Naruto woke up on the ground, still reeling from the pain of having one of his balls destroyed.
"Uhg.. you think after one go... I'd stop feeling it..." Kyuubi butted in.
Naruto groaned again, and looked down at his exposed manhood. His cock was soft, and cum still covered his stomach. His surviving testicle was swollen and looked odd, alone in his sac. The mush of the other was still there, and he rolled it around in his fingers. His abdomen throbbed painfully as his body coped with the fact that he lost a nut.
Naruto stood shakily and propped himself up against the wall closest to him, taking deep breaths. He gingerly pulled on his pants, cringing as his remaining nut was tossed around. Naruto walked down the hallway, limping to keep his last nut from being whacked hard against his legs.
"What am I going to do?" Naruto asked Kyuubi, hoping for some wisdom.
"What if you stopped healing them?" Naruto asked, hating the thought of being left without balls for any amount of time. He bumped into something in his path and jumped back in shock. He hadn't been paying attention and had run into exactly what he had tried to avoid:
An Akatsuki member.
Sasori turned to Naruto, and blinked a few times, taking in the site of the orange-clad, limping ninja holding his groin like he needed to piss badly. Sasori had chosen not to wear his puppet shield, and looked like a 16 year old with red hair and paper-pale skin. He was still expressionless.
"Hello Naruto." He said. Naruto looked at him in horror, gripping his groin again and backing up.
"Ah.. um... hi?" He looked at the teen, still confused at the bored-sounding man. His confusion was broken when his heard an anguished scream. "What the hell!" Sasori smiled and offered him a hand up.
"Right. Pein-sama asked me to show you our ..er... 'Project'." Sasori grinned again, but this time full of twisted malice. "You should follow me. Pein is far less gentle than Deidara."
Naruto gulped and nodded in response.
Sasori led him into a room filled with puppet pieces and all sorts of surgical tools, as well as real body parts. He dipped down another hallway and into a large room with a couple people, all men, and some twisted devices.
"You see, we tried for a long time to find a way to heal a man's ruined testicles." He pulled Naruto over to a strange chair, one that had arm and leg restraints, and a spot for the cock and balls to be placed and restrained as well. He pushed Naruto into the chair and worked quickly to restrain him. "We failed, of course, but we finally managed to get the power we needed to figure out a way to make it work!"
Sasori dragged the chair as well as the tied-up Naruto over to a separate room. He put the chair next to a table full of all sorts of horrible devices. But that wasn't what scared Naruto the most. Across from him, in the same kind of chair, except with a spring-loaded clamp on his balls, was Gaara.
The red-head was naked and blindfolded, his pale skin was covered in sweat. His balls were nearly flat under the force of the clamp, and Naruto noticed that his cock was erect and dripping. It looked like Gaara hadn't come in a long time.
"G.. Gaara!" The other jinchuuriki didn't reply. Sasori smiled.
"There's a special seal on his back so he can't hear you." Naruto gulped as he looked at Gaara's small balls. They were flatter than any nut should be, and didn't look like they would hold out much longer.
"You're going to crush them... aren't you?" Sasori grinned and held up a small remote.
"This remote controls just how much pressure that clamp exerts. If I push this button..." He pointed to an upward facing arrow shaped button. "It will put more pressure on those tiny balls. But if hit this button." He pointed to a downward facing arrow shaped button. "I will remove some pressure and lessen the pain."
He tapped the 'down' button a few times, and Naruto watched as Garra's (admittedly small) balls were partially released from the clamps deathgrip. Gaara let out a sigh of relief and looked around blindly, the dark cloth across his eyes preventing him from seeing his friend.
"Wh.. what are you going to do to me?" In response, Sasori ripped off Naruto's pants, and put his single balls and the mush of his other ball into the holders. He put his cock in the ring-shaped hold and flashed the remote again, this time tapping a red button in the center to the arrows.
"This is the emergency button, in case I think it's time to stop. Watch." Naruto watched as he pushed the button, and the clamp made a 'whiiir' noise. Suddenly, it snapped shut with a lot of force, and Naruto watched as both of Garra's balls were popped and the pulp was flattened. He let out a scream before sagging into the chair and fainting.
Naruto gulped as Sasori approached him. The redhead picked up a syringe and a vial of strange greed liquid and went over to Gaara.
"Watch this" he sounded like a giddy child who was about to show off his new toy. He put the needle into the spot right between Gaara's legs, under his sac, and pushed the plunger down, emptying the whole vial. "This is the final version of the elixir that promotes super-fast healing in places which normally can't be healed and then replaces the cells." A dark gleam shone from Sasori's eyes.
He took off the deafness seal and the blindfold, and stepped back. Gaara suddenly woke, an expression of misery and pain etched on his face.
"Ahn... N... Naruto?" He looked at his friend, and then the state of his balls. "They got you too...ahn..ah!" Suddenly, he bucked his hips forward, moaning loudly. "What's -uhn!- happening?" Gaara groaned as the liquid went through his bloodstream and forced Shikaku's chakra to heal his broken balls.
The two smashed orbs re-inflated, and Naruto watched as suddenly, the veins in Gaara's sac and cock bulged and throbbed. Suddenly, Gaara's less-than-impressive junk started to grow, starting with his balls. The marble-sized balls grew to the size of walnuts and his 4 inch cock grew to a proud 7. He was still smaller than Naruto, with his 9 ½ cock and small egg sized balls. But Garra was a close second.
Sasori smiled and gripped Gaara's new-found stiff rod, rubbing the sensitive flesh. Gaara bucked and groaned, pulling against his restraints. The puppet master smiled, pride in his cold eyes.
