Hey Everybody! I'm currently reading Stephanie Meyer's new Eclipse Novella called The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. It's pretty good… yay! So I was inspired to write this. It's about what would have happened if the Volturi had let Bree live. All characters and storylines belong to Stephanie! This is just for fun. Hope you like it and don't forget to review… I'll give you a cookie! Okay not really but I would love you forever! -Caity

"Wait," the mind reader said loudly. He turned to Carlisle and spoke quickly. "We could explain the rules to the young one. She doesn't seem unwilling to learn. She didn't know what she was doing."

"Of course," Carlisle said, looking at Jane. "We would certainly be prepared to take full responsibility for Bree." The girl- Jane they had called her- looked to the two other hooded cloaks behind her. One shrugged but the other one looked a little unsettled. She consulted him in a quiet voice. I tried to listen to them to distract myself from the burning.

"This is exactly what we were trying to avoid. We wanted them weaker in numbers, not stronger," he rasped so quietly I could barely hear.

"I do not think they intend to add her to their coven, just to teach her and send her away," The girl said. The other merely nodded and they turned back to the Cullens.

"Very well," Jane said. "Keep her under control and there will be no harm done by teaching her. But tell no one. We don't like to give second chances, and if it wasn't you, Carlisle, there wouldn't be one for this girl." I shivered and Jasper's eyes flashed over to me, the stern look stopped me from moving for a few seconds. "Now let's go home." She said to the others. "Goodbye." I watched as they descended from the clearing. When they were gone, Jasper was at my side again.

"Edward," Carlisle said. "Get Bella out of here, please." I heard a response and a few quick goodbyes and then, slowly, the burning faded to the regular ache I was used to. I took a few deep breaths and then sat up. Jasper looked at me and I looked down at the ground.

"Be nice to her, Jasper," said the one with straight black hair I had seen earlier. She was indeed a girl. She was about my height, but looked a little older than me. He pushed her back as she walked near, but she kissed his cheek and walked by. Jasper mirrored her steps and never let her close enough to touch me. I realized that they must be mates. Diego's name flashed through my head and I whimpered. "Bree?" she asked.

"Yes," I said, looking at her. My voice sounded scared and weak.

"I'm Alice," she said with a bright smile. "This is our family." She said motioning around. She named all of the members, even the ones who had left. I tried to process it, but I was still shocked from the rest of the day. Then I remembered Fred, who was waiting for me in Canada.

"Thank you," I said numbly, "for saving me. But I have a friend who escaped earlier and who is waiting for me." Alice's face fell.

"Well, ok, but we will take you home first. You can clean up and we can tell you what you need to know and then, if you are prepared to leave you can do so," the one with brown hair, who I remembered was called Esme, said gently. I nodded.

"Okay, thank you," I stood up and Jasper led me over to the rest of the family. He never left my side, always ready in case I turned vicious. He seemed to have lots of experience with 'newborns' as he had called me earlier.

"This way," Jasper said as his family took off into the woods. "Stay close to me." He sounded more concerned than stern, as if he cared what happened to me. Then I realized that if he didn't care, he could have let the Volturi kill me. I stayed close to Jasper's side as we ventured further and further away from Seattle. The forest became unfamiliar and dense. I took another half step towards Jasper, who placed his hand gently on my shoulder. "I know it's a little overwhelming, huh?" I simply nodded, thankful he wasn't the stern, commanding vampire I had met in the clearing. We reached the house and Jasper escorted me inside.

"You can take her to the guest bathroom and let her clean up Jazz," Esme said. He nodded and led me up the spiral staircase and into a bright hallway. He handed me a towel and showed me to the bathroom. Thankfully he didn't come into the bathroom with me. I turned on something I hadn't seen in a long time, a shower, and cleaned my dirty hair and body. As I brushed my hair, towel wrapped around me like a dress, there was a knock at the door.

"Bree? It's Alice. I have some clothes for you," she said. I smiled.

"Come in," I said. Alice opened the door and stepped in quickly.

"Here you go," she said with a passionate smile. "I figured we were about the same size and these are old anyways."

"Wow," I said as I looked through the pile of designer clothes. "Alice, thank you." She smiled.

"You're welcome! When you're ready you can come back downstairs. There's ponytail holders and stuff like that under the sink. I don't know how you wear your hair. Rose does hers different every day," she laughed. She smiled once more and then left me alone. I picked a pair of Vigoss shorts, but that was the closest I got to designer. I didn't really like, or know how to wear for that matter, fancy clothes. I managed to find a plain t-shirt that was a little big and I assumed was the other girl's or the women with the brown hair's. It was baby blue with faded black writing. It looked me. It was from an old school graduation. There was a big growling bear in the middle and it said Anchorage Polar Bears Graduates of 1986 on it. I quickly braided my hair and then ventured downstairs, where Jasper, to no one's surprise, waited for me.

"You look nice," he mumbled. I smiled.

"Thank you." I said. "Whose shirt is this?" He laughed.

"It was mine from quite a while ago. I never liked it much so Alice decided to recycle it. It looks good on you," he said with a smile.

"Thanks. You went to high school just twenty four years ago?" I asked as we neared the living room. He nodded, confused. "Riley told me you all were much older, hundreds of years older." He smiled.

"Yes, well you'll soon learn that everything Riley told you wasn't exactly true," he said as we walked into the living room where the rest of the family was waiting.

So that was the first chapter! What did you think? Thanks for reading. The more reviews the quicker I'll update. Love,
