AN: Alright, here's a one-shot for the same pairing I've been stuck on since yesterday. I'm still just starting on the fandom, so I'm trying hard to get the characters down. Constructive criticism is good, tell me what I'm doing wrong, but try not to be mean about it, alright? Thank you, and enjoy the fic!

Pairing: GarsivDastan

Yaoi, Younger ages (Garsiv 16, Dastan 14), Fluff



Coughing his lungs up for the sixth time in ten minutes, the youngest prince pounded his own chest in hopes to make it stop. His father had been trying to get him to take some nasty medicine all day, but everyone had since then dissipated. Nobody wanted to put up with a sick, disgruntled, and stubborn Dastan when there were much more pleasurable things they could have been doing with their time. However, there was one presence left in the room, who seemed to be getting some sick enjoyment out of this.

"Garsiv..." His words were broken with another cough, "W-water..."

"With how you've been drinking today, you're going to drain the whole city's water by tomorrow." The sixteen year old smirked, getting up from his spot on the comfortable chair by the wall and heading over with a pitcher and cup. "Hear you go." He smiled, pouring it and handing it over, the smaller male drinking it up like he hadn't had a drink in years instead of a matter of minutes. "So, want to tell me why you won't take your medicine?" That made him stiffen.

"I won't take it, it's nasty." He told his brother with a crinkle of his nose. He was still young, it was expected.

"How about this...if I can get you to take it, you'll let me borrow that sword of yours that father let you have..." A pause, "And if I can't, then I'll likely get sick and you can give me my medicine." This didn't sound too bad; nobody had the ability to get him to take the medicine, this would work.

"Alright, you're on." The youngest prince smiled, but his face fell into one of shock when his elder brother's shirt fell to the floor.

"Too hot in here for that." That perfect chest, no matter the hair that lightly dusted it, shone with sweat as the youngest prince's eyes raked over it, mouth hanging slightly agape. He wanted to touch his brother, but he was banned to the bed. The bottle of medicine beside the bed was lifted and inspected. "Still taking liquids, brother?" He taunted, "This will be easier than I thought." Without warning, he uncorked it and took a decent amount into his mouth, holding it there before leaning down and kissing his brother.

Without thinking, Dastan's lips opened up and he accepted the kiss, not thinking right for a moment until the bitter liquid hit his tongue and he made a face. However, since Garsiv was prepared for this, he nipped that tongue and shoved his own in to chase the flavor away with his own muskiness. Once it was all swallowed and the boys pulled back for breath, the fourteen year old grunted a little.


"Hey, one way to get you to take your medicine is to make it enjoyable."

"Then get back here and finish it."

"I'm not getting sick completely for you. I'm off to use your sword on some trees. See you later, Dastan." He winked, waving as he relieved the bedside post of the sword and headed outside with it, leaving a fuming prince to lay there pathetically, frowning at the medicine in his empty stomach. Soon, the cramps would start and he'd need food.


AN: And again, I write a somewhat fluffy story for a very...unfluffy pairing. I think I'm getting better! Or, else, I've always just been good at writing fluff...I'm not sure. Anyway, I hope you guys liked this. :3