"Come on! We need to get to the pelican!" I shout my shield draning from a plasma hit.

"Sir, what about that Wraith?" A marine asked me.

"I'll deal with it." I reply reloading my assult rifle.

I dashed at the nearist brute and tackeled it. It screamed from the shock and I break it's neck and pick up it's plasma rifle. I turned to see a morter round flying toward me. fliped behind a rock and the ground explodes around me. I flew a short way before landing on the ground. An elite slowly walked up to me and barked something to some grunts then they walked beside me.

"Sir everyone's on the Pelican, get on here now" A marine said over the comms.

The grunts poked my armor and mumbeled something. I sweap my leg and knocked several down. The elite fired off several rounds from it's rifle and I used a grunt as cover. The plasma burned through it's armor and skin leaving a 3rd degree burn. I threw the grunt at the brute and fired off a clip at it. The brute slashed the grunt in half with it's energy sword and screamed and charged at me.

"Going to be a bit late." I reply seeing the brute.

"Demon! You must die!" The brute screamed slashing at me.

The blade drained my shields and broke my chestplate. I used the butt of my rifle and put the barrel to it's head. I pulled the trigger and unloaded the entire clip into it's head. The brute slumped and fell over dead and I took cover from the wraith. I jumped from behind cover and made a mad dash at the wraith tossing grenades at the occasional grunt squad.

"On second thought. I'm going to be a lot late" I said.

The wraith fired it's turrents at me and I jumped on top of it. I began to punch the cockpit hatch when a hunter fired at me. I looked up just in time to be blasted in the face with a load of plasma. I flew a meter in the air and landed my shields drained. I sood up to see the hunter charging at me, it slammed into me and cracked my armor even more.

"Uggg." I moaned feeling several ribs broken.

The hunter gurgeled raising it's shield to finish me. "Oh no you don't!" I shouted slamming into it knocking it over.

The hunter gurgeled falling over from being tackeled. I forced my hand into the middle of the hunters fleshy torso and ripped out several handfulls of worms. The hunter tried to use it's shield to knock me off but I flipped to the front of it and head butted it knocking it over. I ripped out more worms till the hunter's form fell limp and died. I stood up and faced the wraith.

"Sir, more brutes heading our way." The pilot said nervously.

"Can't do anything now!" I replyed shooting a brute in the face with the plasma rifle.

The wraith fired at me and I jumped out of the way. I flipped on top of it and ripped off the hatch, the brute screamed and prepaired to get out. I grabbed it's neck and threw it out of the cockpit and jumped down to it. The brute uppercut me and knocked my helment off, it landed beside me when I hit the ground. It pulled out a spiker and aimed it at me almost smiling at the position I was in.

"Sorry for the loss." I said smiling.

"What could you do human?" The brute snarled.

"This" I screamed darting up headbutting it on a rock.

I grabbed my helment and dashed at the brute as it lay on the rock side. It just had time to see me jab me helments large spike into it's skull. After I jammed the helment into it's skull I removed it and sealed it again. I ran to the pelican and fired off supressing fire when jumping into it.

"Preety gutsy move" A marine said taking off his helment.

"I guess." I peplied.

"Sir anti air wraiiiiiiii!" The pilot screamed the pelican getting hit.

The inside of the pelican exploded and sent it crasing down to the ground. I tried to get up but couldn't, I looked up to see a figure before blacking out...