Summers Never Been Better

Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter

Summary- For his own protection Draco is forced to spend his summer at the Burrow. What could possibly go wrong? Slash. Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy are both loving parents in this story they do "busy" with the Dark Lord but mainly because of their pure-blood status. They both love Draco and want to keep him safe so they send him to the burrow, they don't want Draco involved with anything to do with the Dark Lord.

Waning- this is AU obviously. AND there is slash.

Severus Snape watched from behind his desk as the class of 5th years took their seats. He kept silent as Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy sniped at each other before taking their seats. Slowly gaining the class attention, he spoke.

"10 points from Gryffindor for trying to start a fight inside a classroom." He almost smiled as Harry and Ronald Weasley were about to protest only to be stopped by Hermione Granger covering their mouths.

"Does anybody know what Dunderboat Dragon scales are used for?" Drawled Snape in a whispered voice that had the class straining to hear. The only sign of recognition came from the Gryffindor know it all as she waved her hand around in the air.

"Nobody knows? What a disappointment."

"Please sir, a Dunderboat Dragon scale are the most dangerous ingredient used in any potion. They are dangerous because the are drenched in poison. Only when they are added to a potion of any type are the no longer poisonous. When mixed the potion it gives off a sickly sweet smell before it simply burns."

"20 points from Gryffindor for talking when not called on." He listened to the whimsical sound of the Gryffindors protesting while the Slytherins snickered. A knock on the door saved the Gryffindors from loosing more points.

"Enter." The class watched as the door opened to reveal Luna Lovegood.

"Professor Snape, Headmaster Dumbledore asked for this to be delivered to you." Snape waved the young girl over he accepted the note from her, the class watched as Luna left the class.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Weasley your presence has been requested in the Headmaster's office." Professor Snape watched the two glare at each other before finally gathering their stuff and leaving.

"What did you do ferret that got us in trouble?" Ron grumbled to the blond Slytherin

"Me? Dumbledore probably has finally realised your family is to poor to let you keep attending Hogwarts." Draco sneered at the red headed boy.

"Then why were you asked to come? Mommy and daddy finally get what they deserve for kissing Lord Voldie's mouldy feet." Ron gaped as Draco suddenly slammed him into the wall.

"Don't you talk about my parents like that, you-you blood-traitor." Ron flipped them around so Draco was pinned to the wall.

"Real clever Malfoy did it hurt thinking of that insult." Ron sneered at the Slytherin. Neither of them knew who started it but after being separated by Professor McGonagall, neither really cared as they were escorted to the Headmaster's office.

"Thank you Minerva." Dumbledore told the elder witch as she walked the two boys into his office. She nodded and turned around to leave.

"Father, Mother? What are you doing here?" Draco barely realised that the Weasley family was also in Dumbledore's office. Draco walked over towards his parents, Narcissa grabbed him and hugged him before whispering a spell, his split lip was healed. Draco rested his head against her shoulder and allowed her warmth to flow through him. His father's cold hand rested on his shoulder made him feel safe.

"Now that everyone is here lets take our seats." Everyone took the offered seats except Draco who choose to stand in the space space in-between his parents chairs. Glancing over at the Weasley family, Draco noticed the twins and the girl Weaslette had joined their parents.

"I've spoken with both Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy along with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, we understand that this will be a big change for all of you but we have all come to the decision that this is the best for everyone."

"What is?" Ron asked after Dumbledore kept sitting there with that damn twinkle in his eye.

"Ronald let Dumbledore speak." Molly Weasley scolded from her spot.

"Thank you Molly. We have decided that Mr. Malfoy here should spend his summer at the Burrow with you." Dumbledore waited all but two milliseconds for the words to sink in before he got a reaction.

"WHAT!" Ron jumped up from his spot and yell at the exact same time as Draco, the two glared at each other. Draco let out a short squeak when Lucius grabbed his wrist and dragged him into his lap. Draco sighed and sat on his father's lap.

"Draco it's the only way we can ensure you will be safe." Narcissa told her son as she reached over and brushed his hair away from his eyes.

"Ronald Weasley sit down right now." The voice of Molly made Draco wince before he looked over to see the twins holding Ron back from attacking Draco.

