A/N: I feel like such a troll! I'm sorry to all the readers, because I didn't update in months. I apologize, so I'm going to start updating again. I hope you all can forgive me! 3

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

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Sakura let out a small squeak, as the silver needle pierced her once again. She reached behind her and pulled out another plain band aid for her bleeding finger. The fifth finger to bleed since she started this.

Mr. Nibbles stared up at her from her lap and she grabbed the needle again, she couldn't give up just yet, he needed her.

In another hour, Mr. Nibbles head was back on, but because of the teenager's poor sewing skills, it was horribly sloppy. But she was satisfied, and cuddled him softly to her chest as she kicked off all of her supplies onto the floor and softly drifted to sleep.


The morning went by in a hurry. After helping Mai get ready, they walked down into the kitchen to get something to eat when Sakura remembered she couldn't cook anything because she didn't have any pans or ingredients.

"Hmm. Mai, do you just wanna go get something on our way to school?" Sakura asked, looking down at the small child.

Mai nodded before running off to go grab her shoes while Sakura crept back upstairs and peeked into Sasuke's room. The sound of faint snoring pleased her, seeing as she had no intention of waking him.

After grabbing her keys from her room (and putting Mr. Snuggles in her backpack), she hopped down the stairs and hurried out of the house with Mai in tow.

Later that day, as Sakura's class was ending, Anko had pulled her to the side,"Haruno, so I've recently heard that you're bilingual. Is that correct?"

The teenager nodded, her pink bangs framing her face.

"Well then, you're going to be taking care of another because she's from America and half the time people don't know what in the world she is saying. Have fun!" Then she shoved a folder in her arms and made her way out of the classroom.

The pinkette blinked, sighing as she realized what she just got in. Good thing she likes children.

Since it was lunch time, she needed to go pick her charges. It was a great that the teachers decided that the younger children would just have their classes in the high school to create less conflicts.

As she walked down the hallway, she opened the folder that Anko had given her.

[ Name: May, Aileen

Gender: F

Grade/Age: 3rd / Eight years old

Birthday: July, 25

Appearance: Honey colored hair, ends below shoulders. Dark brown eyes.

Personality: Loud, bossy, loyal, leader, pleasant, listening issues, etc.


Came to Japan this year, used to live in America.

Speaks Japanese half the time, is more comfortable with English.

Parents: Spends more time with the nanny, than her parents.

Likes: * As you spend time with your child you must fill out the empty portions of this worksheet*

Dislikes: ]

"I always get the ones that need help…" Sakura muttered as she opened the door to one of the children classrooms'.

Thus, that was how Sakura ended up with two little girls watching her every move as she wandered around her kitchen wondering what to make for dinner.

Turning towards the children," Uh, is leftovers okay?" After receiving their nods, the pinkette prepared their food and then headed for her living room, all that was left was to decide on what to watch while eating and…eat.

The three sat on the carpeted floor of Sakura's living room, as she flipped through the channels. Stopping on an anime about princesses, even though the screen filled with pink hurt her eyes Sakura questioned the little girls," What about this?" Mai's eyes lit up in interest while Aileen's darkened in detest.

"Noooooooo! Princesses are stupid and there's too much pink, I hate that color," Aileen detested, pointedly looking at Sakura. Well then… Also, wasn't every girl supposed to have a small phase where all she could think of was pink and ruffles?

Mai's head snapped towards the other girl," They are not and pink is pretty!" More surprises, seeing as Sakura hasn't heard the girl speak that loudly yet.

"They are too!"



As soon as Sakura started to feel a migraine coming on, she knew she should stop this argument. "How about we watch that new ninja series? I think there could be some princess in that?" The girls agreed, Aileen becoming interested as soon as she heard ninja and Mai sticking to princesses.

Phew, Sakura was already worn out and it was only the first day of having both of them. It'll get easier, right? …..right?

A/N: Sorry, if the chapter wasn't that good, I'll continue to work harder. I'll also try to update quicker and with longer chapter, as well as with my other stories. =D Oh, and I'd appreciate it if anyone has any ideas for this story and any of my others, I get writers block easily, so I'd really like help (writers block is mostly the reason this chapter was short and not that good).

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