Title: The Brains and the Brawn

Fandom: Veronica Mars/Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossover

Rating: T

Word count: 5,821

Summary: Veronica Mars and Buffy Summers are both working at the FBI, and are placed together as partners for a difficult and dangerous case that sends them to LA after a master criminal. Naturally, their pasts will come back to haunt them and these two strong-minded heroines may or may not be able to keep it together.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, though I wish I did.

Background: This is set after the finales of both shows, in the present day. I have taken the final season of Angel into account, but none of the comic continuations of Buffy. I have also shortened the age gap between Buffy and Veronica to about 4 years instead of 6/7, making Veronica about 24 and Buffy about 28.

Chapter 3: Dusted

Buffy found the décor in Logan's office intriguing. He had let her in and then said he had to go fetch something, leaving her momentarily alone and free to inspect. She wandered around, swilling her iced coffee in her cup. He had plenty of surfing memorabilia, but few pictures. The only one plainly visible was a photograph of Lynn Lester on his desk. Buffy had forgotten that she had married Aaron Echolls and therefore must be his mother. She remembered that she was dead though; she had committed suicide by jumping off a bridge. Lynn Lester had been one of Joyce's favorite actresses, Buffy remembered; she could imagine her being so excited that Buffy was now meeting with Lynn's son. Buffy moved to see if there were any other photos around. In a standing bookcase, she found a small one wedged next to a book—it was of four teenagers hugging each other and smiling exuberantly for the camera. Logan was one, she saw, a little puppy fat still extant, and beside him were a pretty blonde girl and a cute boy with brown hair and blue eyes. The person she wanted to focus on the most was the last girl in the picture: a young, smiling Veronica Mars.

As she was still inspecting the picture, the door behind her opened and Logan reentered. Buffy quickly put down the photo and attempted to stand up straight innocently and pretend that she wasn't snooping, but Logan just smiled at her knowingly. "I should have known any friend of Veronica's would take my absence as a chance to ransack the place. Go ahead, Buffy, do what you have to do."

Buffy looked sheepish. "Sorry, Logan. I'll just sit down then."

"Veronica would never apologize," Logan said, as he took a seat behind his desk. "But then, she rarely gets caught. Never mind, you must be new at this." He opened his file and said, "How can I help the Federal Bureau of Investigation?"

Buffy bit her lip. "How do I know if I can trust you with this information?"

Logan shrugged. "If it helps, Veronica has never trusted me. And I have been indicted on several felonies—although never convicted. I also come from a long line of cruel, violent men, the latest of whom, my father, was a murderer. I am, however, friends with Spike, if that can be put on the other side of the scale."

Buffy could not stop the giggle that escaped her lips. "You're putting your friendship with Spike on the 'good' side? Are you freaking kidding me?"

"You know, you FBI agents are not as stern and professional as I thought you'd be. Didn't you learn that in spy camp?" Logan asked.

"Are you mocking me? I could arrest you, you know. I totally could," she said, raising her eyebrows menacingly.

"Don't worry, I know not to underestimate the little blonde ones," he said smiling. "It's funny, you're just so similar to Veronica in some ways, yet completely different in different. I can see what Spike sees in you."

She ignored the Spike comment as the last thing she needed right then. "Are you flirting with me? I don't know how Veronica would feel about that," Buffy said, trying to feel out the status of that relationship.

Logan lost his playful attitude. "Don't worry, I'm sure she wouldn't give a shit," he said, with a soupcon of detectable bitterness. "Are you going to use me for my information, or what?"

Buffy saw that she really had no idea what Veronica's past life had been like or her relationship with Logan. It seemed it was best to get down to business then. "Okay. You seem like a decent guy, but trusting you has nothing to do with Spike. I just think we need some sort of pointers in this town, and you seem to know something about it." She took a sip of her coffee in an effort to pull herself together and seem more professional.

"Kind of you to say so." Logan opened his folder and handed her a printed list. "These are the main vampire hang outs in LA—"

Logan paused as Buffy almost spat out her drink. "Vampire hang outs?" she said shakily, "What do you know about vampire hang outs?"