" Lucius I don't know if this is such a good idea anymore." Draco watched along with his parents as the twins finally pushed Ron into his chair, Molly stood in front of him scolding him. He wasn't paying attention to busy glaring at the three blonds.

"It's the only option." Lucius told his two family members, really wishing they had another choice. Draco frowned and stretched his arm to wrap around his father's shoulder, his gently played with the hair that was gathered in a ponytail at the nape of Lucius's neck. Narcissa smiled faintly she remembered Draco playing his his father's hair all the time when he was younger whenever he wanted comfort, she wasn't sure if he was playing with it more so for his father's sake or for his own but neither seemed to mind.

"There's only three days left until school is over. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy will be bringing Draco's stuff the day you all will be leaving. You, Mr. Malfoy will leave with the Weasley family from King's Cross Station. Mr. Weasley we know you and Mr. Malfoy don't get along but his parents are requesting that he returns to school in one piece at the beginning of the school year."

"But mum what about Harry and Hermione they were gonna spend the summer, remember?" Ron whined to his mother.

"Harry and Hermione are still more then welcome to come and spend the summer."

"Yes!" Draco glared at the Weasley's as Ron and Ginny cheered, his hand gripped Lucius's hair tighter. Lucius gently rubbed his son's back as Narcissa combed her fingers through Draco's blond hair. He relaxed against they're movements, he melted into his father and rested his head against Lucius's shoulder.

"We should be leaving Molly." Arthur said speaking up for the first time since the children arrived in the office.

"As should we, Dragon." Lucius told his son, patting him on the arm. Draco sighed but got up from his father's lap. Narcissa pulled Draco into a hug and kissed him on his blond hair. Molly pulled both the twins in for a hug before hugging Ron and last Ginny as Author took his turn hugging the children.

"Behave." Molly told them before following Arthur through the floo.

"See you soon, Draco." Lucius told him as he hugged his son quickly before follow Narcissa through the floo.

"Malfoy Manor." And with that Lucius and Narcissa had left. Dumbledore closed the floo before turning the the students who remained in his office.

"Dinner is starting in a few minutes. I suggest you go get a seat. You may tell certain friends of your summer plans but I suggest keeping it quiet."

"Like I would go around yelling that I have to spend the summer with the Weasley's."

"Mr. Malfoy I would choose your words wisely considering you are in a room full of several Weasley's." Draco looked over to the red heads and shrugged.

"Can we leave now?" one of the twins asked, he believed it was George. They had been surprisingly quiet through the whole discussion.

"Yes you are all dismissed." Draco took his chance and left the office.

Draco walked into the Great Hall and walked over to the Slytherin table, he sat down in his usual spot next to his best friend Blaise Zabini. He piled some food onto his plate ignoring the questioning look he received from Blaise and Pansy Parkinson.

"So would you like to share with the class where you disappeared to with Weasel." Pansy questioned from her spot across the table from him.

"Not really, later." The two nodded and continued eating their dinners. Dinner ended, desert came and soon the students were emptying the hall and heading to their dorms.

The Slytherins made their way towards the dungeons. Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Crabble and Goyle hung around in the common room until everyone else had headed up to their dorms for the night.

"So Draco where did you and Weasley disappear to?" Pansy asked from her spot in front of the fire where she was playing a game of wizard cards against Crabble and Goyle.

"Dumbledore, my parents and Weasels parents have decided the only way to keep me safe is if I spend my summer with them at their place." Draco whined from his spot on the couch, Blaise chuckled and patted Draco's leg which rested in his lap.

"Sorry mate it could be worse." Draco looked at his best friends since childhood.

"How so?" The Italian boy shrugged his shoulder as he tried to think.

" Well Granger and Potter could be staying there as well." Draco stayed silent. "Oh man Granger and Potter and the whole Weasley family, sorry mate, doesn't look like it can get any worse then that."

"Thanks Blaise. You just made everything so much better."

"Your welcome man." Blaise reached over and gave Draco a one armed hug.

"Just think Draco this could actually possibly be the best summer you ever had." Goyle commented. Everyone stared at him like he had grown two heads. He just shrugged and flipped the card over. Who knew Goyle was actually smart?

Review let me know what ya think.