This is a totally different style from what I'm used to writing, but it seemed like the right one for this. If it feels or reads awkward, please let me know.

Written as a birthday gift for Jediempress. All my best for the next year!

Disclaimer: None of it mine.

It is late in the night – or extremely early in the morning. The moon is beginning its descent back towards the horizon but the soft glow it is emitting is enough to dimly light the room through the open curtains. Just as everything is still and quiet outside, inside the room is peaceful and content. There are no sounds beyond the ones that normally hang in the night air, the soft rustle of sheets and muted breathing combined with the hiss of a breeze through grass. There is nothing extraordinary about this night just as there is nothing exciting about this bedroom. It is simply another night, another room, in the continuing flow of time.

The sound of fabric sliding against fabric is loud in the silence as a body adjusts its position. A head of silver hair – turned nearly white by the moon's glow – presses itself to the back of another body and places a dry kiss against a bare shoulder blade. The second body – with blonde hair turned silver – makes a sound that is half questioning, half acknowledgment.

"It's nothing, Cloud," the first body whispers. "Just saying happy birthday."

The second body laughs softly. "Go back to sleep, Riku. You can tell me again in the morning."

There is nothing extraordinary about this night. It is just another night, like countless before and countless to follow. It will not be until daylight that the importance of the words exchanged will be registered. For now, there is peace.