This prompt came from a request off the kinkmeme on livejournal. I really liked the request and thus really, really, wanted to fill it. Therefore, please enjoy this fic as it gets updated!
It was going to happen sometime and it was something that, mostly Denmark, wanted to see again and he aimed to get it done sooner than later. His mission: To get Norway to drink and/or drunk, and unlike every other attempt, he was going to be sneaky about it this time and he'll do everything he can in his power (or lack there of, he wasn't /that/ smart nowadays, according to Norway) to get it done. The main problem, really, for the Dane was that Norway had become far too uptight in his "old" age and Denmark missed the other how he used to be. He missed how back in the day he and the smaller Nordic nation would always drink together after raids and share a horn full of mead, arms thrown tight around eachother's shoulders, and cheer the night away, but not anymore. The Norwegian only seemed to ever willingly drink on his birthday, which was also rare, and that lucky day came only once a year in May. Other than that, it was near impossible. It had been decades, what felt like centuries even, since he has last seen Norway let himself go and so this time he would plan ahead (Well, he already has some schemes rolling around inside that brain of his) and he knew his /best friend/ would never really oppose to go out with him anywhere on his birthday no matter how much the other would always deny that his presence would not bother to show up and be there.
Speaking of birthdays, he, unlike his fellow brothers, didn't celebrate as ceremoniously and grandiose as they did and for both him and his people his birthday was passed off more as a family day. Except this year. Not this year. Definitely not this year and he'd make /sure/ of that, mostly on the matter to get Norway drunk. While he repeated this mantra over and over in his less-than-genius-filled mind he sent out emails, called his friends, and left messages of invites to everyone he could think of to attend his... well, age didn't matter. What did matter would be the food, and especially the beer, at his birthday and of course his mentally proposed plan… So, he felt set and believed he knew just what to do this time to accomplish what he has been trying to do for years.
So after doing his business of notifying everyone with invites, Denmark stretched out on the couch as excitement boiled within him and a bright smile painted across his face. No, he would not feel bad that he wouldn't be celebrating this year around with his family, but with his friends, because he was determined to free the Norway he used to know. To let escape that drinking, crazy, shameless Norwegian ex-viking that he loved to see before and likely still would. However, of everything he reminisced and recalled of his favourite, yet weird, Norwegian friend in his drunken state, there was one thing that he had completely forgotten about; The blonde was a sex fiend to behold and control when he was inebriated and it was going to surely make a scene and take the Dane by surprise if he manages to achieve his goal.
I am not big on leaving author notes, but... I hope this gets enjoyed! ;A;