Challenge Name and Number: Love, #003
Drabble Title: Predictable
Word Count: 345
Summary: It's not that they are predictable, it's just that things tend to go a certain way every time.

Ok. So this has been done in an experimental style. I apologize if it doesn't make sense.


It wasn't that they were predictable; it was just that arcade nights always ended the same way…

"Man, I love Zombies from Outer Space!'"

"And I love kicking your ass at it."

"Don't flatter yourself Honda, you aint that good."

"Shall we play again to prove just how wrong you are Jounouchi?"

Movie nights too tended to leave a strong sense of déjà vu in their wake…

"Man, Anzu! Not another dance movie! You're killing me!"

"Well what makes you think I like to watch those dumb action movies? Besides, I love these movies"

"Well what about…"

"… No Otogi, no more foreign films! Although what they do to Jounouchi is amusing to say the least I don't want to subject my brain to that again on a Friday night."

"So Honda has learnt some fancy new words eh?" Jou asked with a snicker, before dodging the attack that came his way.

"What about this one?"

"Please Ryou, not another sci-fi!"

"So that just leaves a comedy then."

"Guess so Yuge."

Even trips to the shops had their own familiar pattern…

"I did say you didn't have to come with me."

"Yeah, but Anzu. I wanted to see if the lingerie section was as good as they say it is!"

"Jou, you totally deserved that and you know it."

"Well that hurt that time. I think she's been working out or something. And she didn't have to go for the head either … Huh, what's that. Yeah I agree with Yugi, let's eat!"

"I'm not done here though."

"We could meet you in the food court if you'd like Anzu."

"You know, I could really go for some ramen right now."

"Honda, you could always go for some ramen."

"Well I've never heard you complain about it before!"

"Hey, I love ramen too…"

"Jou, you just love food."

"Got a problem with that Yuge?"

"Yeah, I see you guys later then. I could do without your company now anyway."

They weren't predictable at all; they were just comfortable in all that they were.