Dressing Up

Summary: Emmett Cullen decides to throw a dress up party for his eighteenth. However, with the Cullen's there, it's definitely not going to be a normal dress up party... The results are both humorous and chaotic. (: Don't let the summary throw you off.

I'm awful at summaries. So be sure to review and let me know what you think. :D

Emmett POV

A whole month without that devious little psychic. I couldn't have hoped for a better birthday present. Alice had taken Jasper for a holiday on some island near Australia, as it had been their wedding anniversary yesterday.

As for me, on Saturday, I was going to throw a dress up party for my birthday. We had to tell the humans that it was my eighteenth, but that didn't bother me much. Of course, I already had the perfect costume picked out.

It was Monday. I had to advertise my party.

"Little human," I called, spotting Bella standing by her truck. She grinned upon seeing me.

"Crazed vampire," she greeted, as I went over to her. I handed her a stack of purple fliers. She pulled one of the top and read aloud.

"You're throwing a dress up party?" she laughed, holding the fliers out for me to take. I grinned, and took a step back. She frowned, puzzled.

"I need a favor," I explained. "You need to help me hand out fliers for my party."

She pouted, dropping the stack of fliers on the ground. Gasping, I bent down and picked them up.

"Have you got any idea how long it took me to make these, Bella?" I demanded. Bella laughed.

"Oh, come on, Emmett. This is you we're talking about. You didn't design these fliers."

I gave in with a sigh. For a human, she was hard to trick.

"Okay, so I got some help off of Alice before she left, happy?"


She turned and began walking away. I raced over to her.

"Come on, Bella. You're ruining my birthday."

"Your birthday isn't until Saturday," she pointed out. "And you're like, over a hundred now. Old men don't have parties."

I sighed.

"I may be old, but I still have feelings. Please, Bella."

She took the fliers from me and walked away. I grinned to myself. That got that out of the way.


At lunch, I sat with Jessica and her group. Emmett, Edward and Rosalie had had to bolt when the sun came out. Everyone at school seemed to be chatting excitedly about Emmett's dress up party.

"Well the invitation says to be unrecognizable," Jessica was saying to Angela, who seemed like she couldn't take another minute of Jessica's constant whining.

"Are you talking about Emmett's dress up party?" I asked, taking a seat opposite the pair. Angela shot me a grateful smile. I winked at her.

"Oh yes," she grinned, "but don't you think he's a bit old to have a dress up party?"

I smiled. Jessica, as always, had found something to whine about.

"Who cares?" cut in Mike. "It's probably not going to be as good as everyone thinks."

"But it's Emmett Cullen. Of course it's going to be pretty epic!" sighed Jessica. Mike rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, that's what everyone said about Tyler's party last year. That was so boring. Everyone went home cause there was no action."

I strained my ears to listen to Tyler and Ben's conversation.

"It won't be as good as my seventeenth was last year," Tyler was saying to Ben. Ben laughed.

"Dude, it only lasted an hour. Everyone left, remember?"

"So?" sighed Tyler. "As if Cullen's will last ten minutes."

"You wanna bet?" laughed Ben. "Cullen's gonna make this pretty interesting, I think."

"Sure, fifty bucks."

"You're an idiot, Tyler," sighed Mike. "Your party was crap. No food, no music, nothing. No wonder everyone left. Fifty bucks proves that you're an idiot."

"Agreed," said Ben, shaking Tyler's hand. Ben exchanged a glance with Mike. They both started laughing. Tyler turned bright red.

"You can laugh, Newton," snapped Tyler, venom dripping from his words. "But I'll be the one laughing when everyone leaves Emmett's party in the first ten minutes, and Ben has to hand over fifty bucks."

Jessica rolled her eyes.

"Tyler, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard," she laughed. Tyler frowned, and turned to Ben.

"This is a serious bet, mate," sighed Ben. "You do realise that, don't you? If everyone walks out in the first ten minutes of Cullen's party, then sure, I'll give you fifty bucks. If they don't… then I'll be fifty bucks richer."

"Good luck," muttered Mike, winking at me.

I pulled a flier out of the pile I was holding and it examined it. Alice had done a pretty good job on these fliers.