Logan looked at her, startled. "I am friends with Spike, you know," he said slowly, "I know he is not that friendly with the sun, avoids crosses and holy water, and drinks blood. I also know that you are, coincidentally, a slayer. THE slayer, more precisely. I thought you might have been sent here on something demon related—why do you look like you are going to explode?"

"He told you?" Buffy still looked flabbergasted.

"Yes," Logan looked a little put out by her apparent inability to comprehend. "We are friends."

"Spike never had friends."

"He does now, as poor a specimen as I might be." Logan's tone was become irritated. "Can we please get down to business?"

"Fine," Buffy said, discomfited. "We're looking for this man, Max Curran." She showed him the photo. "He's been implicated in the likely kidnap and traffic of over one hundred girls across the country. He's supposed to be in LA right now. We want to locate him and find out how he runs his operation; best case scenario we would like to be able to recover some of the girls, but it may not be possible. He grabs his girls in clubs. That's the short version. Do you know him?"

Logan examined the photo. "I don't know him, but I'll be on the lookout. Is he associating with vampires? He sounds nasty." Buffy saw his hands curl into fists on the edge of his desk.

"I don't really know anything supernatural about him. Thanks for this list though." Buffy stood up to go. "I guess I might need it."

"I'll walk you out," Logan said, standing up to escort her.

As Buffy walked towards the door she caught sight of the photo she had been looking at earlier and recalled her fight with Veronica the previous night. She was not looking forward to going back to the safe house to see her. She put her hand on the door knob to open the door and then made a sudden decision. Instead of leaving, she turned back to look at Logan. "What's Veronica's deal?"

"What?" Logan looks genuinely bewildered. "Her deal?"

Buffy decided she had come this far, she might as well find out what she so desperately wanted to know. "Yeah, what is her story? I know you know her well, have for some time judging from that photo. I just want to know something about her."

Logan's face was hard and closed off. "I thought you were her partner."

"I am." Buffy tried to explain. "We only just got assigned together though. I don't really know anything about her."

"What makes you think I'd tell you anything Veronica hasn't told you and probably doesn't want you to know?" He spoke brusquely and sat back down in his chair.

Buffy crossed her arms and took a moment to think. She saw she'd need to take a different tack; she had seen that Logan definitely had some feelings for Veronica, but she hadn't anticipated that Logan would be so protective. "Veronica and I had a fight last night. We're having a hard time getting along as partners."

Logan looked slightly less vexed. "I can see how that could be. Two tiny pain-in-the-ass blondes might be too many for the planet. So you and Veronica aren't quite like sisters yet?"

Buffy shook her head. Well, maybe how she and her sister used to be, but not how they ought to be.

"And you want me to help with than situation?" Buffy just looked at him, waiting. "Out of curiosity, have you told her about being a slayer and the whole vampire thing?"

Buffy was getting irritated. "She read my FBI file, you know. She understands nothing about boundaries." The emotions of the previous night's arguments were coming back to her. "But, no, she doesn't know the supernatural shit."

Logan studied Buffy until she shifted uncomfortably. Then he spoke, "Okay. You want to know about Veronica? Here's something: Veronica hasn't really played well with others in some time. And she doesn't forgive and forget. She hates being kept in the dark. How do you expect to work with her if she doesn't even know you're a slayer?"

"There are some things that are private. My life is my business." Buffy didn't need this criticism right now.

"Good luck with that, then." Logan stood up and Buffy followed suit. "She's been hurt a lot, you know. If she decides you're trustworthy, then you'll be okay. Just stop lying to her; she'll find out. Given how I've left things with Veronica in the past, I don't know if I can give you more advice than that," he said, a little sadly.

"Thanks," Buffy said.

When Logan was holding the door and Buffy stepped through it, he paused. "Oh, and Buffy? Don't think because she's not a slayer she hasn't seen as much shit as you have. Humanity has its share of monsters, you know" he said, smiling grimly. "If Veronica ever decides to share with you, you'll learn that. Have a wonderful day." He shut the door behind her.

