Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran or any characters.

Five Years Later, 2016:

Haruhi once again stood on the landing at the top of the center flight of stairs into the ballroom, but at the moment she stood behind the curtain. This time though there were more boys. They were strung out along all three staircases. The current Host Club President, a boy named Toshio Furukawa, was standing partway down the main staircase with a microphone as he welcomed everyone to the 2015 Host Club Graduation Ball. Then he listed those that were graduating from Ouran Academy. Now it was time to congratulate those graduating from University. And then it was Haruhi's turn.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, for the first time ever, one of our alumni has graduated from Graduate School with a Ph. D in Law. I give you our groundbreaking alumni: Haruhi Ohtori!" As Toshio said this Haruhi came out from behind the curtain, she was wearing another Hitachiin black and white ball gown. The crowd went wild. Kyoya had been standing across from Tamaki on the landing and he held out his hand for her to take. Haruhi took his hand and allowed him to lead her to front of the landing, Where Tamaki took her other hand and they bowed to crowd together.

Standing in the crowd was the three proud fathers.

"Can you two believe what my amazingly brilliant son has created here?" Mr. Suoh said to the two men standing next to him.

Mr. Ohtori snorted. "Your son didn't do this on his own. If it hadn't been for Kyoya the club would've sunk in it's first year."

Ryoji waved his hand at them airily. "You two are both right, but you're forgetting something very important. If it wasn't for my Haruhi this club wouldn't have survived more than three years."

Mr. Ohtori and Mr. Suoh looked at each other and smiled a little. They knew they had been topped, and by someone that didn't even know how to play the game.

Mr. Ohtori opened his mouth to say something else when Kyoya was given the microphone. All three men looked up to see what had to be said.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to announce something else that is new to the alumni of the Host Club. Haruhi and I are the first to be expecting a baby!"

Mr. Suoh looked down as he heard two thumps, one on either side of him. Ryoji and Yoshio sat on the floor with stunned looks on their faces. Mr. Suoh chuckled and walked off to go find Anne-Sophie, who was talking to Alianore.

44 Years later, 2055:

Kyoya sat at the dinner table, he was surrounded by his family and friends. Haruhi sat at his side. Her hair was no longer chocolate brown, it was a nice snowy white. Everyone was looking expectantly at Kyoya, it was time for his speech.

Kyoya stood up slowly, it seemed like it got harder to stand everytime he sat now. "Family and friends, I welcome you to a celebration. Fifty years ago today I asked Haruhi out for very non-romantic reasons, never knowing that we'd fall in love, get married, and spend such wonderful years together with all of you." Here Kyoya paused as he looked around the room. There sat his only son with his wife, who happened to be Tamaki's daughter. Their little girl was sitting between them. Next came Hikaru and Masaye, they had never had any children, but they loved spoiling Kaoru and Chiye's three children. Next came Tamaki and Alianore, their late in life surprise baby, who was actually in college now, was next. She was still single. Then there was calm and stoic Mori, he had never married, choosing instead to devot himself to Hunny and his art. He constantly spoiled Hunny and Reiko's six children.

As Kyoya looked around the table at everyone connected to his family sitting there he felt his heart swell up with gladness. He had never realized how alone he had been, until he met them. "I just want to thank all of you, for making these last fifty years wonderful ones."

Haruhi stood up and kissed Kyoya in front of all their friends. The older crowd cheered, while the younger crowd said such things as "Get a room!" "Now that's just wrong Dad!" But it didn't matter to Kyoya what they said or did, he was in heaven with Haruhi in his arms.

Author's Note: So many complications. My computer got screwy last night and stopped working, I need the Windows 7 disc to fix it, which is at my father's. So atm I'm on my sister's laptop typing this without word, since her computer doesn't have it. So I have no spellcheck, if sometings wrong let me know. Once I get my computer back I plan to run this through spellcheck.

I have the first chapter up of my next story, but it's on fictionpress, not on here, the link is in my profile if you would like to read another romance story by me.

I was going to put in a thank you I had written to everyone that reviewed my story, but it's in word and I can't access it... So I might edit and add it in later when I get things back to normal.