AN: I am truly sorry for not updating I have been in a off mood (Yes this chapter will be updated more I just thought I might as well post what I have so far.)

Chapter 10

Kagome stared silently at the grown shark man that had once been her shark boy. His head rested on her lap, her hand in his hair. "It's strange ya know" Kagome's body vibrated due to the mans deep voice. She remained silent waiting for him to continue. "While I was in that body, I did not remember anything from before the attack it was like I was a little boy again and you" his voice went quite as he looked away his body turning a light shade of dark blue. "You where like the mother I never had, one that actually cared for me" His voice died down sneaking a peek at her. "Kisame I wish I could have been your mother" was her soft reply as she looked at the sky the clouds shifting around. A frown marred Kisame's face as he stood up "I have to go on the mission" Kisame hesitated for a moment looking back at Kagome and her forlorn expression. "I'll see you soon Miko-mama" he whispered slowly disappearing into water.

Kagome closed her eyes letting her guard down her body relaxing as she let herself go. 'What is wrong?' 'I feel like everything happened to quickly, that the last battle was to easily fought. Everything feels wrong' 'Did you believe that it would take you longer, to defeat the spider?' 'Yes, he was powerful, he held more of the shards then we did, I want to know why he was defeated so easily' 'I wish to look back and see with my own eyes, what truly conspired within your memories'

Kagome felt her dark world shift she was staring at her younger self sit on the well crying her eyes out. "I remember this day, its the day that I had given up on loving Inuyasha" 'What is so significant about that?' "When I gave up on loving Inuyasha, I felt myself broken and useless so I let everything out" The younger image of Kagome let out an anguish cry, then slowly a pink glow started to grow from her heart and increase in size the louder her scream increased. Slowly the light engulfed her body till all that could be seen was a pink glowing figure. 'What is happening to you?' "My powers where comforting me, healing me in a sense". The glow slowly dissipated leaving the younger girl wiping a tear from her face.. "This day is when I unlocked my powers, the ones that where held back when I loved Inuyasha". "So you became stronger, when you let go of your dependency of him." Kagome shook her head " No it was my love for him that made me weaker, for I only thought about his feelings towards me and not about myself" Kagome gave a low laugh "Now that I think about it,I had to be slightly selfish in order to unlock my powers" Kagome looked down towards the fox by her side. 'How did you train?' The world around them shifted showing the younger Kagome aiming a bow to an unmoving tree. "Like any other person hard work and pain" was her own reply. They watched as she wondered by herself fighting lower level demons. "Why did no one question you?" Kagome shrugged "I believe they thought I was trying to relax or get over Inuyasha"