Veronica had managed to avoid Buffy all day by spending it outside the safe house. She walked the streets around, getting to know the neighborhood, and did some research at an internet café. She was frustrated that she seemed to be getting nowhere with the case and the FBI hadn't really provided much intel at all. As much as Veronica knew that she was pretty good at improvising, a little information was always a nice thing to have. Except for the file from the FBI however, it seemed like Max Curran might not even exist. Veronica was exhausted and frustrated by the time she met Buffy at the safe house to get dropped off at Angel Investigations. Buffy was going to pick her up again so they could go out together once again, something Veronica was really not looking forward to. She dressed up, however, and got in the car, leaving the talking up to Buffy. They started on their way to the Hyperion Hotel.

"Hey," Buffy said.

"Hi," Veronica replied simply.

"I saw Logan today," Buffy said, trying to start a conversation.

"Right," said Veronica, "Did he have any decent information? We could really use something."

Buffy had forgotten momentarily about the 'job' portion of what they were doing. "Not really." She paused. "I haven't really looked into it yet."

"Do you want me to check it out?" Veronica asked cordially.

"No," Buffy said a little quickly.

"Oh," Veronica said coldly. "I guess this partner thing is still hard for you. We're supposed to work together to solve this case."

When Buffy didn't say anything, Veronica just sat back in her seat and waited for them to get to their destination. It was obvious this communication thing was going nowhere. Hopefully Spike had something.

When they neared the Hyperion, Buffy hesitated. As she pulled up, she couldn't help but sense Angel and Spike inside. The feeling was a strange one, so familiar and yet forgotten. The thought of the two of them working together again was just so bizarre and unwelcome. As soon as Veronica got out of the car, Buffy took off again, giving her a chance to simply drive and think.

Entering the hotel, Veronica gave it a professional inspection. It was not the usual PI firm, that was for sure. It was very spacious, for one, and it was apparently empty. As the former face of Mars Investigations, Veronica disapproved of the unprofessionalism. How were they supposed to provide assistance to clients?

Veronica's initial assessment was interrupted by a tall, attractive brown-haired man coming down the main staircase. "Are you looking for something?" he said as he reached her.

"Angel Investigations?" she asked.

"Yes, welcome. Angel," he said holding out his hand for her to shake.

"'Angel' is your name?" she asked doubtfully as she shook his hand.

"Yes. It's my agency. We help the hopeless."

"Is that some sort of code?" Veronica asked. Angel just looked at her, puzzled. "Anyway, I'm Veronica Mars. I'm looking for Spike."

"Oh," Angel's face fell. "I can get him for you, don't worry." He walked back and opened a door, apparently leading to the basement. "Spike!" he shouted, "Someone to see you in the lobby. Come out or I'll be glad to come down and get you." Veronica heard a noise like indistinct swearing as Angel closed the door. "Captain Peroxide will be out in a minute. He can be a little fractious in the early evening."

"Captain Peroxide," Veronica said, grinning. "What an apt name."

"He is also affectionately known as Blondie Bear, but I'm not sure he likes that to be too widely spread." Angel smiled in return. "So, anything bring you here besides Spike's fair self?"

"Oh, I'm not here for Spike, I'm here for information. My partner and I are working a case. Buffy—" She stopped at the reaction she got from her words.

Angel had frozen in the midst of rubbing the back of his neck. "Did you just say Buffy? Buffy Summers? Here in LA?"

Veronica could see that Buffy might have had two reasons for not wanting to come to LA. "Spike didn't tell you?"

As if his name had conjured him, Spike appeared at that moment from the door to the basement. As soon as he had said, "Hello, Veronica," Angel had Spike pinned up against the wall, his arm pressed up against his windpipe.

"Perhaps not in front of company, Angelcakes," Spike squeezed out, apparently unruffled.

