The Change of Hearts
A/N This is my first outing into the Bones fandom. I loved the 100th episode and I always wondered what if Bones and Booth had slept together the first time they met. What implications would this have on them as characters and the outcome of the show? This is my interpretation of what if? As always I do not own Bones or any of the characters but I do intend to dabble with them! Anyway, onwards and upwards with the story :) I hope you enjoy it! I would love to hear your feedback and any little ideas/storylines you would like me to include. Love, K x
"Hey, if we don't work together anymore we can have sex," Bones whispered provocatively as she leant forward and placed her hand on Booth's arm. The suggestion hung momentarily as determined if they could succumb to their sexual desires without regret.
"I'll call a cab," Booth hastily replied before Brennan grabbed her jacket and they both hurriedly made for the door.
The pounding rainfall momentarily halted their pursuit of attracting a cab. The sound of the traffic reverberated in the background; the driver's of the vehicles honked their horns impatiently whilst others rattled past. Booth grabbed Brennan's arm before she could take her first step out of the porch into the path of the ceaselessly falling rain from the dark sky and indicate for the cab to stop.
"Hold on, listen hold that cab" shouted Booth as he turned to face Brennan. "Listen, I have something to confess."
"Is it the fact you are a direct descendent of John Willis Booth?" Brennan questioned as she closely examined his face. "I already know that!"
"Wait... wait a second how do you know that?" Booth halted, shocked at how she could possibly know something so intimate about his descendents.
"From your bone structure," she remarked, smiling at him like it was the most obvious answer to the question he had just asked.
"Just keep that under your hat for the now."
"Ok," laughed Brennan.
"What I wanted to confess was- see I have a gambling problem," admitted Booth before adding "But I'm dealing with it."
"Why did you feel you had to tell me?" asked Brennan searching his eyes for an answer.
"I dunno," Booth replied as he shrugged his shoulders. "I just feel like this is going somewhere."
"Why did you feel this is going somewhere?" Brennan as she stepped closer to Booth. She could feel his warm breath upon her face and the intensity of his stare bearing down on her. The space between them was decreasing and she felt her body flood with warmth and desire.
"I just feel like I am going to kiss you," Booth replied.
The words stumbled out of his mouth as their mouths crashed down on each other's. He wasn't quite sure who was responsible for the distance which no longer existed. All he knew was the sensation of her body brushing up against his, the warmth of her body tantalizing him, the ache that was developing throughout his body. It was overwhelming the ever-growing need to be kissed, their tongues battling for control, the urgency of it.
The cab driver honked impatiently which resulted in them breaking apart. It was over much too quickly leaving Booth breathless. The taste of Brennan still lingered on his lips leaving him craving more.
"Wow!" remarked Booth.
"We are so not spending the night together!" stated Brennan, her fingers still clutching onto the material of shirt.
"Course we are!" declared Booth. "Why?"
"Tequila." It was a simple and straight forward answer yet conveyed every emotion that was surging through Brennan's head. She hurried over to the taxi before opening the door and getting in.
"Hold the cab!" yelled Booth as he ran to the taxi, hoping to persuade Brennan to reconsider. "Are you afraid that if I look at you in the morning I would have regrets?"
"That would never happen," laughed Brennan confidentially. The water had soaked through Booth's clothes; he could feel the wet material that stuck to his skin. He opened the door of the taxi.
"If we had sex I wouldn't regret it, so if I don't regret you and you were the one that suggested it then I think we have a win, win situation," concluded Booth as he leant into the taxi, his breath heavy and his eyes pleading with Brennan's.
"So win, win you say," breathed Brennan as she leant forward, her lips brushed his, before she retreated and tried to resist, yet all she could think about was the closeness of their body's moments earlier. She shuffled over in the cab allowing space for Booth who clambered into the back of the taxi alongside her.
Booth woke to the sun on his face, he rolled over and his palm pressed down against the rapidly cooling sheets, he frowned before he opened his eyes groaning at the brightness of the sunlight. Her pillow was still warm and the bed still smelt of roses. He smiled as he rolled onto his back and listened to the shower running. He listened to the water falling before hitting her naked body. The shower was then turned off and he listened to the door opening before he heard her padding around in the bathroom, he smiled to himself. Last night was amazing and he had no regrets. As he attempted to sit up his head began to pound and he realised the full extent of the amount of drink he had consumed the previous evening. He sighed to himself, before rubbing his head attempting to relieve it of some of the pain.
She appeared from the bathroom door wrapped in only a towel, she grinned as she surveyed his naked body. He grinned at her before sitting up in the bed so he could see her better. Brennan made her way across the room and crawled back into the bed, leaned against the pillow leaving their faces inches apart.
"So how are you feeling this morning," whispered Brennan as she allowed her lips to lightly touch the corner of his mouth, before she allowed him to pull her down and kiss him.
"Amazing," smirked Booth. "But I think we are slightly hung-over."
