Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. It belongs to JK Rowling, etc.

The New Dark Lord

Chapter Ten

Elle Apparated into the small village of Ambleside with several of her fellow Aurors at her side. A quick scan of the area revealed her worst fears. Building burned, cars had been blown to bits or tipped on end, and trees had been reduced to ash in the wind. The Death Eaters had attacked, just as Draco had warned.

She had many questions, but all of them had to wait. Her squad leader was giving orders, directing Aurors to split into pairs and begin sweeping the village. They were to find any Muggle survivors and guide them to safety. Any Death Eaters they found were to be immobilised and secured.

'What about Potter and his girlfriend?' one of her colleagues asked when their leader asked if they had any questions.

'I don't think we have to worry about Potter. And Hermione is a more than competent witch, but that being said, I'd feel better if we got her to safety. If you find her, I expect you to get her out of here ASAP.'

Orders issued, Elle and her partner Oswall headed out down the street, cutting through an alley to start their search. Oswall was silent, giving her a chance to think back on how this crazy night had started.

She had been working on her report of Seraphina's kidnapping when Draco barged into their shared office. She jumped and in doing so banged her bare foot on the leg of her table.

'Shit!' She cursed, and then glared at her mentor. 'What the fuck Draco? Where have you been all day? Don't you know what's been happening? We need all the help we can get here, and what the hell have you been doing? Chasing some elusive fucking truth-teller?'

Draco seemed to not even hear her words. 'Death Eaters are going to attack Ambleside tonight; I need you to warn the Minister and Shacklebolt.'

Elle blinked. 'What's Ambleside?'

Draco sighed. 'That's where Harry and Hermione are. The Death Eaters are going to attack them tonight!'

Elle frowned. 'But that's not possible. The Ministry has - '

'I know!' Draco interrupted. 'I know more than you. But it's true. It's going to happen. And I need you to tell Trent and Shacklebolt. Now!'

'Why tell me? Why not just do it yourself?'

'Because if I do, they'll expect me to lead the counter attack.'

'And that's a problem because?'

'I have other things I need to do tonight.'

'More important than coming to the aid of your best fucking friend?'

Draco gave her a stern look. 'Yes.'

Elle narrowed her eyes. 'What the fuck are you up to now Draco?'

'Just do as I say!'

And that's all he'd said. He left the room quickly, and by the time she had got up and stumbled around the desk and out into the corridor, he was gone. So she had been forced to suck up her anger at him and do as he said. She went to Shacklebolt first, as he was her direct superior, and after explaining how she knew Harry and Hermione lived in Ambleside and how she had come by the information, he had whisked her off to tell the Minister for Magic Gerwin Trent.

So here she was, searching through this small Muggle village for the saviour of the wizarding world and his love. And where was Draco Malfoy?

'Who the fuck knows?' she muttered to herself. 'Bastard.'


'I'm a what?' Lucy asked, her eyebrows shooting up in shock and disbelief.

'What are you talking about?' Her mother echoed her incredulity.

Harry ground his teeth in frustration. 'I really don't have time to explain!'

'Make time!' Lucy's mother demanded.

Harry sighed. 'If I'm not a wizard and Lucy isn't a witch, how I else do you explain what has happened tonight? I put your father to sleep with a gesture Lucy. People have attacked your house with wands of wood, flinging balls of light at you. Lucy, you yourself deflected those balls of light by creating a force field, a field so powerful it made you faint. But if you want more proof, here,' Harry pointed at the telephone, turning it into a turtle.

Lucy gasped while her mother looked horrified.

'Lucy,' Harry said, making the little girl look at him, 'you know me. Trust me. You're in danger. The village is under attack by some very bad people who will kill you and your family. Kill everyone in the village. Let me take you and your family to safety. Trust me.'

Biting her lower lip, Lucy nodded and turned to look at her mother. 'I trust him mum. Please. Do as he says.'

