I looked at my mom's smile and I knew what she was thinking.

"Mom, no." I said to her.

"What? I haven't done anything…yet." She said with her hand on her mouth. I rolled my eyes and then looked at Runo. She was laughing. I smiled at the thought that she was happy. I stood up and wiped myself off. I reached my hands out to Runo. She looked at me in question.

"Don't you want to get off the floor?" I asked her. She smiled.

"Oh, yeah. Sure I do." She said as she grabbed my hands. I helped her up and she hugged me as soon as she got on her feet. I blushed and felt a little embarrassed since my mom was like right there!

"Uh…Runo?" I didn't put my arms around her. I just let her hug me. She turned her face to my neck and whispered "Aren't you gonna hug me back?" I was frozen by her words. This was really unexpected, but I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her slim body.

"Aww! Look at my Danny growing up!" My mom yelled. I heard my dad's footsteps running in the house.

"Whoa, Dan! That's my boy!" My dad cheered. This was so embarrassing. I could hear Runo quietly laughing.

"We should stop now before they call in the whole neighborhood." I whispered to Runo. She laughed and let go.

"Go Dan! Yeah! That's my son! That is my SON!" My dad kept cheering. I put my hands in my pockets and looked at my parents.

"Are we going now, because I'm starved?" I asked them. My mom was looking all teary eyed and crap.

"Okay Danny. If that's what my big boy wants." She said crying. I rolled my eyes.

"Mom, don't cry…and my name is Dan." I complained. My dad was so happy. He was fighting his excitement. I could tell by the way he couldn't stand still. We all started walking out the house and to the car. We drove to some weird place that was actually titled "Breakfast". I smacked my forehead and shook my head.

"Okay, we can go eat now!" My mom said, still crying! I laughed at her and then got out of the car. I walked to the other side and opened the door for Runo. She stepped out smiling harder than ever. I smiled back and afford her my arm. She grabbed onto my arm and held on so tight that I thought that she was going to cut off the circulation. My mom looked back at us and cried even harder.

"Oh, my baby boy is growing up!" She started to cause a scene. I rolled my eyes again.

"Mom, you're causing a scene." I whispered to her.

"I don't care. Just look at you! You're growing up so fast! I feel like-"

"It was only yesterday when I was bottle feeding you, yeah, yeah, yeah. Can we go in now without you crying?" I interrupted her.

"Fine! Let's go then!" My mom said as she wiped her eyes. Runo held on tighter to my arm and put her head on my shoulder. I could hear her laughing the every time my mom spoke. When we got in the place my mom started crying, AGAIN!

"T-table for f-four please." She cried to the waiter. My dad grabbed her shoulders and smiled at the waiter.

"Sorry. She's just a little upset about the fact that our son is on his first date." He informed the guy.

"No problem. I've seen this a million times!" The guy smiled. Runo kept laughing. I started to laugh, too.

"Oh, and about the seating, we'd like to have two tables for two each." My dad added. I stopped laughing and looked at him. He looked back at me and winked. I'm so glad he was here. Mom would have made us sit with her.

"No problem. Right this way." The waiter said as he showed us to our tables. Runo kept gripping tighter to me every time we got closer to our tables.

"Runo, don't put a blood clot in my arm, please." I told her. She laughed.

"Sorry, Dan." She apologized, but her grip remained tight. I sighed and then ignored her grip.

"Here are your tables and menu's. Have a great time!" The waiter said. I think he was high because he was really happy. Runo and I sat at our table and the first thing that I did was look at the menu. I want me some chocolate chip pancakes! Thank god that it was on the menu! I felt Runo grab my hand and I put down the menu.

"What?" I asked her. She wasn't smiling as usual. Right then and there I was thinking that something was wrong.

"I'm afraid." She hung her head down.

"What?" I asked again. She smiled and chuckled.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." She let my hand go and looked at her menu. I gave her a look.

"Are you sure?" I asked her. She put the menu down and looked at me.

"Yes, I am sure." She put her menu back up to her face. I slowly put up my menu and pretended to look at it.

"Hello. My name is Marie and I'll be your server for today." A waitress said as she arrived to our

"What?" I whispered to her as if the waitress couldn't hear me. She gave me an evil look and I looked at the waitress and smiled.

"Hello. I would like some chocolate chip pancakes and orange juice." I looked at Runo at the last word. She gave me a fake smile and looked at the waitress.

"I will have banana nut pancakes with orange juice, and make sure that you don't bring a side of PERVERT with you!" Runo looked at me when she yelled pervert. I put my hand on my face and smiled at her. She smirked and crossed her arms.

"Okay…well then, I'll be back with that." Marie went over to my mom and dad's table. I took a deep breath and stared at Runo. She was mad! I could tell by the way she avoided looking at me the whole time we waited. I kept making noises and touching her arms to aggravate her. She kept smacking my hands every time I touched her. I kept laughing.

"Dan, I'll kill you! This isn't funny." She whispered. I kept laughing. Then I stopped messing with her when the waitress came with our breakfast.

"Yes! Finally! Time to eat!" I yelled. Runo kicked me.

"Okay, I didn't do anything this time." I said to her.

"You're embarrassing yourself, Dan." She warned me. I looked around and saw a bunch of people looking at me. I turned my head in embarrassment. Runo laughed. Marie put our food and drinks on the table and then went over to my parents' table. I poured a bunch of syrup on my pancakes and dug in. Runo was eating her food all lady like, and she tried to get me to have some table manners. I ignored her and finished my breakfast. She rolled her eyes at me and finished her food. I chugged my orange juice and then wiped my face with a napkin. I sat there waiting for everyone to finish eating. I looked over to my parents' table and saw that they were the older reflection of me and Runo. Dad was eating his pancakes like a beast, and mom was sitting there all lady-like. I laughed at the resemblance.

"What's so funny?" Runo asked.

"Look at my parents. They remind me of us." I pointed out to her. She looked at them and covered her mouth. She was trying to keep from laughing.

"You know it's true. I know you want to laugh." I teased her. She busted out laughing and so did I. I stood up and stretched. Runo got up to and then walked over to me and grabbed my arm and held on tight. We walked over to my parents.

"Are you guys ready to go?" I asked them.

"Yes we are!" My dad cheered. I rolled my eyes at him and headed for the front exit. I am now…the man! I have the girl, and…and…well that's it.

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