Sorry I took so long. I hope this is worth it. =) Thankyou for all the reviews and for the people that voted in my poll on my profile. =) You're all the BEST!
Enjoy and please R&R. I want to know if I did alright on this one. =)


"Christian," I whispered, as we snuck across the lawn with Mason in tow, "Do you think your compulsion will be – er – strong enough?"

He rolled his eyes, "I'm no Lissa."

"I'm just thinking about what happened on our way to Spokane…"

The guards had soon come to their senses after Christian used his compulsion on them. Luckily we hadn't gotten in much trouble because Mason, Eddie and Mia's bus hadn't arrived yet.

The problem with this, though, was that if the compulsion wore off… We'd be in trouble.

"Rose, chill. I got this."

"Um, guys," Mason began, "What about Adrian?"

Adrian! Of course! With everything that had been going on – and the fact that he hadn't been flirting with me every hour of the day – I had forgotten that he was still here.


"We can't waste any more time!" he moaned, it was obvious that he was desperate to get Lissa back, "she could be hurt!"

"Rose would know, wouldn't she?" Mason asked.

I started chewing on my fingers, "I don't know."

"But you can check on her, right?" Christian asked, he seemed fairly happy with this conclusion.

"I guess…"

I concentrated hard on Lissa. I thought about things that we'd done in the past, I thought about where she might be now and I thought about what Victor might've done to her.

Pretty soon, I was in

"No! How'd you get out?" she cried, tugging at the ropes that tied her hands behind her back.

"I have my ways," Victor smiled, revealing his fangs.

"Well," Lissa began, swallowing her fear, "Will you give me what I desire?"

Victor cocked his head to the side, contemplating that idea, "I would… if I knew what that was."

"Andre! And my parents! Can you bring them back?"

He laughed evilly, "You're the one that brings dead things back. Not me. If I could bring the dead back then Natalie would be here."

The way he casually talked about his daughter's death made Lissa cringe.

"Then what can you give me?"

He smiled, with a knowing glint in his eye, "It's not what I can give you…"

Oh crap. I knew where this was going.

"It's what you can give me."

Lissa shuddered, "N-not healing you again?"

But his facial expression said more than words ever could.


He smirked, "Yes. Untie her!"

Someone grabbed her hands and fiddled with the ropes until Lissa could bring her hands around to the front of her…and prepare for a punch.

No Liss! I cried. Stupid one-way bond.

Victor blocked her punch easily and casually shoved her hand away, "Don't fight me, Vasilisa. You can't win."

Lissa sighed and dropped her hands to her sides, "Okay," she whimpered.

"You won't fight me will you?" he asked, trying a play at compulsion. As if he would be able to compel Lissa!

"You can't compel me," she stated, "But you're right. I won't fight you."


Fight back with compulsion! I urged. She'd win against him if it came down to mental strength.

He clutched her hands and squeezed them, tight, "Go ahead."

I felt Lissa concentrate on the magic whilst she thought of happy things. Me, Christian, her family.

I couldn't watch this!

"Rose?" Christian asked, "Where is she?"

I blinked twice and focused on my surroundings, "Victor has her! She's healing him!"

"We have to go! Forget Adrian!"

"Why would you want to forget me? Although – it seems – like you have been forgetting me…" Adrian appeared out of nowhere and casually strolled towards us, "You suck at being sneaky."

"Will you help us?" Mason asked.

Adrian thought about it and then smiled, "Super compulsion?"

"You got it."

"I'm in!"

"Can we go then?" Christian sighed, impatiently.

Mason smiled at Christian's impatience.

We snuck along to the gates and a guardian standing there glared at us.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I glanced at Adrian.

"You're going to let us out," he stated, without a shake in his voice.


"You're going t let us out. And then you'll forget that you ever saw us tonight."

I saw the guardian's eyes glaze over. At that moment, he would've done whatever Adrian told him to.


The guardian spun around and swung open the gates.

"Okay, Adrian. We'll see you later."

"Like hell you will! I'm going with you!"


"That was so cool!" Mason cried, "I've never seen compulsion like that!"

The only person he'd seen do compulsion was Mia and, no offense to her, she wasn't the best at it.

"Let's go."

Christian was the first out the gate and the rest of us followed suit.

"So, where are we going?" Adrian asked.


"You don't know. Do you?"

I searched the bond for some idea of where she could be.

"I know!"


"She didn't come to practice. She didn't show up to class. Where is she?" I demanded, as I stood in Ellen Kirova's office, giving her a death stare.

Rose had to be missing. She had seemed fine yesterday and even if she was sick, she would've come to our training! Wouldn't she?

"Guardian Belikov, that doesn't mean she's missing. We'll go up to her room and see if she's okay but you need to calm down."

How could I calm down? My Roza was missing!

"What about Vasilisa? Did she go to her first class today?"

Ellen fidgeted, uncomfortably.

"She didn't, did she?"


"What about Christian?"

"He didn't either."

I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming, "Who else missed their first class?"

"Mason Ashford and Jesse Zeklos both missed their first class today."

Jesse Zeklos… He was that kid that I had pulled off Rose and snapped at. She wouldn't have taken him with her. But Mason Ashford, that name sounded familiar.

"They're gone. I know it!"

"Dimitri. How would they have gotten out?"

I racked my brain, trying to think of a way they could've escaped, "Compulsion!"

"They wouldn't…"

"That's how Rose and Lissa escaped in the first place."

Ellen sighed, "We'll investigate it, okay. For now, just go to your room and relax. I'm sure it's just a… coincidence."

"Thank you Ellen."

I stood up and left her office, almost overflowing with rage. But I had to stay in control.

Where would Rose go?

More importantly, where would she go without consulting me?