Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING

Chapter 3

Three year's have past since Naruto had ran away the rookie nine had, and team Gai were at least chunin rank, they had found out what Sakura did to Naruto and resented her for a little while but she said she would make it up to Naruto now matter what she had to do Tsunade had turned Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Tenten into the best medical ninja Sakura had mastered Tsunade's super strength, Ino perfected the chakra-scalpel technique, Tenten was a master with poison and senbon, but she didn't teach any fighting technique's because she had her clan's taijutsu over the years Hinata, and Kiba had become a couple it started when he saved her life after a mission, and Sasuke has become a member of Danzo's 'ROOT' the reasons are unknown as to why

Now for inter-elemental country news Kirigakure's status is unknown all that is known is that the blood-line purges were being continued as well as the civil war even the status of the Sandaime Mizukage is unknown because all spies were exported as part of a purging of all outside intelligence as such the country has become a steel wall for forign entry Kirigakure has also set up trade relations, and an alliance with Kumogakure and finally the Akatsuki have begun to move they have captured Gaara the Kazekage

(With Deidara, and Sasori flying on a clay bird)

The weren't talking to each other because they had nothing to say suddenly a lightning bolt destroyed one of the wings and the bird fell Deidara and Sasori jumped off and saw their attacker a boy about twelve or thirteen years old he had messy grey hair, pupiless purple eyes, and a stich-like scar from the bottem of his left eye all the way down his cheek he a green poncho over a grey undershirt with short mesh sleeves with a Kiri headband sewn on to it he also wore a turquoise shash around his waist and a green indumeant over his black pants he also wore brown boots with opened at the heel he was a black colored staff with two un-even double-bladed hooks the staff was also adorned with a green flower at the top of the staff just below the bigger hook


"I'm gonna be taking the Kazekage back to his village you can give him to me or I can take him by force" the boy said

"Hah the little shit is threatening us" Deidara said

"How amusing" Sasori agreed

"Well I don't say I didn't warn you" The boy said then took out his staff

(At Sunagakure's hospital)

"Well that should do it" Sakura said she had just finished healing and getting the poison out of his system when a Suna chunin burst into the room

"What is it?" Baki said

"A boy about twelve or thirteen he brought Garra-sama back" The chunin said

"What bring him and the Kazekage here" Baki said

"Hai" the chunin said before leaving a few minutes later the boy from earlier walked in carrying Gaara he let the docters take Gaara

"Who are you kid" Baki asked

"My name Yagura I'm one of the Mizukage's personal body guards" Yagura replied this shocked everyone he was so young there was no way he could be that strong

"You're kidding right kid?" Temari asked, Yagura mearly took out two scrolls unwrapped them and said "Realese" and Deidara, and Sasori poofed into existence shocking every one Yagura then asked "These are the ones who took the Kazekage Deidara, and Sasori no Akasuna both S-rank missing-nin of high bounty and members of the Akatsuki" Shocking everyone and proving his point suddenly someone ran into the room he was about twelve or thirteen had messy brown, onix eyes he wore a sleeveless grey shirt, blue cargo pants, and black shinobi sandles and looked terrified

"What're you doing here dope I was sent here on a solo mission" Yugara said

"Shut it Yagura-teme" The boy said

"Inari is that you?" Sakura asked

"Hi Sakura-nee chan" Inari greeted

"It's been a wile hasn't it?"

"Yeah it has"

"While I'm already annoyed who else is here?" Yagura asked but before the boy could reply they herd "INARI WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, YOU BRAT" A feminine voice screamed now Yagura looked pale

"She's here what did you say to her" Yagura asked

"I said that no sane guy would want a flat-chested sadistic psyco like her" now Yagura was whiter than his hair


"Yes I still have nightmares about it" Inari replied


"She's an easy target" Inari said simply suddenly the doors flew open and a girl about fifteen or sixteen she had long pale blue hair that reached down to the small of her back she had green eyes and sharp pointed teeth she wore a sleeveless dark grey tank top and skirt she also wore blue shinobi sandles and was pissed

"There you are you're gonna pay for what you said to me" The girl said angrily Inari then proceeded to hide behind Yagura

"Excuse me but don't you think you're being a bit harsh on him I mean he was only joking" Sakura said the kunoichi turned to face her and said "I don't know who you think you are but I don't need some weak no-name kunoichi with an over sized forehead telling me what to do" A tick mark appeared on Sakura's head

"What was that?" She asked danger clear in her voice

"You heard me" the girl replied an equal amount of danger in her voice but before they could tear each other limb from limb they were held back Sasuke held Sakura back and a guy with white hair and purple eyes held the girl back

"Calm down Sakura" Sasuke said

"You too Sushime" the guy said both girls calmed down

"Who're you guys" Sasuke asked

"I'm Suigetsu and this is my subordinate Sushime you already know Yagura and Inari you are?" Suigetsu asked

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha she's Sakura Haruno, and he's Kakashi Hatake so why are you here?" Sasuke asked

