Chapter 18: epilogue

Disclaimer: the characters and all recognisable situations belong to Stephenie Meyer- this is a work of fanfiction.

AN: thanks to furyangoddess for betaing

this is where this story started – it was supposed to be a one shot of Jake and Bells – but Jake just wouldn't fit; he just wasn't naughty enough – I thought of Paul and then I had to get them together – started with the anger thing and went from there

I can't write drunk – well I can write drunk but I can't write drunk – yeesh now I just sound drunk

Epilogue: 20 years later

Bella Waggener was drunk. She didn't often get drunk, but she had been caught in a compromising position that afternoon at home by two of her children and getting drunk seemed like a good idea right now. She was still blushing about it. They had caught them before, but not at that exact moment. She was also at a party. Bella Waggener didn't often go to parties. Especially ones full of people she barely knew. It was a work thing and she hated having to make small talk. As a book editor she did most of her work online or alone. If she was to be honest, she much preferred the bonfires at the rez. She felt comfortable with the pack.

She was drunk enough that she had to phone her husband to come and collect her. She was really not looking forward to this and had as a result, had another drink when she probably ought not to have done.

She could tell exactly when her husband entered the party; mostly because she could feel him, but also because of the indrawn breath from the women she was attempting to have a conversation with.

"Get a load of that!" she heard from one , "Now that is a good looking trio." From another.

What the? Trio? He couldn't have. She turned (carefully, her balance was off) to see that he had. He had brought their twin sons. Given they were the witnesses of the compromising position alluded to earlier, she thought he had a hide. She groaned.

Part of her was seriously proud. They did look formidable. All three wore fitted jeans and tight t-shirts. Paul was still in perfect shape and the boys while only 16, had had the usual Quilete growth spurt and were pushing 6ft3. They flanked him and all three moved with the easy grace of the pack. They were standing at the top of the flight of stairs leading down to the pool area of the house.

"I will kill him." she muttered.

As if they had heard her, the three turned almost in synchronization and they started to move towards her. She could hear the women around her suck in their breath. They were spectacular.

They moved around the edge of the pool and stopped in front of her.

"Hey baby," Paul beamed at her. He loved it when she was tipsy.

"Ooh, buffet…" the twins chorused and veered off towards the food.

"What are you doing?" she hissed at him. She tried to drag him off to the side but he wasn't moving. She nearly overbalanced.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" There was a pause and then he introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Paul, Bella's husband." Reaching out his hand to each of the women. He still had that easy charm with women and it drove her crazy and better, he knew it drove her crazy.

She managed to drag him off, but they were only a metre or so away from the women. Bella didn't realise they were still the sole centre of attention.

"What are you doing?" she hissed again and wobbled a little on her feet.

"Picking you up; you asked me to come and get you." He faked a concerned look, "did you forget?"

"Ooh…ooh…you make me so mad!" she smacked him in the chest. "Ow…that hurt."

"Oh, baby," he crooned, "let me kiss it better."

"No" she snatched her hand back, "I'm still angry with you."

"What did I do?" he looked hurt.

"You…you know what you did…"she was trying hard to whisper, but her voice was louder than it needed to be in that way that drunks have, "…you heard them…you knew they were coming and you ignored them."

"Baaby, I was only concerned about you coming," he smirked at her.

"Oh, God…you are unbelievable!" she whisper shrieked at him. "All you think about is sex!"

"Says the woman who was riding my cock at the time!" he laughed.

"I tried to warn you…" she tried again.

"Really?" he interrupted, "'Cause when you moan my name like that, it usually means something else…that was why I picked up the pace."

"Yeah…your face…a combination of sex face and embarrassment..." contributed one of the twins. They had raided the food buffet and had returned with what appeared to be a turkey drumstick in each hand. She hadn't heard them approach. They had inherited their father's ability to move silently.

"No, I liked the way she tried to climb him like a squirrel climbing a tree," said the other and he launched into an imitation of his mother trying to warn Paul mid sex face, "Pauuuul…" his voice rising at the end and his hands waving in front of him. It looked even funnier with drumsticks.

They all laughed, Bella fumed.

"Seriously mum…get over it…"

"…yeah…we live with you…"

"…and we know you guys get it on every day…"

"…but the kitchen bench?"

"…is that hygienic?"

The twins spoke in between mouthfuls of turkey; they commonly finished each others sentences.

"Maybe not; but it is tall." Contributed their father, "height difference. Plus we have a thing about kitchens," he explained sagely to the boys and looked down at the tiny woman he adored.

She was muttering again.

"…so embarrassing…incredible…" she staggered back a little and sat down on a low garden wall.

Paul crouched down in front of her and sat on one heel. He looked prepared to wait. The twins wandered off in search of more food. He watched her intently and then he said "No…you know what is incredible?" She shook her head.

"That we've been together 20 years and I still want you every day." She looked up at him and her face softened.

He looked at his watch. "Hey, it's after midnight; that makes it Sunday. We haven't had sex yet today," he sounded hopeful.

"Jesus, Paul" she groaned and clutched her face. "We had sex five hours ago! That's what we are fighting about!"

"We were fighting? Really?" he stood up grabbing her by the hand. "C'mon, maybe we could stop for a quickie in the woods on the way home? Make the twins walk the rest of the way." He pulled her in close to his chest and kissed her.

"Pauuul…" she whined, but he knew he had her now.

"This is all your fault," she muttered at him

"Yeah, probably. Do you want me to carry you?" He didn't wait for an answer as she was already lifting her arms up to him. He scooped her up bridal style. She snuggled her face into his chest with her arms around his neck.

"Nice to meet you." He nodded to the speechless women still standing by the pool.

"Handbag," he instructed the twins who literally sniffed it out.

"You sure about that quickie?" he asked her, "you know I love it when you're drunk, you get so…" his voice trailed off and his eyes glazed over "…vocal…yeah that's it…vocal."

The twins groaned in unison as they all turned to make their way to their car.

the end

AN: so this has been fun and I thank you all for your reviews and comments. I know there is a big gap in time, but I was just trying to get them here - Paul's POV will be up as soon as I finish tweaking it. I think the Jake/Paul post beating discussion should be in that story.

My poor beta; I swear in Australian and she doesn't understand it half the time, funny how language is so different when it comes to euphemisms and swearing.