Alright so I finally watched Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. Simply fantastic! I thoroughly enjoyed the familiar characters completely revamped and the voice acting was spectacular. The scenery was like visual eye-happiness, no way to really explain it! The clothing was stunning on many of the characters and the new actress that played Alice, was simply charming. And good lord Hatter...yum. I didn't know that Johnny Depp could pull off the look of a crazed Hatter so well but he did and his voice...absolutely delicious, especially when he was angry. Anyway, knowing more about Mad I think I can properly write in his character. But warning, slight NON-CON in this particular fic. I say slight because later on in the next chapter there's chocolate syrup involved. And I know, I have to be all kinds of demented and sick to come up with a way to get these two to play with chocolate syrup, but it's not as if you all don't appreciate. Anyway, enjoy it and leave a review.

Hatter found himself back in the pristine white room that usually preceded Mad's entrance. Hatter looked about but saw no one, nothing. He walked around the expansive white carefully, his feet clicking on the floor, or what passed for a floor at any rate.


He heard nothing, and no mysterious tables or beds appeared. He walked farther and he thought that he could see something in the distance. He wasn't sure what it was and began to jog closer. The object came into view and as Hatter got closer he realized what it was.

It was a boat. A narrow canoe sort of boat and Mad was sitting inside. He had become sort of used to Mad's behavior, sort of used to mad things ceaselessly happening around him.

"Mad, wot the 'ell is this?"

" 'S a boat."

Hatter threw his hands up and scoffed. "Well, I know it's a bloody boat, I mean, why are you in one."

Mad looked up at Hatter, his eyes more pained than Hatter had ever seen them. Hatter almost felt ashamed for asking the question. He walked over to the the boat and then climbed in, trying to get comfortable. Needless to say he failed. He pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around his legs. He wasn't sure what would happen during this particular venture but he would wait and find out.

"Waht d'yeh want wif a boat then?"

"It's...your Alice she left you, didn't she?"

"Yes, she did."

"And...and what did you do...aftahwords?"

"Well, I followed her o'course."

Mad seemed to absorb this knowledge and then nodded briefly to himself. He looked up at Hatter and smiled softly.

"I love me Alice, truly I do, t' get to her?"

"Well, y'seem to 'ave no problem draggin' me here."

"Bringing people in is not the problem, dear boy. No, no it is not. The problem lies in my getting out."

"Hence the boat."

"Yes, hencing the boat."

An oar suddenly appeared in Mad's hand. It was a sturdy mahogany oar and would have been perfect had there been any water in the area. Hatter pressed his hand over the closed fingers and brought Mad's attention back.

"Yeh won't get t' her this way. Imagine a mirror, a big one, one that'll lead t' the real world. Surely you can find 'er-"

"She's dead."

"Wait, wot?"

"You haven't been listening t' my lesson 'ave you? I told you that it was written, that I never have my Alice. She went back, did her adventuring, living, and loving all in the Other World. I chose t' exile myself, to get her out of my head."

"She left you but you never went aftah her."

"She wanted a normal life. I wanted t' give it t' her. I loved my Alice, would've done anythin' for my Alice, saved her, defended her, made her smile, want her! I want. I want 'er till my fingers move about, till my eyes twitch even, see," and Mad leaned in close to show the younger man.

What Hatter saw was not twitching, but a sudden discoloration of the older man's eyes. They were an orange, a fiery color and his face seemed to darken. It was in that moment that Hatter realized something was terribly wrong. He made to get out of the boat because clearly Mad was not in his full faculties but the other man grabbed hold of his arm tightly.

"Where, dear boy, d'yeh think yer goin'?"

"Mad why are you talkin' like tha'"

"Hmmm," Mad said simply before dragging Hatter forward. Hatter fell into the older man's lap, his hands gripping Mad's pants. Mad looked at him curiously, as if studying an insect or a page in a book.

"I canna have my Alice, but I can settle for somethin' jus' as good, don' ya think?"

"What...d'yeh mean by that?"

