AN: Hey my dears, in answer to your comments, yes it was an allusion to Warehouse. I got sucked in this summer because of the Bones connection but it's an awesome show in its own right. Here's the next chapter, feels like I haven't posted in forever, things have been busy. Thanks for all the comments and I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 25

When they were done dancing, Sully and Temperance left on the next stage of their date, leaving Angela alone until Cam joined her.

"Where is everyone?"

"Oh, well. Sully took Temperance somewhere, he said it was a surprise. Hodgins is flirting with the Peroxide Clique. Meanwhile, Booth and Jared got roped into dancing with Caroline and Daisy."

"So I guess it's just us girls for now."

Angela gave Cam a smile that boded ill, "Yep, just us girls."

After the enlightening "girl talk" she'd had with Cam, Angela decided it was time to go straight to the horse's mouth. It was all very well to hear it from Cam that Booth fancied Bren but she needed to make sure. There was no room for any schoolyard bullshit here. She efficiently cut in, leaving Caroline disappointed for the second time that night.

"Having fun?"

"I actually am. This was a good idea you had."

"All my ideas are good ideas. You'll learn that soon enough, Studly."

Booth chuckled.

"So, how do you like Bren?"

"Excuse me?"

"You know. As a secretary."

"Oh, yeah, she's a good worker." Booth was still confused by the line of questioning.

"Good, good." Angela was trying to act nonchalant, "So what do you think about her and Sully."

"You don't have to worry about Bones. Sully's a good guy."

"Did you just call her Bones?"

"Yeah, its my nickname for her. You know, cause she wants to be a Forensic Anthropologist. I don't think I've ever met a woman, with so much passion."

"Uh huh." A sly smile spread across Angela's face. The special nickname is a good sign. not to mention the passion.

Booth suddenly felt uncomfortable, he glanced at his watch. "You know what Ang? I promised my kid I'd take him to the Phillies-Yankees game tomorrow. I got to go home and get some sleep."

"Sure, Studly." Booth's cute when he's flustered. He definitely likes Bren. She thought as she watched Booth and Cam leave the club.

Angela wanted to be there when Bren got home so she'd get all the details about the rest of the date with Sully. Unfortunately, that meant cutting her night short with Jared. If Jared took her home there wouldn't be any talking going on. She inwardly sighed, a matchmaker's job was never done. Time to extract Hodgins from the Swede Impersonators' League.

Hodgins was dancing with a blonde named Marjorie when Angela cut in.

"Hey! What was that about? We were dancing."

"Well, I needed some way to talk to you and this seemed the easiest way without having to face down all of your harem."

"What do you need to talk to me about?"

Angela put on her sweetest smile, "I want to go home, and you're my ride."

"Why don't you ask Jared?"

"You brought me, you take me home."

"Fine, let's get our coats."

There was silence in the car as they were driving through the streets of D.C. Angela was thinking about the Sully/Brennan/Booth issue while Hodgins was worrying about Angela. He hadn't known her long but from what he knew, she wasn't the type to stay quiet long.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, why would you ask that?"

"You're oddly quiet."

"Just thinking."

"What's the real reason you didn't want Jared to drive you home?"

"Oh look, there's a Vaudeville troupe coming to town next week."

"That was an obvious subject change. Did he try to take advantage of you? Cause if he did I'll kick his ass for you."

Angela looked at him in disbelief.

"Okay well, I'll tell Booth and he'll help me, but still."

Angela laughed, "It isn't that, it's just that I didn't expect you to offer to defend my honor."

"No! See I was just... I mean...I just wanted to...No, I thought maybe you..."

"Calm down, I won't destroy your reputation as a ladies man. Jared has nothing to do with my silence, so don't worry. I was just thinking."

"Well, what were you thinking about? I'm good at thinking."

"I was thinking about Booth."

"Never mind! Not my kind of thinking at all."

"Not for me! For Bren."

"I'd stay out of those waters, if I were you. Booth isn't the type to tolerate people interfering in his life."

"It's not interfering, sometimes people just need a little push."

"Yeah, but your friend was out on a date with Sully."

"Don't get me wrong, I like Sully, I just have this feeling about Booth and Bren."

They were pulling up to Angela's apartment building, "What feeling?"

"Well, for instance Booth and Brennan sounds better than Sullivan and Brennan. Don't you think?"

"So you're going to get them together solely on the basis of their names sounding better together? What if they get married? Temperance Sullivan sounds better than Temperance Booth."

Angela threw up her hands in frustration, "Ugh! You just don't get it." and before Hodgins could do anything, she was climbing up the steps to her building.

Hodgins stayed until he saw the light turn on in her apartment,

"I understand better than you think." and he drove away.

Temperance let herself quietly into the apartment not wanting to wake Angela. But a voice from the couch startled her.

"Do you have any idea what time it is! Just where have you been, young lady?" She jumped guiltily, turning around to face whoever was on the couch.


Angela giggled, "Oh sweetie, you should have seen your face!"

"Don't do that again! What are you doing on the couch anyway?"

"I was just waiting up to hear about your date with Sully. I wasn't expecting to fall asleep waiting for you, it's almost five o' clock! I'd ask you if you had fun, but from the time and the look of your hair, I'd say that's a stupid question."

"It's not what you think!"

"What do I think?"

"You think that Sully and I engaged in coitus."

"Sweetie, either it was whoopee or making love. Don't call it coitus."

"Regardless of the term, it didn't happen. He took me to the park where they're building the Jefferson Memorial and we star-gazed."

"Uh-huh. Is that what you did? So then why does your hair look like that?"

"He brought a blanket to lay on. All we did is look at the constellations and talk. He's very knowledgeable about the stars."

"All right, I'll believe you. So what did you two talk about?"

"That is between me and Sully." Temperance said in that final tone she used whenever someone was asking questions about her past.

"Okay. So I'm guessing another date is imminent?"

The smile came back to her face, "We're going out tonight. He's taking me to..." Temperance was so tired, she couldn't finish her sentence.

"Go to sleep, sweetie. I don't think you've ever been out this late."

"Ang, I used to study this late."

"Sure, but going to school with bags under your eyes is a little different than going on a date with them."

"Perhaps you're right." Temperance started walking to her bedroom.

"Good night, sweetie."

"It's morning."

"Just go to sleep."

Once the door to her room closed, Angela made her way to her own room. Thinking that as much as she felt she was right about Booth and Bren, maybe she should let this run its course. Her friend was happy and who was she to throw a wrench into things? Fate could handle its own business.


AN: Don't worry this isn't the end of Booth and Brennan's adventures in the 30s. You guys remember when I said that i was a beginner at this? Well, this story was supposed to be more like a prequel or a setup for something more. It went out of my hands and turned into 25 chapters and since I don't think you should spend 25 chapters of a fic setting things up, I started a new Word document and gave my second story a different title. The Love Story in the Thirties is how Booth and Brennan fall in love. It's a year later, and Sully and Brennan have been dating all this time and Booth and Brennan are friends. So how do they end up together? Well, it all starts when Booth and Sully are called in as backup in the Dillinger case. Hope you guys stick with me and thanks for all the patience and comments. 3