Disclaimer: I only own Akila.

Vote on my poll please.

Italics= ancient Egyptian

By the way the curator already died he isn't with them when they were running. And the spell she says to make him mortal is the same one Evy does in the movie. Kadishmal= kad-eesh-mal. Paradus= pair-ah-doos.

Warning: Sex scene rating changes to M.

This sex scene is not mine! I got it from somewhere on quizilla and edited some of it.

Rick put his guns away as did Jon they looked at Ardeth. He was glaring at me then he glared at imhotep as he helped me up. I gripped his arm and stayed by his side. I looked at the others. They joined me leaving ardeth to stand alone.

"What are you doing. That creature is evil!" he shouted.

"No you are." I replied.

Imhotep ordered the people to kill him when I stopped him. "Wait! It's better he lives his life alone and tortured then a quick death." I told him. Imhotep smirked. We knocked ardeth out and left.

"I need to take you to hamunaptra. You need to be immortal."

"How?" I asked.

He frowned for a moment. "By sacrificing yourself."

I looked down then back up. "Of course. Anything to be with you." I replied.

"You have your memories?" he asked and I nodded still holding his arm and walking with him.

I stopping making him stopped then turned to Rick, Jon, and Evy. "I need to go to Hamunaptra with him." I told them.

"Why?" Rick asked suspicious.

"To become immortal. I promise I'll be back soon."

He frowned. I let go of Imhotep who kept his eyes on me. I went to Rick and hugged him. "Rick your like a brother to me. I would never leave you." I said with my head on his shoulder as we hugged. I let him go slowly. I got the key for the book from Jonathan then went with Imhotep.

Imhotep pulled me close and turned into a type of sandstorm. We soon arrived at Hamunaptra. We went into the city and we stopped at Horus to get the golden book of Amun Ra. He opened the case where the book was without a problem.

I took out the key and got the book from him then opened it. He wrapped his arms around my waist and looked for the spell with me. But I stopped at a particular one and thought for a moment.



"There is one here to make you mortal."

He got confused. "You do not want to be immortal?"

I shook my head. "I just realized that if I am immortal than we would have to watch our friends grow old and die and maybe the same for any children we might have but you and I will not age. But if you become mortal. We can live our lives with our friends and then go into the afterlife together." I finished.

He seemed to think for a moment them pulled away and agreed. He nodded showing he was ready for anything. "It's just a couple words."

I looked back at the spell. "Kadishmal. Kadishmal. Paradus. Paradus." I said. Then this spirit chariot came out from somewhere and passed through Imhotep who cried out in pain. Then the chariot left with a spirit looking Imhotep.

He stood there watching it go. "Are you all right?" I asked.

He nodded. I sighed in relief. Then for the first time in three thousand years I kissed him. So passionate. My arms went around his shoulders and his went around my waist pulling away. We pulled away for air.

"So how do you feel being immortal?" I asked him.

"Hungry." he replied causing me to laugh then frown.



"How are we getting back?"

He frowned. "You know what we'll make it through this. Maybe there camel out side. And you know you'll have to learn English." I said. We began walking back out of the city hand in hand.


"The language we speak usually."

We made it outside. "It's about time you guys came out we were about to come get you."

I gasped and saw Evy, Rick, and Jon in front of us. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

Imhotep put his arms protectively around me. "It's okay." I told him and he eased up a bit.

"So I guess your immortal now." Rick said.

"Uh uh." I said shaking my head. "We found a spell to make him mortal so I made him mortal. I don't want to see you guys getting old and dying without me." I replied smiling. Evy got off her camel and rode with Rick while Imhotep and I rode on hers.

We rode back to the city. We packed than got a boat to go back to England so Evy could get a new job there and go into her fathers house that she inherited. In England Imhotep and I lived with Rick and Evy in there house. It had 2 floors. The kitchen, dining room, library, and living room were on the first floor. Then on the second were 3 rooms each with bathrooms than a bigger bathroom. Imhotep and I shared a bed.

"I really can't thank you enough for letting Imhotep and I live with you guys."

"It's no problem at all Akila." Evy replied as we sat for some tea and reading while Rick took Imhotep to get new and different clothes with Jonathan there to translate.

"You know Evy. You're the reincarnation of the pharaoh's daughter Nefretiri." I told her smiling.

"Really?" she said excited.

"Yepp. We were best friends." I said laughing at how she lit up in happiness.

"I wonder if I'll start remembering that." she said to herself.

"Maybe." I replied.

