Author's note: This is a story I have begun to write as part of the Looking for Ianto in all the Wrong Places series of stories. These have been posted on the Torchwood Forum. Basically the premise is that Jack goes looking for Ianto across parallel worlds. There have been several stories and this is mine. The idea came to me recently and it has reached 14 chapters. I have finished writing it so will post it as it's typed and proofed.

The main characters are Jack an Ianto but as you will see there are others.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters as they belong to Russell T Davies and the BBC but I do get to play with them.

Mirror Image

Jack sat on a bench at the far side of Roald Dahl Plas in Cardiff Bay. The day was going to be glorious again; already the sun was sending its rays over the Bay. Even the Bristol Channel was managing to look good today and not it's usual browny-grey. Jack thought that the local beaches would be full of people today.

It was a Saturday in the middle of May and Jack had come looking for Ianto in this world a few days earlier. It hadn't taken any time to locate Ianto here. This was the fourth day that Captain Jack Harkness had sat torturing himself with the knowledge that he needed to move on as in this world both Jack and Ianto were working for Torchwood; they looked happy in each other's company. He'd watched them on several occasions, always making sure to keep out of sight. The whole team was there. Jack wondered if they'd avoided the same problems or if they were still to come.

To avoid detection Jack had dyed his hair blonde. He was wearing black jeans and a black shirt – perhaps not the best choice for a sunny day. He knew he looked different enough not to be spotted from a distance.

He watched as the other Jack, sporting his usual look, including greatcoat, stepped from the invisible lift with Ianto, who was dressed immaculately, as always, in a grey pinstripe suit. Jack felt his heart lurch when he saw that Ianto was wearing a red silk tie. In fact the other Jack was holding on to it, almost pulling Ianto in for a kiss, just as he'd done on so many occasions. He could just hear Ianto's laughter drifting across the Plas. The SUV appeared in front of them and Jack got in. Ianto leaned in and Jack realised that he was probably kissing his Jack goodbye. So Ianto wasn't going with them. He could almost hear the sarcastic comment Owen would be making at that moment.

Sat on his bench Jack began to pay more attention. He was curious about where Ianto was going as he set off on foot across the Plas. Jack decided to follow him. He couldn't resist the opportunity to see Ianto on his own. He didn't want Ianto to see him and hoped his change in appearance night make him less obvious. He made a conscious effort to walk differently as well. Ianto went into the café just off the Plas. It was in this café that Jack had sat with the Doctor, Mickey and Rose that time they'd visited Cardiff.

Jack followed him in and sat at the back. He picked up a newspaper to hide behind but Ianto was sitting with his back to him. He smiled as Ianto ordered coffee and pastries; some things never change.

'Okay Mr Jones, your usual then and a large cafetiere of your favourite brew. It won't be long.'

Jack heard the waitress speak to Ianto. He held his breath. He was longing to hear those Welsh vowels that he loved so much. He wasn't disappointed.

'Diolch yn fawr Sally. You know me too well.'

Jack wanted to melt. In his head he heard Ianto making all sorts of comments about how good Jack had looked in his coat and out of it. Jack heard a voice and realised the waitress was stood by his table.

'Bore dda Sir. What can I get you?'

'Sorry miles away,' Jack replied, thinking you wouldn't want to know how many. 'I'll have coffee please; the decent stuff. What have you got?' The waitress made some suggestions. 'Or you could have what Mr Jones over there drinks; he really knows his coffee.'

'Yeah, sounds good,' Jack replied, 'and I'll have a full breakfast.' There was no point worrying about hardening of the arteries and cholesterol levels when you were immortal after all.

Jack noticed that when the waitress brought Ianto's order she brought two mugs and more than enough pastries for two. After 5-10 minutes Jack's food appeared as well. He sat and ate slowly, watching Ianto as he looked towards the door, more than once. It opened and closed a few times as people came and went then he saw Ianto smile. When he looked at who was coming in Jack couldn't believe his eyes. Ianto got up from his seat when the man came to his table. They hugged briefly and sat down opposite each other. Jack tried hard to control his breathing. He wondered about how fast his pulse was at that moment. He stopped eating and the food sat on the fork half way to his mouth.

'Is everything alright for you Sir?' he heard Sally saying. She noticed his gaze was looking towards the two men.

'Striking aren't they. I remember thinking I was going mad when I first saw them together. One of them would be spectacular enough but two! And they're such nice guys as well; very particular about their coffee. They're always here every other Saturday for breakfast.'

'Yeah,' Jack said dreamily. 'Sorry, yeah the food is great.' He couldn't take his eyes away from the sight across the café. The man Ianto had greeted sat opposite him. He had the same gorgeous body, the same hair colour, although cut slightly differently, the same face and the same eyes. They could have been the same man except for the clothes the other man was wearing. He was dressed in blue jeans, white shirt and blue waistcoat.

'There are two of them,' Jack thought. As he watched he realised that they were mirror twins. Whilst the man who was Ianto was right handed his twin was left handed. Jack couldn't hear their conversation. The two men sat for 30 minutes just talking. Jack just watched. Suddenly Ianto pulled his phone out of his pocket. He talked briefly before getting up. Jack guessed it would be Torchwood with some crisis. Ianto got up to leave. He got to the door and turned slightly to wave goodbye.

'I'll give you a ring next week,' Ianto said in a voice loud enough for Jack to hear. 'Bye Ianto,' he finished and left, hurrying through the door. Jack could see him running across the Plas. It took him a moment to realise what had been said. 'Bye Ianto,' he thought, 'but that means that the man in the jeans, still sat in the café was Ianto. So who was the man who worked for Torchwood?' Jack was confused. 'Could it be?' he thought, 'that in this world Ianto has a twin who works for Torchwood. Jack swallowed more coffee. His hands were shaking.

Ianto Jones paid the bill and got up from his seat. He was used to his brother disappearing quickly. It wasn't often that they got to finish breakfast. As he was leaving he noticed the blonde man at the back of the café. The man looked up at him and their eyes met for an instant. Ianto felt his heart leap; there was something about him. He shook himself; he had too much to do to get distracted. It was a lovely day and he was taking his kids to the beach. As he went out of the door he took one look back at the blonde man. He knew he'd probably never see him again, so two weeks later he was surprised to see the same man, sat in exactly the same seat. Ianto found himself smiling at him as he sat waiting for his brother to turn up.