Looking as if she had no idea what else to do, her mother bowed her head in consent. 'Okay. What do we do?'

'Thank you. This will be strange, but it's the fastest way to get you out of here. I want you all to touch me. Wait, let me just grab your father.' Harry knelt to touch the unconscious mans outstretched leg. 'Right. Grab hold and don't let do. You'll feel a pressing sensation.'

Lucy and her mother each took hold of Harry by either shoulder.

'Hold tight. Ready?'

'Ready,' Lucy said.

Harry apparated with a muffled crack. They reappeared in the countryside, far enough away from Ambleside as to be out of danger. It was dark, nearly pitch black, until Harry lit his wand with a silent lumos. Tree branches bent and creaked in the wind. Lucy and her mother looked around in shock.

'Where are we?' Lucy asked.

'How did we get here?' added her mother.

'No time for explanations. That will come later.' Harry created a few floating lanterns, attaching them to trees, lighting the area in a rough circle. 'I've got to get back to the village. I'm going to save as many people as I can. You stay here. Do not move out of the light. I'll be back. I promise.'

'Wait,' Lucy said urgently, and Harry stopped to look at her. 'I'm really… a witch? I can do all this? What you're doing?'

Harry knelt in front of her. 'With training, you might just be able to, yes. I will explain everything, once I save Ambleside. I promise Lucy. Keep your family safe until I get back. Okay?'

Lucy nodded with a serious face. 'Okay.'

'Good,' Harry said, with a smile. 'I'll be back.' Then he vanished with hardly a sound.


The arrival of the Aurors brought about a quick end to the attack of Ambleside, but the night was far from over. In the far south of England, the estate of Antonin Dolohov was hidden out of sight of the world, surrounding by miles and miles of woodland. Dolohov was a very private wizard, in every sense of the word.

In the main house of the estate, Amado Kelzer sat upon his self-styled throne. The room used to consist of a large dinning table, crystal chandelier, and many portraits of the Dolohov family, as was customary for the great houses of the wizarding world. Amado had cleared away the great table, chandelier, and the many portraits, and replaced them with a single, cushioned chair. Large and dominating above the chair, a stained glass window looked down upon the room, depicting two subjects kneeling before a smaller figure.

Antonin Dolohov stood beside the throne like chair, unmoving, while Amado sipped on a glass of honeyed wine. From outside the room, there was a sound of a scuffle, curses, and then a large explosion. Amado appeared disinterested, sipping his wine casually. A moment later, the double doors of the room opened to reveal several slumped figures – Death Eaters – and a copious amount of dust and rubble. From amidst all this chaos, Draco Malfoy entered the room and walked to its centre, wand held in hand. His red Auror robe was torn down his left arm, his flesh underneath slightly charred, but he was otherwise unharmed.

Amado smiled. 'Hello Draco.'

Draco looked up at Amado suspiciously. 'Kelzer.'

'Someone has been talking,' Amado said, still smiling. 'Was it really necessary to destroy so much of my nice new home?'

'Your home? I thought this was Dolohov's.'

'Not anymore.' Amado downed the rest of his wine and vanished the glass with a gesture. 'Shall I assume, since you're here, that my attack on Ambleside will not be as much of a surprise as I originally intended?'

'Assume whatever you want,' Draco said, raising his wand, 'I'm not here to talk.'

'Hmm.' Amado looked Draco right in the eyes. 'Throw me your wand.'

Draco tossed his wand over without a second thought, and then frowned. Amado caught it and slipped it up his sleeve. Draco looked at his hand, shook his head, and then glared at Amado. 'What the fuck was that?'

Amado grinned. 'Are you a Muggle Mister Malfoy? It was magic. My own magic, far more powerful than anything you have ever seen.'

Draco narrowed his eyes. 'What do you want?'

'Unlike you, I'm actually very interested in having a nice, long chat with you Draco. We have much in common, you and I.'