"It is due to the fact that our liver breaks ethanol down with the aid of enzymes produced by liver cells. These chemical reactions do many things including impairing the liver's ability to supply glucose to tissues, in particular to the brain. Glucose is responsible for the brain's energy and the lack thereof results in fatigue, weakness, moodiness and decreased attention," Brennan informed him. "Due to last night's consummation of alcohol, there is scientific evidence to suggest that we will be subject to these symptoms in the twenty-four hours after last night."
"Woah, no squint talk," promulgated Booth.
"You know we can't do this again," sighed Brennan as Booth wrapped his arm around her body tightly.
"Why not?" demanded Booth, before running his arm in a comforting motion up and down her abdomen.
"You work for the FBI and I work for the Jeffersonian Institute. We both lead busy work lives and although a sexual appetite is highly desirable, we don't have time for a full committed relationship," Brennan expanded. "I am sexually satisfied tonight and would like to thank you, but we cannot do this again."
"I shall get you to change your mind," replied Booth confidently
"Your rather confident about that," smirked Brennan. "What makes you think you shall see me again?"
"Fate," grinned Booth.
"That's just ludicrous," Brennan laughed before she got off the bed and picked up the clothes that were scattered around room. She found her blouse hanging on the edge of the bed and her shoes had been thrown aside in the urgency of their love making. Once she was fully dressed, she chastely kissed him on the lips one last time before exiting his apartment.
Brennan went home and got changed before heading to the Jeffersonian Institute and was now armed with a pair of sunglasses. She caught sight of Angela perched on a desk and Hodgins crouched nearby. She wanted to avoid conversation as not only was she late but she was also only beginning to fully appreciate the amount of alcohol she had consumed the previous evening.
" Hey. We have to tell you something," informed Angela excitedly.
"Zack told me how bad you felt about boiling all the particulates out of the skull..." Hodgins expanded.
"I need some coffee," interrupted Brennan.
"This is coffee," Zack informed Brennan before he handed her a mug of steaming coffee.
"Oh, thank you," Brennan replied as she before she took a sip of the warm liquid.
"Despite the boiling, I was able to get microscopic samples from the bones," stated Hodgins before he turned to Angela. "Hey, have I mentioned how excited I am to be working with you?
"Yes, yeah. You've mentioned it," smirked Angela.
"Dr. Hodgins found microscopic fragments of steel and traces of lubricating oil," enlightened Zack.
"Zack and I compared manufacturer's specs for the Judges trunk to the victims gaping head wound," Angela added proudly.
"One of them matched," Zack told Brennan.
"We got fired," Brennan informed the others. They all seemed so involved in the case, she felt slightly guilty as the whole situation had been her fault.
"A '56 Bel Air," informed Hodgins.
"What?" Brennan said in disbelief at the new evidence which had come to light.
"What?"replied Angela and Hodgins in disbelief.
Brennan slid her sun glasses off her head before she turned around to look at the others.
"We got fired?" replied Angela in shock. "What- is this because you slept with Booth?"
"What? I didn't sleep with Booth. Why -why did you say that?" Brennan could feel all the blood rushing to her cheeks. She was confused at how Angela had come to that conclusion so quickly. Was it really the obvious?
"Tequila vapours!" declared Hodgins.
"What is happening?" asked Zack in confusion.
"I got us fired because I punched a judge in the schnoz," explained Brennan to Zack.
"Now, I'm never going to make it to Paris," Angela pouted.
"Angela, I can offer you steady employment reconstructing ancient remains and tombs and digs," Brennan offered to the disgruntled artist.
"Really?" smiled Angela.
"You know, I've always wanted to go to Paris with an artist," Hodgkins imparted.
"Zack, take all of the evidence to Booth at the FBI and we all can go back to our normal jobs," sighed Brennan. She just wanted to get on with her life, normality. She put her glasses back on and headed for her office to escape from her fellow employees before they questioned the nature on her and Booth's relationship again.
"You're back, baby. Haha! You're re-hired," informed Booth excitedly as he charged into the room as Brennan was closely examining the skull of a deceased person.
"But I've moved on," objected Brennan. She couldn't believe he had the nerve to walk into this place like he owned it and nothing had changed between them.
"What is that, uh, a monkey?" asked Booth
"No, this is Ardipithecus Ramidus Kadabba. The earliest known..," replied Brennan before she was interrupted by Booth.
"Okay, abracadabra can wait," Booth said impatiently provoking Brennan in the process where he looked over to see Brennan failing to hide anger bubbling beneath her interior. "We have a warrant for the judge's car so let's go. What's the matter? Get your coat. Chop- chop!"
Booth and Brennan arrived at the scene which was bustling with FBI technicians who had surrounded the cars searching for the evidence that had killed Gemma. Booth went over to talk to an FBI agent to discuss the current situation. He glanced over at Brennan who was standing with her hands on her hips surveying the scene before her. Booth walked over to her.
"Is something wrong?" Booth asked with concern.
"I find I'm annoyed with you," Brennan disclosed.
"Why? Because I fired you and hired you back? It's the Federal Government," replied Booth in disbelief.