"Perfect! Now we can keep this Jinchuuriki!" Gaara paled and looked at his over-sized balls. "Leader will be pleased. Now, to create a temporary formula..." He injected Naruto with another vial quckly, this one filled with a blue liquid. Naruto cringed at the odd feeling of a chakra burst to his groin as his destroyed ball healed, and the damage to his other nut vanished. Sasori set up a pulley in the center of the two boys, and strung a rope through it, tying two 50 pound weights to either end. He positioned the weights over the boy's balls, where were held in the flat trays below the cock rings that held the two large dicks. He put a timer on the pulley and lifted the weights up into a special metal tubing attached to the timer. Then he set up a metal disk with a 'sail' on it.
"See this disk? It spins. You each have to blow on the sail so that it's on one of you guy's side of the room." He pointed to a red line in between of the two boys. "The time is set for... well... I won't say! It's more fun! But when it goes off, the weight will drop. So, let's see which one of the friends doom's the other!" Sasori walked off and the 'tick-tick' of the timer echoed through the room.
Both boy's were visibly sweating, and they exchanged glances. Naruto cleared his throat and looked at the sail. It was on his side. The 50 pound weight hovering over his balls was only hanging about 7 inches above his balls. He gulped, and looked at the sail again, then at Gaara' exhausted form.
"I'll take it..." Naruto said, his voice was shakey.
'KID... THAT SOLUTION THAT HEALED YOU USES MY CHAKRA! YOUR BALLS ARE 3 TIMES MORE SENSITIVE! YOU COULD REACH ORGASM IF SOMEONE RUBBED THEM! IT WOULD FEEL LIKE TOUCHING YOUR COCK. BUT IF THEY GET CRUSHED... THE PAIN WITH BE SO EXCRUCIATING...' Naruto gulped. He hadn't known that at all, and the thought of that usual pain being magnified by three seemed unimaginable. Gaara shook his head, looking at his new-and-improved junk.
"No. Blow it this way. I'll take it." Unknown to Naruto, Shikaku had warned Gaara of the same thing. Except of course, that for Gaara the pain would be even worse, because his balls were brand new. Naruto shook his head.
"No way. You had to deal with that... clamp thingy... I'll take.. -gulp- this..." Gaara scowled and summoned some of his chakra, blowing hard and pushing the sail to his side of the room, noting as the weights tipped towaed him slightly. Naruto let out a sigh of relief while looking angry at the same time.
"Damnit! I won't let them castrate you again!" He shoved the disk around so the sail was on his side using chakra rather than air. They struggled for a while, each one using various methods to spin the disk until they had both made it spin it so fast that neither one of them could stop it. The ticking on the timer became sightly more urgent, and the ninja looked at each other.
"Well... looks like whoever it stops on... with get... " Naruto glanced at his own balls.
"Mashed..." Garra added.
"Yeah..." The disk began to slow, and the sail spun around slower and slower, resting right behind the line to Gaara's side... but still in Naruto's. The blond gulped and prepared for his castration, the pain, and the unconsciousness that would follow. But a slight creak made him look up.
The sail had moved an inch.
To Gaara's side.
The timer dinged.
There was a soft sliding noise, and the weights jostled. Naruto realized that the weights fell together, and instead of 50 pounds of force, 100 pounds of force would be applied to Gaara's balls. He tried to save his friend by blowing the sail, but the disk seemed to be locked in place. Gaara shut his eyes, and Naruto watched in horror as the weight fell.
It struck Gaara's balls hard, crushing them paper-flat against the metal tray. Gaara howled in pain, tears ran down his face as his cock went flaccid from the pain. The weight was pulled back up, and Naruto's restraints unsnapped. He ran over to Gaara, and looked at his balls.
The force had been so great, that the testis had become flat, not pulp, and were now two giant overlapping ovals. Cum leaked weakly from Gaara's cock as it had been forced through the tubes in his tested before they had all been crushed or ruptured. His sac had seemingly been stretched and the skin had become flatter. Naruto peeled Gaara's balls from the tray, and gently patted his back while Gaara sobbed and groaned.
There was nothing for Gaara's balls save either that blue elixir or Shikaku's healing powers. Naruto undid the clasps holding Gaara down, and as soon as he did, the redhead sunk to the floor in horrible pain, clutching his ruined flat balls (or disks) in his hand. They had started to pulpify and had begun to run to the bottom of his sac.
Gaara was still in fetal position when Sasori came back.
"You bastard!" Naruto lunged at him, ready to summon Kyuubi at any time. But Sasori was fast, and suddenly he was in front of Naruto, with one of the blondes balls in each hand. He rubbed them slightly, getting moans of bliss from Naruto.
"Oh good, it did work. I see I made paper from Gaara's balls, and yours are four or so times more sensitive than your dick. Although your dick is six or so times more sensitive than your balls at this state..." Nartuo whimpered in need as his balls were rubbed. It felt like someone was rubbing the tip of his cock.
"Uhnn..." 'Damn! How long has it been since I came?' Kyuubi growled.
That surprised Naruto, and he gently bucked as a wave of pleasure hit him. Sasori grinned evilly.
"Ah, ah, ah, Naruto-chan..." Naruto growled at the pet-name . "You can't come yet! He squeezed the large balls in his hands, enough that in his normal state, Naruto would have groaned in pain and gasped. But with the new nerves, he was brought slowly to his knees and then onto the floor. Gaara was still in worse state; at least Naruto still had his balls.
For now...
Hope you liked it. If you did, review! If you think I'm fucking messed up, please; I reeeeeeally don't need to be reminded. No flaming. I'm doing this story and many other ones like this. I cater to a specific audience (to those with *cough* 'unusual' requests, PM me, or e-mail me. I'll see what I can do!)