Imhotep returned later wearing a suit but he has plenty of other clothes. I smiled in approval. Later that night when we were getting ready for bed already in our nightclothes, Imhotep began to kiss my neck. I moaned when he found my spot.

I moan as he kisses my sweet spot. My hands rested on his shoulders and how they longed to touch his skin again. He places his hands under my shirt staying at my waist rubbing circles, his rough warm hands on my smooth cool skin causing me to moan.

He smirks against my neck lifting my shirt off then taking his off. He gently lays me down on the bed climbing on top of me. His warm hands roam my upper body soon finding interest in my chest, while his lips were pre-occupied with my lips. His hands squeeze my chest getting a moan from me. "Imhotep."

His lips leave mine and start traveling down my neck kissing along my collar bone. He gets to my bra quickly unclipping it and throwing it away. He goes back to my collar bone slowly making his way to one of my breasts. He sucks and licks the nipple causing it to go hard from being aroused. I moan from the pleasure.

He soon gives the same treatment to the other one as well making me moan again. I wanted to touch him. To touch his skin, the same way he was touching me. Imhotep directs his lips back to mine begging for entrance. I open my mouth for him and he slips his tongue in exploring my mouth just as he did three thousand years ago.

As our tongues fight for dominance my hands roam his body tracing his muscles with feather like fingers. I get a deep groan from him. I feel his shoulders as I give up letting him dominate my mouth. I push him over so that now I was on top, my bare skin touching his muscular chest. I leave his lips, kissing his neck earning a pleasurable moan from his throat.

My lips travel his body getting to his black trousers to see a large bulge in them. I unzip his pants and stripping them off along with his boxers. I look at his erected member then at his face looking smirking. I smirked back.I wrap my hand around it and start feeling it gently. He groans closing his eyes and putting his head back.

I stop and bend over licking it up and down, my tongue circling the tip. He groans louder bucking into my mouth saying "Akila..." his voice was strained. I take him into my mouth sucking his large member and bobbing my head up and down quickly. He groans placing his hand behind my head not wanting me to move anywhere. He cums into my mouth soon.

I swallow as much as I could licking the last little bit out of the slit. I lick my lips and climb back on top of him. He flips me over so he was back on top and wastes no time going right to my skirt taking them off with frustration. I could tell he was getting excited and so was I. He looks at my panties wet from arousal, I couldn't help but blush embarrassed.

Imhotep takes them off slowly. I feel his hands on the inside of my thighs asking me to separate my legs. I listen opening my legs for him. He stares hungrily at my wet cave. He bends down and I feel his tongue go inside of me. I squirm moaning in pure pleasure. I could feel a knot in my stomach start growing then I felt my release. "Oh imhotep." I moaned. Imhotep had lapped up all my juices licking his lips smirking at me.

He kisses my lips with so much lust and love. He moves to my ear as he positions himself at my entrance. "Are you ready my love?" he asked. I kissedhim passionately giving him the message that I do want this. He enters me. I moan out. He was quite large. I squirmed a bit as I got used to him. I moan out in pleasure as he began thrusting.

He moves in and out slowly at first but starts getting harder and faster. The knot in my stomach was growing tighter and tighter. I getting close to my climax I could tell he was too because he sped up making me moan. We moan out each others names as we near our climaxes."Imhotep!" I cry out as the knot bursts sending waves of pleasure through my trembling body. A few moments later Imhotep reaches his, our juices mixing as his seed spurts into me. He collapses besides me panting.

I was panting as well, "I missed that." I said causing him to chuckle bringing me into his strong arms. Good thing we were three doors down from Evy and Rick.

-1 year later-

"Be careful Zuberi!" Imhotep calls out as Zuberi crawled by the rose bush he was only 2 months old and already exploring. Yes after a year he learned English and I had his first son.

Rick and Evy had one to whom they named Alexander but we just call him Alex.

I smiled at my husband. We got married a month ago. I came out of the doorway I was leaning on and gave him his ice tea then sat down with mine.

"Immy?" I said calling him by his nickname.

"Yes?" he said looking at me.

"I love you."

"I love you too my butterfly." he replied smiling which caused me to smile.

We lived happily after that. No problems until later when Alex put on Anubis' bracelet then we had to rush him to a city or else he would die in seven days. Then we had to defeat the scorpion king who got the hots for me. But that's a story for another time.

R&R please that is the end. Yay! My first finished story! Lol. Vote on my poll. I'll be starting another story soon after I finish my Dracula vs batman one!