This story has been on my mind for awhile and I finally wrote it down! So basically Brady Collin and Seth and Sophomores, Jake Embry Quil are Juniors and Paul and Jared are Seniors, Yeah the ages are wrong but it's my story!

I have always been considered a nerd. A geek. A dork. A loser. And by always I mean I had Star Wars sheets as an infant….and still do. I am on math team (I know I know social suicide), I play RPG games, I still watch cartoons and I've actually read the Lord of the Rings books. Safe to say I've been bullied since about sixth grade when I revealed the fact I'm a level five Shaman. But I don't care. I am on top of the world today. I'm half way threw sophomore year and I finally got my braces off! For the win! I was examining my new smile. I was no Natalie Portman but I looked a lot better.

"Hey MOVE!" My 'tough' thirteen year old brother Luke said as he pushed past me. God, puberty is so ANNOYING! Voice cracks are hilarious but the mood swings I can live without.

"Whoa rude much?" I said giving him a shove. He grunted and I left the bathroom. I ran down stairs to find my mom sleepily making coffee in her frog slippers and my other younger brother Kurt was watching TV. Where was brother number three? Asleep like a normal human? Good for him!

"Ponytail again Nora?" My mom yawned. She's wearing a flannel nightgown she SO shouldn't be talking.

"It's her look Mom!" Kurt explained getting some cereal. I grabbed my backpack as I heard the screeching of my best friend Helen's terrible breaks. My mom handed me my toast with apricot jelly. Ah apricot jelly, the cement of heaven is made out of apricot jelly.

"Fwank Mwm!" I yelled with my mouth full. Have I mentioned my lady-like manners yet? I hoped into the crappy Nissan and gave Helen a big smile.

"No braces!" She gasped happily. Helen had gotten really pretty over the summer; we had been waiting for my transformation. Waiting very patiently. She turned on the car CD we made what we call "The Ultimate Car CD of DOOM!" country and musicals for Helen and Lady Gaga and alternative for me.

"How is you?" That's right people Lolcatz. She laughed.

"I is good,"

Grease is the word, is the word, is the word the car CD sang out.

"Weird I always thought the bird was the word." I said. She punched my shoulder.


"Love you too." But she had to slam on her breaks as a car cut us off. She flipped them off. There were three boys in the truck. One of them flipped her off back.

"Jackasses." She said. I nodded in agreement.

"Damn they're cool." I said sarcastically. A similarly truck pulled up behind us. I turned and saw three similar boys in there. Freaky. Either aliens cloned them and forgot to kill them OR they are secret agents posing as them and will eliminate them. So basically… I'm a nerd.

"We should cut off their dicks." She said angrily. We pulled up into the school parking and were cut off AGAIN! By the same douches! Helen honked angrily at them.

"WHAT THE HELL! TWICE?" She yelled angrily. Oh Helen, always the drama queen. They took up two parking spots. She rolled down the window.

"Uh, Helen maybe you shouldn't freak…"

"HEY! You didn't need to take up two spots!" She yelled. Paul Bates, about the scariest senior in the school came out. Followed by his best friend Jared and of course Brady Locklear. Newest jerk to join the cult of ripped boys. Not that I mind those cults, there really should be more.

"Yes we did, we couldn't have anybody hitting my baby." Paul said. She let out an angry huff.

"Snooze ya loose freaks." Brady added. She tightened her grip on the steering wheel.

"Don't run them over."

"Nor, you are such a good person." But she didn't say it like it was a good thing.

"Hello too many witnesses!" I explained to her. She smiled. See, I'm not miss goody goody! I can be edgy…ish. I turned and grabbed my backpack from the backseat and the other truck came up and out came the equally gorgeous Jake Black, Embry Call and Seth Clearwater.

"That hot guy club must be giving out trucks." I muttered. Helen laughed as we began to walk into the school.

"I should really go to one of their meetings."

"I do." She looked at me like I was crazy.

"When?" I rolled my eyes.

"HELLO? Technology club?" We both laughed at the insane idea that hot guys were on the technology club were hot. Well, maybe Owen Yazzie, but he was like my brother…that was kind of cute. We sat down in our normal spot at the very edge if the cafeteria. I got out my book. Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, the perfect combination of high quality literature and monsters. As I read Helen talked with her friends from the musical. Helen was a great deal cooler then me, she could've easily dumped me freshman year when she was in The Music Man but she's stuck with me.

"Hey Nora don't look now but Jared and Kim are getting it on." Helen snickered pointing. Ug, she knows I hate PDA's. I mean we get it already you're in love. I know shouldn't have but I looked. And sure enough Jared the car guy was shoving his tongue down Kim the jocks throat.

"Ew! Why do you do that?" I said covering my eyes with my book. She gave me an innocent smile.

"I was just warning you so you didn't accidentally look." I punched her in the arm. She let out a squeal. And I grinned victoriously.