"Well I'm here because I followed Sushimi she's here because she wanted to see Sunagakure so she followed Inari and he's here because he didn't want Yagura to show him up and Yagura is here to return the Kazekage and ask about a trade relationship" Suigetsu said

"We'd be happy to setup trade relations with Kirigakure for saving Gaara-sama" Baki said

"Great I guess we'll be heading back to Kiri to report to Mizukage-sama he should be here a couple of day's after desission of where the chunin exams will be held to discuss the terms of trade c'mon let's go" Suigetsu said before turning to leave Inari followed looking relived he didn't die Yagura followed looking pissed his mission was interupted and taken over by Suigetsu and Sushime glared at Sakura needless to say she glared back before walking away

(One week later at Tetsu no Kuni)

All the Kages were sitting at the half ring table they each sat in their assigned seat in front of banners that their body gaurds were behind the Kages had their hats out in front of them

"Let's begin with were the chunin exams are to be held" Mifune announced

"I believe the exams should be held at Kirigakure we haven't hosted them since the beginning of the blood-line purges" Suigetsu said

"Why should we listen to you you're not the Mizukage" Onoki said

"I don't see what that has to do with anything" Suigetsu said

"The Mizukage should be here not his lakey" Onoki explained

"The Mizukage said he had urgent business to attend to" A said

"Fine" The Tsuchikage said

"I also apologize for the Mizukage" Suigetsu

"What do you mean?" Tsunade asked

"I mean Mizukage-sama was looking forward to seeing you all again after all it's been awhile since he's seen ninja from other nations, and it's been even longer since he's seen any of the kages specially you Hokage-sama" Suigetsu said before Tsunade's ANBU gurads had their swords pressed against is neck

"Suigetsu Hozuki you'll be coming with us to Konohagakure where you'll be questioned if you resist we'll kill you now" One of the ANBU said

Suigetsu smirked then said "There two things wrong with statement oneā€¦" suddenly two red chakra tails grabbed them by the neck and slammed them into the opposite wall everyone turned to see Inari with a demon cloak surrounding him "Neither Inari or Yagura would let you and secondly I have no intention of following you anywhere" this shocked everyone in the room.

"Just who are you?" Tsunade asked Suigetsu smirked

"Why did you bring your jinchuriki here?" Omoki asked

"I don't have tell you my reasons to you Tsuchikage-sama" Suigetsu replied

The moment he finished Onoki and his bodyguards were about to kill Suigetsu but they were stopped by another tail and claw and slammed into the wall everyone turned to see that Yagura was the one to stop them

"Yagura, Inari let them go we didn't come here to cause an international insedent" Suigetsu ordered both Inari and Yagura let go of their captives all five of them fell to the floor gasping for air and slowly stood

"You have two jinchuriki?" Onoki asked

"Yes but I think we should get back to the business at hand" Suigetsu said

"That's a good idea Suigetsu-sama all opposed to holding the chunin exams in Kirigakure?" Mifune asked no one raised their hand because they all wanted to see what changed in Kirigakure

"All for?" he asked the Tsuchi, Ho, Rai, and Kazekages raised their hands

"Then it's settled the next chunin exams will be held at Kirigakure" Mifune stated

(In the council room of Kanohagakure a week later)

"WHAT!" Danzo shouted

"I said that the Mizukage sent a representative that had two jinchuriki bodyguards" Tsunade said

"Why didn't you let the ANBU take him in for questioning?" Hamura asked

"First of all even I can't defeat two jinchuriki secondly he's the Mizukage's subbordanet if I did do anything it would caused an international incadent and a war"

"I doubt it the people of Kirigakure don't have a good history with their Mizukage's" Koharu stated

"It could've still been a posability and I wasn't willing to take that chance" Tsunade said

"You're weak Tsunade your predasessors would be ashamed" Danzo said that set Tsunade off

"No they wouldn't they would've agreed with my decision and if want him that much YOU CAN GO TO KIRIGAKURE AND FACE WHATEVER THEY HAVE TO OFFER!" Tsunade roared then stomped out

"That wasn't wise" Hamura stated

"It doesn't matter she can't do anything to me without causing an insadent, and she's already on wavering ice or didn't you notice the people calling for her resignation from Hokage" Danzo said

"Still she won't take this lying down" Koharu stated

"Yes but what's done is done this council meeting is over" Danzo said

(In Tsunade's office)

"Shizune bring me team Asuma, Gai, Kakashi, and Kurenai and their sensei excluding Kuranai seeing as she's pregnant, and ask Danzo if Sasuke can join us he'll probably will say yes because he'll want information on Kirigakure" Tsunade said

"Hai Tsunade-sama" Shizune replied a few minutes later the teams came into her office

"Why did you send for us Hokage-sama?" Sasuke asked

"I have a mission for you" Tsunade answered

"What's the mission?" Kakashi asked

"I've sent a request to the Mizukage to ask if all of you could attend the chunin exams I want you to spy on the village, collect information, and report back to me" Tsunade said

"Hai" all the shinobi replied and left

'I wonder how this will turn out' Tsunade thought

Sushime (Soo-shi-may) pronunsiation