Mad grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close until the two of them were chest to chest. Mad's fingers had already started removing the jacket from Hatter's shoulders and Hatter, not sure of this new man, tried his best to fend him off. He held tightly onto the fabric around his shoulders until Mad slapped him harshly across the face. True, Hatter, had always considered his fists dangerous but as his head whipped to the side harshly he knew that Mad's hands were deadly.

Mad divested him of his jacket before he could catch his breath and pushed him backward so that he was lying on the bottom of the...boat? The wood that was supposed to hurt painfully upon his landing wasn't there and Hatter was only on the white ground. He looked around him wildly looking for something to strike the crazed Mad with. Nothing.

"Mad, this en't like you. Please-"

"Please, shu'up, and take the feckin' thing off. Now."

"What thing?"

"The hat, shirt, the pants, the boxers, boy. Hurry 'fore I get impatient."

"No, this is-no!"

Mad's eye glowed brightly and soon the older man was upon him. Scissors were revealed silver and sharp,quickly and efficiently destroying Hatter's clothes, except this time, Mad was less concerned with Hatter's wellbeing. Hatter wasn't even sure if Mad was himself in there at all.

"Mad! Please! Y'don't know what you're doing!"

Pale hands wrapped around his wrists and hefted them above his head. The cut strips of his clothes were soon tied tightly around them and then his feet. He wriggled, trying to escape but he was sufficiently trussed up and naked. Immediately Mad's hands wrapped around his torso and turned him over onto his hands and knees. Hatter tried to push himself up but couldn't, tried to roll over but was stopped. With Mad's fist. He collapsed onto the ground, his face pounding with indescribable pain. He winced at the sound of Mad disrobing, knowing full well what was going to happen next and that he would have no power to escape it.

"Please, don' do this," he whispered softly. He could smell his own blood and that only added to the helpless feeling that now overwhelmed him. Mad pulled him up into a hands and knees position, and he moaned softly as his world shifted and spun. Had Mad really hit him that hard?

"Mad, please, please this is insane!"

"Isn' tha' wot I do best?"

Hatter screamed as he felt Mad enter him in one grating thrust. What had felt good the other times before was agonizing, as Mad thrusted into him without preparation. He couldn't even find purchase on the smooth and even surface. Lying flat on his stomach he openly screamed while Mad drove into him continuously. And damn if his body wasn't betraying him, if even the rape was making him hard. When a moan escaped his lips, the attitude of Mad's thrusts changed and each and every time the man made sure to hit his prostate.

"Mad! Please!"

Hatter was practically blind with pleasure-pain, the almost indeterminate line making him scream and beg. Hot hands grabbed his aching cock and fisted him tightly.

"Hatteh, yeh live with Alice, but who d' yeh belong to?"

Hatter let out a cry as Mad's thumb rubbed demandingly over the head of his arousal. The thrusting of the older man's hips stopped completely as Mad waited for an answer. For that moment they were still, one leaned over the other, sweating, their bodies molded together. The man beneath was slick with sweat, moaning piteously, aching, burning, with need.

"Answer then, Hatteh," the newly-accented lover drawled near the young man's ear, "who d'yeh belong to?"

"You," the younger man said hoarsely, his throat clenching tightly, "I'm yours."

Harsh laughter and then brutal fucking recommenced.

Hatter wasn't sure what was happening, what made him need Mad so badly. He wasn't sure why he wasn't more outraged that he was being used as some sadistic fuck toy. He wasn't sure why the only words that escaped his lips were 'More', 'Please' and 'Mad' but he was being fucked so hard and so deliciously into the floor, it didn't even matter.

"So feckin' close," Mad growled above him. And Hatter could tell too. He was being impaled with each drive of the other man's hips. Each time felt like a sort of sensory overload until he was only screaming wordlessly into the floor, beyond simple words and thought.

When Mad had reached his peak, he felt careless hands dig into his sides. Mad pushed himself in as far as he could go and came hard. Hatter went hoarse as he came afterwards the rush of hot cum flooding his backside sending him over the edge.

Tired, the two of them collapsed onto the ground.