Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I was at camp. Ok thanks for the reviews. Insert your favorite disclaimer here! (I own nothing) Here's the chapter
Jonathan stood up as Fred walked towards us. I sank down into the couch, and if I could blush I would have been as red as a tomato. That wasn't awkward at all! I looked back to Fred and Jonathan.
"Bree?" Fred asked. "Did he hurt you?" I smiled at that.
"No, Fred, I'm fine really," I said. I stood up and walked over to them. Jonathan laced his hand into mine and I stood close to him. Fred looked at us for a second and then his eyes widened.
"Great!" he said. "Lovebirds." But I knew that he was just teasing us. He punched Jonathan playfully. "Don't hurt her, Johnny." He added. Jonathan rolled his eyes and I squeezed his hand. I sighed, because I would be hurting Jonathan, and by the looks of things, very soon. "So, you're staying with us then?" Fred said with a smile.
"Uh, can we go outside?" I asked. "My family would like to hear my decision too." Fred nodded and I broke away from Jonathan. He stayed back with Fred as the Cullen came out from the trees. Emmett smiled at me and waved and I laughed, my voice sounding a little scared, and waved back.
"So, everyone knows why we're here, so I'll cut to the chase." I turned to Fred and Jonathan. "Fred, I'm so grateful to have you and I'll never forget what you did for me. Living with you would be amazing and it took me a long time to rule out what I wanted to do because of you. Jonathan, I love you and I know, no matter how corny it sounds, that I don't want to live without you." Emmett made a gagging noise and Alice thumped the back of his head, earning herself a growl from Rosalie. I laughed and turned towards them. "I'm so grateful that you made the choice to take me in and I'll always consider you all as my family. I love how you live. You are so pure and kind. You have treated me like part of the family from the start and I love you all." It was quiet for a minute.
"Bree?" Jonathan asked. I walked over to him and Fred. I hugged Fred.
"Thank you," I said. "I love you Fred and I will always be your friend." I moved to Jonathan. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek gently. "Jonathan, you have no idea how hard this is for me. I love you." I gave him a hug, but turned away. Before Fred or Jonathan could say anything I was across the field, standing with the Cullens. Alice squealed and hugged me warmly. I laughed gratefully and Esme came forward to hug me too. After getting hugs and welcomes from everyone, even Rosalie, I turned back to Fred and Jonathan. I looked sacredly into Fred's eyes, but he smiled and nodded, telling me he understood. Jonathan was staring at the ground and I thought he wasn't going to say anything, but when we started to walk away he ran forward.
"Bree!" He called. "Bree, wait." I turned around. He pulled me into a hug. "I'm coming with you." I pulled away, eyes wide.
"Jonathan, you don't understand. They… well… they hunt," I started, but he out his finger on my lips.
"I know. And I want to do it. Not only for you, but for me. I don't like killing people and I want to learn restraint too," he said. I spun around quickly to look at the Cullens. They were talking quietly. Carlisle spoke up.
"You understand what you're doing, son?" Carlisle asked. Jonathan nodded.
"I want to do it. Really, I promise. I'll do my best and I'll never stop," he said. I looked up at him and smiled adoringly. It was quiet for a minute.
"Welcome to the family." Jonathan smiled gratefully and I kissed him.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too Bree." We joined the family and Jonathan was given the same greeting I had at the very beginning. They treated him like part of the family already.
"Do you like to wrestle?" Emmett asked. Everyone laughed brightly as Jonathan smiled and nodded. Emmett smiled widely. He had a new friend to torture now. Jasper smiled. "You're not out of anything, Jazzy," Emmett teased him. Jasper growled. "You're still wrestling me." Laughter broke out again. Alice turned around then.
"Fred?" she asked. "What about you?" He shook his head.
"No, I- I don't think I would like it," he said, turning to face the house. Alice looked at Jasper and murmured something to him. Jasper smiled and nodded. Jasper stepped forward.
"You know Fred," Jasper said. Fred turned around again. "Alice and I have two friends in the Virginia area who hunt humans. They had mentioned that they wanted a few more people in their coven. Maybe you could go talk to them." Fred nodded. "Their names are Peter and Charlotte. If they ask, tell them that Jasper and Alice sent you and that you are very kind and civilized."
"I think I will. Thank you," Fred said. We waved from where we were with the family and Fred took off. We ran back to the house and I smiled. I entered with Jonathan at my side. I was finally an official Cullen.
AN: Ok guys, that's it! The story is over. Sorry it was so short. I can't believe it! What did you think? Please, please review. I was thinking about writing a sequel. Do you think that would be good? Thanks for reading! Love you all! CaityCullen99