Enjoy the next chapter! 'Generator Rex' copyright Man of Action. I only own OC Ayla. Fic written just for fun.

Night had quickly fallen over Providence Base and it's surroundings while a furious Rex was disappointed with himself for not being able to do anything at the apartment. He shouldn't have even let Ayla go back there – he knew this would happen! Why did he always shut out the voice of reason in his head? He paced back and forth in Holiday's lab while the doctor tried to work, Six just watching the boy let out his frustration.

"Come on, Six. If the Pack has her, then we need to get to Abysus – she's most likely there," said Rex, stopping in front of the agent.

"Rex, I can't do anything about it. She isn't a Providence agent and Knight believes it's too dangerous to venture out there to get her back again. Any teams we've sent out to Abysus haven't checked back in. It's. Too. Dangerous." Six crossed his arms in front of him, looking down at the teen.

"We don't know what Van Kleiss will do to her, Six!" argued Rex.

"I get it, Rex, but unless you've got a better idea, we have to wait until Van Kleiss makes a move. For now, just go to your room and cool off. We'll think of something."

Hearing this only infuriated Rex more, "Fine. But whatever happens to her, it's Knight's fault," with that, Six and Holiday watched as he stormed out of the lab.

"He's going to try something stupid, isn't he?" commented Holiday. Six's only response was a curt nod of his head before leaving the lab as well, going after Rex before he should try anything too rash. Once in the hallway outside the lab, Six looked around for the boy, and found him already at the far end of the hall, getting in the elevator – which did not lead to his room.

"Rex!" He shouted, running to the elevator in hopes to catch him.

"Sorry, Six," whispered Rex as he placed a palm on the console of the elevator, his nanites commanding its doors to close and immediately descend faster than it should. Once at the bottom, Rex opened the doors to the Zoo, activated his ride, and headed to the nearest door to the outside. Before Six could even get to another elevator, the alarms had already sounded, signaling that Rex had reached the perimeter and was speeding away towards Abysus.

Agent Six was not in the mood for this right now. With Rex now heading off towards Van Kleiss, Six made to call for a team of agents to go after Rex, either to assist him in getting Ayla back, or to stop him altogether. He was interrupted, though, by his superior.

"Agent Six," said an angry White Knight through the com-link, "gather a team and have them waiting by the Abysus borders."

"Shouldn't they be going in after Rex? If he's heading to Abysus, he'll be at a great disadvantage – he'll be in Van Kleiss' territory."

"I'm aware of that, but we can't lose any more men in there. Van Kleiss won't seriously harm Rex – we know that already. He's too valuable. We may as well let him get as close as he can to get this girl out. Her abilities are just as important, and Providence can't afford any more enemies. Gather that team together, Agent Six," said Knight.

With this, Six was left to do as he was commanded, no matter how much he didn't like his orders. Six knew Rex was strong enough, but he was still putting himself in serious danger by going after Ayla alone. Providence can't lose Rex to Van Kleiss – he's the only means of curing EVOs until a better solution can be created. Ever since the initial nanite incident, scientists and doctors have been working towards that solution, but so far nothing has been proven effective.

The closer Rex got to Abysus, the more the environment around him changed. The skies above him shifted from a starry night sky, to an eerie maroon and the trees became larger and closer together. Unable to maneuver through them safely in the dark, he had to deactivate his "Rex Ride" as he called it, and go on foot.

I need a solid plan this time, he thought. If Knight lost guys in here to Van Kleiss and the Pack, then how the hell am I going to get through this and get Ayla out safely? It's not like I can just sneak in, either. Van Kleiss probably knows I'm here already, too. Guess I shouldn't keep that creep waiting then. With his conviction in mind, Rex continued forward, the broken castle coming into view as he emerged from the forest.

As he got closer to the entrance, Rex was greeted by Circe as she came out from the shadows of the castle walls. Rex's face flushed slightly at the sight of her and the memories from Cabo Luna that resurfaced in his mind. He tried his hardest to push away the thoughts of her and the Pack together, and focus on the fun they had that day, albeit brief; but seeing her here, now... It made those sweet memories of before spoil and leave him sour.

Circe smiled gently at him as he came up the steps of the castle, "Hey," she said sweetly, "Glad you could make it. I hope you stay this time."

Rex refused to meet her gaze as he brushed by, saying cooly, "Don't even talk to me." He continued through the strangely quiet castle, peering into the rooms he passed, looking for any sign of either Ayla or Van Kleiss. A small cough brought his attention back to Circe as she waved Rex over to a room at the far end of wide hallway. Figuring he didn't have much to lose, he followed.

"Van Kleiss, sir. We have a visitor," said Circe as Rex entered in behind her. There sat Van Kleiss on yet another throne in a new room Rex had never been in until now. Nothing short of "creepy" could describe the statues surrounding the the edge of the room while Van Kleiss sat at the far end.

"Ah, Rex! So nice of you to come and visit us in our humble home," said Van Kleiss from his pedestal.

Rex lost no time in getting to the point of why he came all this way, "Where is she?" he commanded, coming closer to the man.

Van Kleiss gave him a look of confusion, "I'm sorry?" he said, "Where's who? You'll have to be more specific, my boy."

Stomping up to Van Kleiss, Rex created his over-sized sword and held it threateningly at the man's throat, "Quit screwing with me! Ayla! Where the hell is Ayla?"

