Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series. :( I'm sorry...

Alright, this is another short one... It follows up It's Yours (kinda). If you haven't read that, I suggest you follow my profile to that. Otherwise... Read on! I'm sorry it's so short... They've been short lately, anyway. So... Read and review, and I'll love ya forever! As will Harry and Draco... ;D No A/N this time.

There were many things Draco Malfoy knew about Harry Potter, but one of the most horrifying ones, to him, was that he was ever indebted to the Boy Who Lived. Throughout the years, Harry had proven himself as a good enemy, a good person, and, finally, a good friend.

The good enemy bit of Potter was easy to find. He had beaten Draco in almost every Quidditch match, and they were evermore throwing sneers and snide remarks at each other. It had begun the first day they met, before Hogwarts, before Ron and Hermione, before Ginny, before anyone, really, except Hagrid. Draco hadn't been unwilling to admit that much about the infamous Harry Potter.

The good person in Harry was just as easy to remember. The first bit Draco looked back on was him, in the burning Room of Requirement, swooping down on his broom to save Malfoy and Goyle, despite the fact that, only moments before, they had been fighting to kill. However, that was only the beginning. Every time Draco used his wand, he was forced to remember how, although it was rather unnecessary, the brunet had returned his wand to him, only weeks after the Battle of Hogwarts. And then, when he wore short sleeves, or when he was naked at all, Draco couldn't help but stare at his pale, unmarred left arm and smile slightly. The Dark Mark had been there, and it had seemed utterly impossible to remove until Harry, wielding the Elder Wand in its final act, had easily removed it with a flick of the wrist.

It was somewhat harder to admit that Harry Potter was indeed a good person, but it wasn't a stretch, really.

And then, lastly, Harry Potter was Draco Malfoy's good friend. After the war, they had hit it off rather well, playing a "What If" game with fate. What if Harry had been a Slytherin? What if Draco was raised by muggles, or a half-blood, even? They would easily have been friends; the two, even as they were, didn't have extremely conflicting personalities, really, they had just been pitted against each other from the start. It had been chance that made them enemies, chance that later dragged them both together, drunk, into the same bar, and chance that they had become good friends because of it.

But now, as Harry and Draco stood, lip locked, in the same bar they had started their friendship in, in the middle of no one they knew and everything they treasured, Draco had to wonder what Harry would be next to him. He had always been good, if nothing else. A good enemy, a good person, a good friend… As their lips moved in sync, their hands braced them against the world, their bodies drifted closer, the blonde couldn't help but wish that next Harry would be a good lover. Then, finally, he could say that he had seen the best of Potter in every light.