In the Mirror by vicky271

Lullaby for You

Vaughn didn't follow; footstep echoes were vacant from the night. Another blank mind, another spout of anger. I automatically walked over the bridge that led to Sprout Island.

I was mad again for the millionth time and for a moment I thought. Every time someone said something I yelled, or cried or screamed...or did something that would result in me running away.

Was that right? Running away...or over-reacting so much. How did that make me look? If it were only a persons opinion I wouldn't care, but my mind trailed back to the words of the harvest goddess, "You change by going through hardships." "Everyone has something that they need to work on..." "Build confidence and stand up for yourself."

And then there was Nathan, "If you want someone to see you a certain way, they will see you that way." "You can't let anyone push you around. But at the same time you need to stand up for yourself appropriately."

What did all this mean exactly? I found myself at the beach, staring off towards the blue ocean and the sky full of twinkles. My dress was full of dirt and sand; soiled at the rim.

Everywhere stood still; there was music coming from the party but the ocean seemed empty. "Stupid..." I paused, "...stupid people." And only then did I stop myself.

This isn't right I thought, pulling at the dress, This isn't right...I can't do this. I'm a person. But I'm not suppose to be a wimp. I glared at the ocean, and then with one swift move i pulled off my dress. Underneath was a thin white dress.

The smell of the ocean hit my nostrils as I ran. My feet hit the docks and at the edge I jumped, plummeting into the water. Ahhhhh...I smiled as the cool night water hit my skin.

Underneath was a multicolored universe; fish moving their bodies back and forth, coral stood still against the pull of the water, even the pebbles at the ocean floor consisted of several colors.

For a couple minutes I stared at the sight, but then I could feel my chest tighten and rushed to the surface. I gasped as air filled my lungs and took a deep breath, "Air..." I laughed, "I wonder what would happen if humans did not need oxygen." My arms spread a part and pulled my body farther into the ocean.

"Am I..." I said a loud, "a bad person?" My eyes averted to the bridge leading the Verdure Island, "Everything I it bad?"

No, it can't be bad! My inner thoughts started to screamed You are not a bad person! Everyone else is just wimpy. I shook my head, "No...I'm the wimp. I'm the one who keeps running away. I'm the one who over-reacts. I'm the one who puts myself in impossible situations."

But is it really bad to be in bad situations? My thoughts said. "It can't be...but...i don't want everyone to see me as a wimp. I don't care about other people's opinions, but I can't keep acting like this."

Every single memory rushed back to me in a second. All those falls. The constant fights...but then I thought of the positives. The laughs. The farm. Vaughn...I shook my head, "No! I'm Arianna right now, not Chelsea! I don't have feelings for him!"

I placed my hands over my mouth as my words echoed until they finally died down and the night became silent. But it was clear no one had heard me. My thought trailed to little Diego, I would hold his small body in my arms and sing to him. And then they slipped out,

"Hush little baby, don't say a word

Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird

And if that mockingbird don't sing

Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring."

And for once I didn't cry.

Vaughn (No one's P.O.V)

Time passed before Vaughn shook his head and pulled his stetson over his hair. Arianna had run off moments previous, "Must be a girl thing..." He muttered under his breath. He never understood girls. They would smile and everything, but one wrong move sent them into a phase of momentary screams and crying fits. Its probably why he didn't like girls.

He left Mary Ellen's room and stomped down the was time for him to get out of this cursed tuxedo. Vaughn unwrapped the tie from his neck and placed it on the night stand as he entered his room and slammed the door behind him.

"Darn party..." Vaughn muttered, "darn tie. Darn Tuxedo. Darn freak girl. Darn..." He placed his stetson down on a hook and plopped on his bed. The brown haired girl with the red bandanna flashed in his mind...his memory. Every time something bad happened she would cry; she would make herself vulnerable. At first he wanted to help her but after a while he got tired of it.

He snickered. The world was coming to an end; or maybe he was finally getting better. Ever since Chelsea left, he had this odd feeling deep down. At first it forced him to run around the entire world looking for her, and then as time went on it it seemed like it was non-existent. And yet why did he feel so lousy?

Vaughn sighed, tugging on the light switch and shutting his eyes. He was off to dreamland.

First off, I apologize for the extremely long wait on this next chapter. I went back and realized that Chelsea was a wimp (sorry, i'm being very blunt...(lol i like to give up for some odd reason :P) so i'm going to develop her character. My original plan was to abandon this story but a lot of people like i'm not going to! :) Since your my audience, I would like to get y'all involved in her development. How would YOU like to see Chelsea change? Do not post your answer in the comments; i'd appreciate if y'all would message me your if I decide to use one or a few of them other people won't know and will be kept in suspense :D

Second, this story won't be updated regularly. Technically I'm taking a break.

Third, i'm starting a video I found some Chelsea and Vaughn sprites and. Went. Nuts. Currently i'm only at the planning stages, and the series won't take place on the island from Island of Happiness and Sunshine Islands (unless by some miracle i find some scenes from the game online somewhere) but there is a update video in the process of being created, so I will let y'all know when its done.

Fourth, because of Chelsea's very...disturbing character in this story, i'm in the process of planning the next story...yes the next story. I'm not planning to write a sequel for this one.

Fifth, this is a short chapter, but I have two reasons (1) I wanted to let everyone know that i'm haven't forgotten ya'll, and (2) I wanted to write a short little bit that focused on her development. Don't expect anymore short chapters from now on...LOL XD.

I hope you enjoyed this extremely short chapter...R&R! :)