"There's no need to shout; I can hear you just fine," said the man, knowing his slight smile would prove to only further annoy and anger Rex. Van Kleiss brushed away the sword and rose from his seat. "Now, as for Ayla, she's right here: safe and sound," a simple snap of his fingers and the wall to Rex's right began to shift, the vines moving to reveal a very drowsy, very weak Ayla. The vines slowly lowered her off the wall and laid her on the ground before the two men.

"Safe and sound, my ass. What did you do to her?" questioned a furious Rex, bending down to examine Ayla. Her breathing and heat rate seemed normal; as if she were asleep, until she cracked open her eyes. "Oh, man. What did he do?" Rex whispered to Ayla. It was then as he was checking her pulse rate that he glanced down at her stomach, her shirt now bearing five small holes. He slowly and carefully lifted up the fabric to reveal matching blood-clotted wounds. Looking back up at Van Kleiss, Rex demanded between clenched teeth, "What. Is. This?"

The standing man crossed his arms in front of his chest, saying, "She tastes a bit like you. Just be glad I didn't absorb all her nanites as I did them," he said gesturing to the statue-like corpses once more that day.

"You're like a friggin' nanite-vampire. Maybe I should break out my wooden stakes and crucifixes," Rex said, angrily, "or maybe a big fucking sword will work." Not a second later and his B.F.S. was once again active, taking swing after swing at Van Kleiss. No matter how many vines the man commanded to defend himself, Rex's furious fighting broke though them. The only problem with this is that it wore down his arm, and he grew tired. Rex looked down to see the damage he caused: sliced vines and roots were sprawled over the dirt floor, the remains of Van Kleiss – for the moment. Circe watched in the shadows not far from Ayla as Rex looked around, waiting uncomfortably for the man to appear again.

"You need to keep that anger of yours in check, Rex," Van Kleiss' voice echoed through the room. "Circe," he said, "if you don't mind..."

With that, the girl approached Rex and released a scream, throwing him back into the throne. Landing awkwardly, he pushed himself back up. He activated his Slam Cannon and pointed it directly at Circe, ready to fire.

"I'm sick of this fighting, Circe. What's it gonna take to make you realize Van Kleiss isn't about peace? That he isn't helping EVOs? Look at Ayla!" he pointed to her as she still lay on the ground behind Circe. "She's an EVO, too. Does that look like 'helping' to you? Now move, before I make you move," he added threateningly.

Rex knew it wouldn't be long before Van Kleiss would somehow reform his body, and he needed to get himself and Ayla out of there. Yet there stood Circe, hindering his escape.

"I can't let you take her or allow you to leave Abysus, Rex," she said to him, determined and ready to fight. Rex blinked hard in frustration, knowing that this wasn't the time to hold back; while Circe braced herself, ready to release a sonic cry when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Quickly returning her mouth to normal, Circe turned in time to receive a solid right hook to the face. She was knocked out before her body even hit the ground.

"That," said a weak Ayla as she clutched her stomach, "is for screaming in my face earlier, you crazy bitch."

Rex could do nothing but be stunned by the turn of events. Stunned and slightly terrified.

"Well, what the hell are you waiting for? Get us out of here, man," said Ayla as the ground began to tremble, no doubt from Van Kleiss' anger.

"Uh, right, yeah. Let's go," Rex said as he powered down his cannon. As he stepped around Circe's unconscious form, he allowed himself to look at her face this time; something he refused to do when he arrived. There was now a large, red mark across her cheek where Ayla hit her, and he hoped that that punch knocked some sense into her.

Rex forced himself to focus on the mission as of now: getting the hell out of Abysus. "C'mon," he said quickly to Ayla as he powered up his Boogie Pack, "I'll fly us out."

"Better make it quick," said Ayla, the ground beginning to tremble more violently, "Dunno when Van Kleiss will be ba-" Rex didn't need any further encouragement though. He quickly wrapped an arm around Ayla's back, his other around her waist, and took off.

"Whoooa-!" said Ayla, caught off guard. She wrapped her own arms around Rex's neck and held on. Rex tried to hold in a chuckle, but it slipped out. "Heh," commented Ayla, "You must love the whole 'hero thing,' eh?"

"Ya know, it never gets old," replied Rex with a slight laugh. He wasn't thirty feet in the air when he was suddenly jerked to a stop, "Aughhh!" he and Ayla cried.

"Oh," called a voice, "But it really does, Rex." The two looked down to see Van Kleiss, back in action, commanding the roots that were wrapped around Rex's ankles.

"Keep steady and do not drop me," commanded Ayla to Rex. She hesitantly let one arm go of Rex's neck and quickly swung it at the roots, releasing an arc of energy which sliced through Van Kleiss' hold. "Ughhh..." said Ayla as her nails digging into Rex in pain.

"Ayla?" asked a concerned Rex as he continued their ascent.

"Hurts... Sorry...," she responded, "GO! Go, go, go, go!" she cried, spotting more vines coming their way. With this, Rex sped as fast his turbines could spin, hoping that if he got high enough, he could evade Van Kleiss' grasp. Rex was lucky tonight: he was right. At about two hundred feet in the air, the vines couldn't go any further, and stopped.

Rex let out a sigh of relief, and readjusted Ayla so that she was resting in his arms. Now it past due time to get the hell out of that place.

Next Time: Homecoming?