It took Kelly Jones fourteen years to return to St Trinians. In those years she had been promoted MI7 and quit for family reasons. A few months after she quit MI7 she bought a night club, which she ran successfully, it was one of the top night clubs in the country. Kelly did a lot more in those years but whatever she did there was something in her mind that was chanting St Trinians over and over again. She soon found two important reasons to return home, two reasons that could change everything.

One day Kelly was sat in her office working out some figures when she received a phone call off MI7. They were informing her about an old criminal that she put behind bars some years ago had escaped prison. MI7 needed him caught before he caused harm to the public; so they called the most talented agent they knew, Kelly Jones. She agreed but she didn't agree to come back to MI7 because she was happy with her new life. Five minutes later she received a call off Cheltnem Ladies College, Kelly had a slight feeling CLC would call her soon. When Kelly put the phone down on the Cheltnem Ladies headmistress she knew it was time to go back to St Trinians and reveal what she had known for over a year. She put her right hand man in charge of her club and called for a taxi to take her home. Once she got home she packed a few bags and jumped into her old spy car. Kelly collected something from CLC and ended up on the path to St Trinians. Kelly wasn't returning to St Trinians because she wanted to she was returning because she needed to. But the old head girl wasn't returning to St Trinians by herself,

"You'll love it at St Trinians, never a dull moment trust me" Kelly told her passenger,

"Oh yeah 'cause I'll really love school," the passenger said sarcastically,

"Remember the stories I told you? They're true"

"Yeah right, next your gonna tell me that you were the one who stole the painting"

"No I didn't steal that painting. I borrowed it and returned it later" Kelly corrected,

"Yeah next joke"

"What language do penguins speak?"

"Seriously you aint funny, you never have been and you never will be. Penguin jokes off penguin chocolate bars aren't funny." The rest of the journey was made in silence. Kelly had given up trying to convince her passenger that St Trinians was an eventful place. Her passenger was known for being fearless, courageous and abit of a prankster but when she saw the sign and the skull with a knife on its head she became scared.

"Take me back to Cheltnem Ladies!" The passenger begged,

"Thought you hated that place?" Kelly said amused,

"I never said that!"

"You'll love it here, I did"

"Did? That's in the past tense, so that means you don't like here. You've been lying to me!" Kelly didn't say anything to that comment, instead she thought about what had happened on her last visit to St Trinians. She wondered if there was still a Flash selling dodgy goods and if it was the Flash that broke her heart. Even though it had been fourteen years Kelly didn't know if she could face him.

"Common it's time you met Miss Fritton" Kelly said as she pulled up outside the big front doors of St Trinians. Her and her passenger stepped out of the spy car. A smell reached the passengers nose,

"Explosives? What is this place, Hogwarts for terrorists?" Kelly laughed; this reminded her of when Annabelle first arrived at St Trinians. Kelly confidently walked inside with the now timid passenger following her. A familiar face was sat behind the receptionist's desk, but it wasn't Beverly. Kelly didn't bother ringing the small bell that sat on the table; she pressed the stop button on the old IPod.

"We're here to see Miss Fritton," Kelly smiled,

"Ya not coppers are ya?"

"No, but I am an ex MI7 agent" Kelly said hoping that she would be recognised,

"Kelly Jones?"

"Glad you remembered me Celia"

"We thought you'd never come back after what happened with Flash. It's good to see you" Celia joyfully said, "Miss Fritton Kelly Jones is here to see ya!" She called over the telecom,

"Celia, what have you been drinking this time? And what have I told you about calling Miss Fritton?"

"'Belle I'm really here" Kelly said before Celia could say anything,

"No your not, I've just nodded off and dreaming that you are really here again"

"Annabelle, you're getting like your aunt. Mad as a bag of gerbils" Kelly joked. Kelly could hear Annabelle sighing,

"I'll be right down, but if I am dreaming..." Kelly looked at her passenger who wasn't impressed about being brought here. Her passenger still couldn't believe that all the storeys that Kelly told were true. A couple of misbehaving school girls couldn't have stolen a famous painting from the national gallery, the school and girls from the stories couldn't be real. All the criminal things they did, all the schemes and scams, all the seduction it couldn't be true. It seemed impossible for the stories to be true, how could a bunch of misbehaving school girls get away with murder? How could the school dodge the Ministry of Education? Kelly's passenger was about to find out. Annabelle Fritton gloomily slumped down the stair case; she was muttering something as she descended. Kelly couldn't help but let a laugh slip out at the sight Annabelle, she was acting like a women twice her age. Annabelle looked up at Kelly and ran straight for her. She pulled Kelly into a tight hug; she had clearly missed her old friend.

"What are you doing back here? We thought you'd never come back!" Annabelle told Kelly,

"Family business," Kelly and Annabelle looked towards Kelly's passenger,

"Who's her father?" Annabelle asked already knowing the answer,

"Flash," Kelly mumbled, "She's never met him and I prefer to keep it that way. I've coped as a single parent for fourteen years and I don't want him poking his nose in"

"What's her name?"

"Kelis Hope Jones" Kelly said proudly,

"A beautiful name for such a beautiful girl. She isn't the only reason you're here is she?"

"Am I that predictable?"

"Yup, want to talk about it in my office?" Annabelle smirked. Kelly nodded and turned to her daughter,

"This way Kelis and beware of the traps." Kelly warned, she had a lot of explaining to do.

This would of been up sooner but I spent agers choosing between Hope and Aimee

Anyways reveiw? Or do you have a phobia of it? hmmm