—what?" Rin asked, confused, and Miku laughed.

"Ha-ha, Rin-chan, it's a tradition. When two people are under mistletoe, they have to kiss!" She held her hand under the mistletoe to make her point and moved it closer over their heads. "Now you and Len-kun have to!"

Rin instantly blushed and twisted her heads towards Len who was already looking at Rin strangely, his face bright red.

"Awww, Len-kun never changes~ He still blushes like he did 3 years ago!" Miku sighed dramatically, clasping her hands together while Rei took care of holding the mistletoe above their heads.

"Shut up!" Len spat, blushing harder, and Rin blinked several times, still feeling quite embarrassed.

"Well, you two better hurry it up…" Luka smiled at them, and there were cries of agreement from behind Miku, all chanting for them to do it.

Len groaned in defeat and turned to Rin, kneeling down. Rin shifted so that she was actually sitting in an easier position, while Len bent forwards and held her face between his hands. He stared intently into her eyes and she stared back, both of them beginning to calm down. Slowly, Len closed his eyes, moving in close to Rin but when they were mere centimeters from each other, Rin grabbed Len's face and pulled him towards her, causing the two to kiss.

Cheers broke out as the their lip's met, even though Len was startled at first, certain that he was going to start first, but instead Rin did the honors. After his moment of shock, he practically shrugged and engaged just as much as Rin had, and maybe even more so. The two lip-locked for several more seconds and broke away, gasping for breath, Len's arm wrapped around Rin's waist, and hers around his neck, hanging loosely. They smiled at each other happily, despite the fact they were thoroughly embarrassed. Rin breathlessly tried to laugh, and Len did the same, their foreheads meeting as they held hands with one another.

Between the whooping and yelling of excitement, Rin whispered happily to Len under her breath, "I love you, Len…" He laughed softly and squeezed her hand, smiling and whispered back only for her to hear;

"I love you too, Rin. You're not alone anymore."


Credits: Kerii-tan: Hi everyone! Yup, that was the final chapter, I know! It's so sad, I actually finished
my first fanfiction… /cries. Well you know, I have many people I would like to credit… :D

1) Thank you Yuukai (Sara) for editing chapters 1-18! I couldn't have done it without you, Sara! Thank you so much for being there for me from the very beginning!

2) And thank you Kinshima for pointing out mistakes whenever they came up! And while we're at it, thank you for reviewing every single chapter, too!

3) Thank you Mayu-remix95 because actually, reading your fic Shine on! made me realize that Miku and Dell were a good pairing! [Not like you read this anyways?]

4) My reviewers! Thank you for taking your time for telling me what you liked and your opinions on the chapter and story; you guys kept me going!

5) My readers! Thank you for reading because I think getting views is just as important as getting reviews, as you guys STILL took the time to read this story!

6) Thanks to Kokoro (Kiseki), Proof of Life/Soundless Voice, Fire Flower, & Gemini (Toraboruta-P, Hitoshizuku-P, Halyosy, & Dixie Flatline) for
giving me inspiration! (Yes, can you see how I used those songs? ;3)

7) And thank you everyone! Thank you all for staying with me till the end!


Now… You might think that this is the end, right? WELL. I actually think I might make a oneshot collection based off this story, because there are actually many scenes I wanted to write but couldn't fit in! So what does that mean? IT MEANS THIS AIN'T OVER YET. Well, this particular section is, but not entirely! You can expect to see some oneshots and drabbles involving characters I wish I could have used more and some parts that happened while Rin was gone and even before Rin came to the Vocaloid house, so sit tight, and you'll see!

I think I might call it "Behind the Scenes" but that is always subject to change.

Anyways! Thank you for everything again, and I'm glad you read this far! /bows.