"Hey Nora, did you do the bio homework?" A girl named Jenna something asked me. Alright I've never a conversation with Jenna; I doubt I'm in the same class as her. Being smart is such a troublesome reputation.

"Uh, there was homework?" This was news to me, I must have forgotten to write it down. Well shit now I need to do it. Jenna had walked away to find another person to copy off of and I was in need of a bio book.

"Helen, do you have a biology book?" I asked her. She looked in her bag and she shook her head. I looked at her friends Grace and Jordan they shook their heads too. Great. I scanned the cafeteria for anybody in my class. I spotted Daisy Greenwood; she was year older then me and always had her books with her. I began to walk up to her, but she was Embry Call's girlfriend so she was hanging out with the scary hot guy club. The total jerks like Paul, Brady and…Paul, and those guys that were nice and hot so I could barely form a sentence around them.

"Uh, Helen want to come with me to get a bio book from Daisy?" I asked her batting my eyelashes ridiculously. She shook her head. "Come on! I thought you like Jake!"

"Exactly why I can't go over there. I have to stay aloof." She said with a grin. Yeah so aloof he doesn't even know she exists.

"Please, don't feed your friend to the wolves!" I begged. She shook her head again. I took a deep breath and walked over to the group.

"Hey Daisy, can I borrow your biology book?" Don't look at anybody else. Daisy was sitting next to Embry he had his arm around her. I really don't like PDA, even that. He was so possessive, and Daisy was a total free spirit , they just didn't fit.

"Sure!" She said getting it out of her bag.

"Thanks you're a life saver!" I told her gratefully. I felt somebody staring at me. Yeah, everybody stare at the dork, you might never see one up-close with out gum in their hair again.

"Hey Brady…you ok?" I heard Paul ask. I glanced over at him. He looked like he wasn't getting enough oxygen. His eyes were wide and his body was shivering like crazy. I wonder if he was possessed by a demon of some sort.

"Um…are you sick or something?" I asked. A sort of tortured but happy sigh came out of him.

"Not him." Paul groaned. One of them began singing 'another one bites the dust' and Daisy was grinning madly.

"Do you know Brady Nora?" She asked. I thought I heard him whisper my name. Well he's only just about the meanest kid at school, even before he got all strangely buff.

"Yeah…he was in the car that nearly killed me this morning." Exaggeration but I kind of wanted the whole 'I don't like him and it's really creepy the way he's staring at me' thing to sink in.

"That-that was you? But-it couldn't off-"I decided to ignore him.

"So, I'll give this back to you at lunch 'k? See ya!" I merrily skipped off. I heard a commotion behind me. Don't look. Don't look. Don't look. I looked and saw Paul and Jake dragging Brady out of the school. Figures they'd be skipping.

"Whoa what did you do to them Nora?" Helen asked laughing as I came back to the table.

"Nothing." I flipped open the book and began scribbling down answers.

"Did you make them realize how sexy nerds are so they began to worship you?" She pestered. I rolled my eyes.

"That is exactly what happened, you got me."

"No need to be sarcastic."

I groaned as the bell rang. Helen and I walked to our first period. English, luckily my other friend Owen (previously mentioned) was there and he HADN'T seen Brady's freak out.

"Sup ponytail?" Owen asked as I sat next to him. He had a habit of calling people nicknames that described them. I smiled really big, like a clown. He grinned. "Brace face is no longer here I seee!"

"Whatever Tubby!" He frowned. He had been a bit pudgy in grade school and even though he had thinned out now (and gotten taller) I still pestered him about it. Serves him right for calling me Brace Face. Tubby and Frodo were his two nicknames. He was the only boy in school with curly hair. Something he hated but I found it adorable.

"She caused a riot in the lunchroom." Helen smirked at me. Owen's eyes widened.


"I did not!"

"Did not what?"

"Cause a riot! Brady Locklear-"

"The guy that threw grapes at you in eighth grade?"

"Thanks for re-opening that wound. Yes him freaked out when I talked to him." This made Owen look confused. But luckiy class started.

"Who here understands what I mean when I say the end must justify the means?" Mrs. Willa asked. I raised my hand.

"Why were you talking to him?" Owen hissed at me. I ignored him but Helen answered for me.

"She admitted her undying love to him?" Owen mocked surprise.

"They will make such a cute couple!" He said in falsetto. I hit his head.

"They're going to get married and have lotsa bebes!" Helen said a little louder then they should have.

"Something about Bebes" Mrs. Willa imitated Helen's voice. "you would like to share with the class?" Helen shrunk away. I rolled my eyes.

"Machiavelli was once a baby and we were discussing how his childhood effected his reasons the write The Prince." I told her. She raised an eyebrow. I gave her my teachers pet face.

"Freak." Somebody coughed. Welcome to my life.

Thanks for reading. I was influenced the songs: Hey Girl by Train, Bad Romance by Lady Gaga and my brothers humming of the Star Wars Theme.