Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Hey, guys. I'm sorry this is really short. I'm not even going to put an A/N at the bottom of this, so... It's M for a reason! Kinda. Sexual stuffs, but not really. Playing it on the save side, luvs. Please read and review to tell me what you think! Again, I'm so sorry it's deathly short...

"Why are you doing this, Potter?" Draco snapped between frantically gasped breaths and the distinct urge to moan as Harry began his wonderful, wonderful, torturous ministrations down below.

Harry smirked against the blonde's skin, his teeth grazing over the delicate flesh as Draco squirmed at the feeling. "Because, Malfoy," he said chidingly, "frankly, life after Voldemort has gotten just too boring, and you know messing around with you is one of my favorite pastimes that I had presumed that we shared."

"This is taking it to a different level, Potter," Draco murmured sardonically, impressed with himself that he could even get that much out before his eyes fluttered shut, focusing only on the amazing thing Harry was doing with his tongue. "And yes, I do enjoy messing around with you, every single way you could mean that."

"Mmm," Harry hummed his reply, his tongue now reaching a patch of skin low enough on Draco's hips that the faint wisp of blonde curls that led under the hem of his pants was wet with his saliva. When the blonde bucked his hips, a silent plea for continuation, the brunet smirked. "I can see that very well, Malfoy, along with other things."

And then, with a pat to Draco's erection, which was quite evident under his robes, the Chosen One stood, straightened his tie and apparated on the spot. And then, only a moment later, Narcissa and Astoria walked into the room together, chatting airily about something trivial and utterly unimportant to the scene.

And then, Narcissa's eyes darted to her son - Astoria's were already on his bulging pants - turned on her heel, and dragged the visitor out of the room once more, closing the door behind her very gently. The Malfoy wife figured that that exact moment wasn't the opportune time to tell Draco's girlfriend of four years that he was gay and had been, up to the point of their intruding, about to fuck Harry Potter.

Narcissa sighed and rolled her eyes, leading Astoria on as she began to talk of just how lovely the Manor would look with the touch of a second female - she lied, of course, because she wasn't all that fond of the girl to begin with - and her favorite types of tea cozies. She had half a mind to punish Draco later for his lewd behavior on the antique furniture - when his girlfriend was around, nonetheless - but decided she wouldn't. Draco had seemed quite aroused, to the point where it looked painful, and it was obvious the Potter boy wasn't going to come back to finish what he started. That was punishment enough.