Harry Potter and the Elemental Lord

I quickly skimmed through the pages of a book in the restricted section of the library. It was a research on the magic of time turners. Just eighteen hours ago I used one, with my friend Hermione to rescue my godfather, Sirius Black from the clutches of the Ministry of Magic. I flipped to the chapter on the time turner's restrictions and skimmed it. I was looking for how far a time turner could go back in time. After a minute of skimming I found it:

While the time turner has many restrictions such as how many people it can bring back in time, the time restriction bothers few people. The farthest it can go back is 30 day (720 hours). This allows a large amount of time to….

I didn't bother to read the rest. I had the information I needed. I knew how many times to turn the knob on the time turner, I knew the amount of time it could go back, and I even had a time turner. After the whole fiasco, I followed Hermione and saw her hand the time turner back to McGonagall. Then after the head of Gryffindor attached the time turner to an owl and sent it on its way to the Department of Mysteries, I cast Pertificus Totalus, and used the levitation spell to bring it down to me. Then, I took a rock, transfigured it into a perfect replica of the time turner, and sent the owl back on its way.

My plan was simple. Use the time turner to move back time an hour before I needed to, stun Pettigrew as a rat, wait out the time before I went back in time under the invisibility cloak, then present the rat to the Director of the Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones. I would be damned if I didn't spend the summer with my godfather.

I grabbed the time turner out of my pocket, turned it once counter clockwise before turning it 9 times clockwise. I pressed the activate button and noticed the world around me whirling, but after a little bit everything slowed down and I took in my surroundings. I was right outside the Womping Willow. Thankfully, I had thought far enough ahead to wear my invisibility cloak so that Hermione and I, also using the time turner, wouldn't see me. I hid in the spot where I knew Wormtail would come and I waited.

Most people underestimated me. They thought I was bright, but didn't use it. They were only partially correct. I hid my talent. I had no problem with Transfiguration. I had gotten the most advanced part of it down, which is where you just let your magic flow out of your wand and change the shape whatever you wanted, into whatever you wanted. Charms is easy for me. If I just read whatever theory our book tells us, or I see someone else perform the charm correctly, I can do it on the first or second try, and after I get it, I will never have a problem with the spell again. The hardest part about learning the Patronus charm was controlling myself so I wouldn't get a corporal patronus on my first or second try. I preferred a low profile. Potions was easy too. It was just like cooking! I even had read a huge tome on which ingredients would work together. It was just Snape that got me so fucking mad. Herbology was just like Gardening and memorizing things such as the properties of plants. That was one of my major benefits. My memory. If I read a book once, I would never have to read it again. On tests, if the question was "what is Gamp's laws of Elemental Transfiguration?" A book in my head would flip to the chapter where I had Laws of Transfiguration. Then I could read word for word what Gamp's law of Elemental Transfiguration was.

Now I know you thinking, "If this guy is so fucking smart then why would he get just average grades?" It is simple. I hid it. By the end of first year I was already fast friends with Ron and Hermione. Ron would hate me if I got anything significantly better than him. Hermione was fiercely competitive with her grades and if anyone does better than her, she goes in a huff. So, I purposely didn't get a perfect score on the exam. I did that in second year. I was all set to do the same in third year when I was approached by McGonagall. She had recognized that I was purposely getting Acceptable on all my exams. She threatened that if I didn't do all the exams to my full potential she would kick me off the Quidditch team. At first I was angry. What right did she have to blackmail me like that? Then I realized something. Why should I have to hide my abilities just so my friends will like me? They should like me regardless. So, I went for perfect scores this year. And I knew I got them. I am not trying to brag or anything, but it is just the facts. I had lots of plans to get a lot of books from Diagon Ally, and Sirius probably had lots of books too. I was going to learn all the magic I could, maybe even do a few rituals. I heard the snap of a twig as Professor Lupin emerged from under the Womping Willow. I prepared my wand to get Pettigrew when he came running.

Stupefy, I muttered as Wormtail passed by my feet. I grabbed him as he remained petrified and sprinted off to an abandoned classroom to wait off the remaining 18 hours before my past self went back in time. I couldn't risk the fact of my past self thinking it didn't need to go back in time. It is very confusing.

In the time that I was waiting for the time to wait out, I wrote a letter to Sirius:

Dear Sirius

Great news! I caught Wormtail! I have to wait out the time for a little bit, but I will tell you when I get I get the O.K. from the ministry. So for now, just stay hidden. I look forward to spending the wholesummer with you.

Your godson,'

Harry Potter

Smiling I walked up to Hedwig and attached the letter to her leg. "Take this to Sirius," I said. She nodded an affirmative and flew off into the night. Deciding to get a little shut eye before I could leave, I transfigured a pillow, a mattress, and a blanket, set a timer on my wand to wake me up in 17 hours, and quickly succumbed to the beckoning arms of Morpheus, and fell asleep.

I woke up seventeen hours later with my wand vibrating under my pillow. Tempus, I muttered. 11:00 pm jumped from the tip of my wand. I grabbed a still stunned Wormtail, renewed the stupefy and set off on a brisk walk under my cloak towards Gryffindor Tower to get my firebolt. I grabbed my firebolt out of my trunk; put my invisibility cloak back in it. I cast a disillusionment charm on me as well as my broom. You could see some distortion, but when I was hundreds of feet in the air going 150 mph, people don't notice that. I mounted my broom, and cast a quick magic containing ward around myself so I would be able to use magic once I got out of the school boundaries and set off.

I jumped out of the window and flew upwards until I was level with the castles highest tower and then accelerated. After 5 minutes of flying I landed in Hogsmede. Dismounting in front of the Three Broomsticks, locked my broomstick into the broomstick rack and walked into the pub, still invisible. I cast a notice me not ward around the fireplace, grabbed some floo powder, stepped into the fireplace and said calmly "Ministry of Magic, London" I appeared moments later in the atrium and I canceled my disillusionment charm with a quick finite. I walked confidently up to the golden gates, had my wand inspected, and got instructions for getting to the office of Amelia Bones.

After a few minute wait in what I would guess would be like some sort of waiting room I was finally let into the office.

"Good afternoon Mr. Potter. To what do I owe this pleasure?" said Amelia Bones, director of the magical law enforcement

"I just captured the person who is responsible for my parents' death. He is an animagus. A rat, specifically" I said calmly.

"You captured Sirius Black?" Madame Bones asked in amazement, "where is he?"

"I didn't capture Sirius Black, Madame Bones," I explained, "but I captured someone that you probably believe dead. Peter Pettigrew." Seeing that she was about to object I placed the stunned rat that was Peter Pettigrew on the desk and said, "It would be very helpful if you preformed the spell which forces an animagus to transform. Maybe then you will believe me"

Reluctantly, Madame Bones said, "verto". A blue spell leapt out of her wand and hit the rat laying on her desk, which quickly began to transform into the distinctive form of Peter Pettigrew.

All Madame Bones did was stare in amazement at the body of Peter, but after a good thirty seconds she stopped her imitation of a fish and said, "Shacklebolt! Get in here, now"