"Ooh, can I have one?" asked Jessica, snatching the flier from me. She tapped Angela on the shoulder, who was in the middle of a conversation with Ben. Angela snapped around and frowned.

"What?" she asked, irritated.

"The party's at their house!" exclaimed Jessica.

"What?" asked Angela, taking the invitation and looking at it. Angela raised an eyebrow questioningly. Jessica rolled her eyes.

"We get to go their house for the party. The Cullen house! Apparently, it's a massive mansion or something. Gosh, they sure are rich. You know, before Bella came along, Edward was practically obsessed with me. It was so sweet, but I just wasn't interested. I had to tell him to back off. When Bella came along, I guess he realized that I liked Mike and moved on. Now he's obsessed with her. It's so strange," babbled Jessica.

I laughed silently. Edward had never been 'obsessed with her', as she put it. According to Emmett, it was the other way around. Jessica had been obsessing over Edward, who had told her very nicely that he wasn't interested in her.

Angela laughed as soon as Jessica finished talking.

"You're kidding, right? Wasn't it you who asked him out, and got rejected?" she sighed, clutching her side from laughter. Jessica blushed, frowning.

"No, that's not the story at all. If Bella hadn't…"

Jessica finally seemed to remember that I was at the table. She glanced over at me, and blushed a deeper shade of red when she saw that I was listening to their conversation.

Glaring at me, she got to her feet and marched off towards Lauren, who had just entered the cafeteria. She began gossiping to Lauren, who gave me a murderous look.

No wonder I had left this crowd, and always hung out with Edward and his family. Sighing to myself, I turned to Angela, who was giving me a sad smile.

"See what I have to put up with?" she sighed.

"Why do you put up with it, then? You could always sit with us, you know."

She glanced over at Ben, her boyfriend. I nodded in understanding. She giggled.

"Besides, I have a very high tolerance level."

Tyler POV

There was only one small costume shop in Forks. Everyone already knew about Cullen's party, and I had to get there before they did. After school finished, I ran out of biology and over to the parking lot. I jumped into my brand new van and backed out of the parking lot.

I sped off down the road, in a hurry to get to the costume shop before every other kid in town. Speeding out onto the highway, my face fell when I saw Bella's dad signaling me over from the side of the road, where he was standing next to his police cruiser.

Groaning, I pulled over. There was no point in ignoring him. It was a small town. The guy probably knew where I lived.

I got out of the car and walked over to him. He was writing me a ticket. I groaned. He looked up, frowning.

"Hey Mr. Swan," I greeted.

"Chief Swan," he grunted, not bothering to return my greeting. "You realise why I've pulled you over, don't you?"

"Yeah, sorry about that. I wasn't keeping track of my speed. I was in a bit of a hurry. It won't happen again."

He squinted up at me, as if trying to remember who I was. He gasped in realization.

"I'm Ty…" I began, but was cut off by him.

"I know you. You're that idiot that almost ran over Bella in your van!" Chief Swan growled. Groaning, I looked away. There was no way I was going to make it to the costume shop now. Everyone was probably already there.

"You told me then that you weren't going to be driving recklessly ever again," he continued. "Yet here you are, months later, speeding."

He handed me the ticket, glaring at me as if I was his most hated enemy. I didn't bother looking at it. My father would be pretty annoyed if he found out I had been fined. I'd have to come up with the money myself.

"Don't let me catch you again, or I'll be taking it further," snapped Chief Swan, as I walked off towards my car. Stupid old guy…

I got into my car, and drove slowly into the distance. The minute I was clear of Charlie's view, I sped off. If I hurried, then perhaps I would be able to get to the costume shop in time.

Cruising along, I turned on the radio. An eighties song filled my ears. I groaned, turning the radio off. My face fell as I arrived at the costume shop. All the parking spaces were gone. The shop was full of kids. They all had their arms full of costumes.

Running in, I groaned in realization. Everything was gone. Every last stitch of clothing. Gone.

Guess I'd be wearing a hand made costume to Cullen's party.


So if you're wondering about anything, feel free to ask. (: Next chapter coming shortly. I'm so used to writing in Bella's point of view, so I'll try and do this story in other people's point of views as well. But let me know what you guys think about that, as well.