"No, because you got me drunk to fire me and then have sex with me," explained Brennan as she looked up to make contact. She was hurt the only reason they had sex was because they were drunk. She felt used but it was very good sex.
"Whoa, no. I got myself drunk so I could fire you and you decided to have sex with me, which I accepted gracefully," smirked Booth as he held the prolonged intensity of her stare. "So are you regretting that decision?"
"No, I'm not. It was a very good decision and I stand by it," replied Brennan uneasily.
"What's going on, Bones?" Booth questioned sensing she was not telling him the underlying truth to the problem.
"Do not call me Bones!" Brennan riled. A FBI technician interrupted them in the mist of their argument.
"The cars have been cleaned, sanded and repainted. The rug is new," informed the technician.
"So, nothing," sighed Booth.
"Nothing," repeated the technician.
"What? That's it?" cried Brennan in disbelief.
"Well, we don't have anything," Booth commented.
"Well, my people should look at it," Brennan forcefully suggested.
"Why?" asked Booth in exasperation.
"Because we're smarter than you!" Brennan remarked.
"Beg your pardon?" The FBI agent could not quite believe what he was hearing.
"Oh, please. Do you really think the best and brightest go into law enforcement? No, the best and brightest go to the Jeffersonian," exasperated Brennan.
"Oh, really? Because you know the one I met couldn't pick his nose without instruction," smirked Booth.
"The locking mechanism should be removed," Brennan informed the technician.
"Okay, excuse me. You know what? You really need to learn how to speak to human beings," Booth jibed.
"I speak six languages - two of which you've never even heard of," Brennan retorted in anguish.
"You know what? You're a cold fish!"
"You're a superstitious moron."
"Get a soul."
"Get a brain."
"Agent Booth?" the FBI agent interrupted their argument once more.
"What?" Booth and Brennan replied in unison.
"I'm Agent Booth," Booth told Brennan before turning to the technician. "What?" The FBI technician held up a piece of something in his palm. Brennan picked the object out of his hand to examine it closer.
"What is that?" asked Booth looking at the object Brennan was holding.
"I have no idea," the technician confessed.
"It's a stapes. In humans, it's a bone from the inner ear," Brennan informed them.
"Gemma Arringtons?" Booth questioned hoping that this would be the essential finding that broke the case.
"I have no way of knowing that without doing some tests - anyone who took high school science should know that," remarked Brennan.
"Well, anyone with a high school education would figure, hey, who else is it gonna be," retorted Booth.
Brennan turned to face the FBI technician. "Send this to the Jeffersonian, we'll check it for DNA."
Brennan then stormed off, her hair flying from side to side, the anger wafting of her in bounds. Leaving Booth standing by himself clenching his fists in frustration.
Brennan and Booth began talking to Gemma's mother. Brennan was still angry; she couldn't believe how ignorant and frustrating Booth was. He hadn't listened to her concerns about the fact that they may not have enough evidence to convict the Judge. She had solved the case after all. They began to argue in front of the mother, she tried to restrain herself but the emotions from the past twenty-four hours were finally released. Booth stood up and forcefully grabbed a hold of Brennan's arm, dragging her out of the conference room.
"Let go of me!" Brennan cried in pain.
"I will if you would jus-" Before she realised what she was doing she felt her hand slap Booth across the face. A burning sensation rapidly spread across his face, he pulled his hand up against his face to protect it from subsequent slaps.
"Oh! What the hell?" yelled Booth in shock.
"You are a bully. You - you grab my arm, just like the judge. You use your gun and your badge to intimidate people," yelled Brennan in outburst.
"Really? You use your brain to make people around you feel stupid," criticised Booth
"Well, you are a stupid man. I hate you."
"Oh, you hate me. What, are you 10 years old? I'm not your dad!"
"I will never work with you again"
Brennan turned around before storming away, grabbing her jacket before she made a hasty exit.
"Who asked you to?" Booth called after her rubbing his cheek in a soothing motion.
Brennan sat on the bench outside the FBI headquarters she could not quite belief she had just slapped Booth during the argument they had just had. Maybe she had overreacted but he shouldn't have grabbed her arm in the manner that he did.
She picked up her jacket before heading back into the FBI headquarters. She needed to apologise to Booth she could not just leave their relationship at this. She entered the lift that took her to the floor where Booth's desk was situated. She was nervous, he was going to hate her she had slapped him after all. The lift dinged and the doors opened. She took a deep breath and began to walk over to him.
She saw him sitting at his computer typing up the notes from the case. His cheek was inflamed and still remained scarlet red.
"You should put some ice on that," Brennan spoke softly. Booth turned around in his chair to face her.
"It'll be fine," replied Booth as he smiled at Brennan.
"Listen, I'm- "
"You don't have to say anything. I deserved it," Booth interrupted before Brennan had time to finish. "I shouldn't have grabbed you the way I did or spoken to you like that
"But I shouldn't have slapped you," rebutted Brennan. "And I suppose I need to learn some things about people skills too."
"Do you wanna get some food, then go back to mine?" suggested Booth.
"I think that would be acceptable," grinned Brennan.