"Veronica, do you mind waiting a moment? I need to briefly consult with my colleague." Veronica shrugged and the two headed into the office, shutting the door behind them.

Veronica sat on the couch in the front hall for a moment to wait. That moment was not very extended as her curiosity predictably soon overtook her. She snuck up outside the door and listened.

"—you cagey bastard," she heard Angel say.

"I told you that you learn so much out on the town, you antisocial git. Seems like she didn't call you to say she was in town either, huh?" Spike said, mockingly.

"I let you be my goddamn partner, despite a truckload of misgivings, and you can't even tell me when she's in town. After so many years. Seems like someone is still jealous I was her first."

Veronica heard thumps. She was learning nothing about the case, certainly, but this insight into Buffy's romantic past was rather intriguing.

Spike spoke again. "If I recall, that first, and only, time resulted in you becoming evil. I could actually fulfill the needs of Buffy the woman, not just the lovesick teenager, you may remember."

Veronica expected renewed thumps, but instead there was silence. Then she heard Angel say sadly, "Yeah, well, she didn't tell either of us she was here, did she. Instead there's some blonde Buffy manqué standing in the front hall."

Veronica's hands automatically curled into fists at his description of her. Spike's voice was laced with amusement as he replied, "She seems a right nice little bint, you know. If you weren't so self-absorbed, you might also realize that she is listening outside the door." Veronica tried to step away as she heard that, but the door was immediately yanked open. "Sorry about that, pet. Peaches and I had a few things to work out."

"How did you know I was there?" She said, a little breathlessly. She felt embarrassed and annoyed; she wasn't used to getting caught.

"Could hear you breathing. Didn't like the comparison to Buffy, huh?" Spike chuckled. "She can be a little hard to live up to." Before Veronica could verbalize any of the warring thoughts in her head, Spike spoke again. "Do you want to come to my office and get what you came here for?"

He led the way into another room with a desk. Veronica thought the room positively wallowed in Victorian Gothic. She much preferred the clean, modern lines of Logan's place to this moth-eaten, Edgar Allen Poe-inspired monstrosity. She sat gingerly in the overstuffed chair in front of the desk. "Look, I don't have time for anymore of your Buffy-related shenanigans. I just want to solve this case and get the hell out of this city and this assignment. What I want to know is, do you know anything about a man named Max Curran?"

Spike seemed entertained by her sour attitude, but managed to stay on topic. "Max Curran? Name sounds familiar." He pursed his lips, thinking. "I think I have heard a little about this bloke. He's human, but—"

"Human?" Veronica broke in. "What else would he be?"

"Oh, uh, right," Spike apparently slightly thrown. "Don't know what I was thinking. I just was going to say that he hangs out with some real rough characters. Soulless killers, really. I think they only just got into town, but they've made their presence felt. Not sure what their game is right now, but it's probably not about helping puppies and kitties and whatnot."

"He's wanted in connection with a bunch of kidnappings—probably having to do with some sort of prostitution or slave trafficking," Buffy offered.

Spike looked puzzled. "Kidnapping? Definitely not murder?"

"No bodies. And it's over a hundred girls."

"Don't know the scheme." He frowned. "I might have pictures of some of Curran's boys. I've been wondering what they've been up to." He walked to a door in the near wall and yanked it open; it evidently connected to Angel's office as he shouted, "Oi, Angel, stop moping and see if you can get those little pictures of those vam—, um, villains that that fellow Curran's been spotted with. Veronica and Buffy really need them."

He shut the door and turned back to Veronica. "Captain Forehead in there can get a bit broody, but he's not bad at all this detective stuff. He'll get those pictures for you."

"Is it just you and him that work here then?" Veronica asked.

"Well, there's also Illyria, but she's a bit too blue to see visitors." Spike replied.

"Depressed?" Veronica asked, confused.

"Sure," Spike said, a look of faint amusement on his face. "We used to have a whole gang of 'tecs, but they're all gone now."

From the way Spike said 'gone', Veronica could see he didn't just mean on to other jobs. It was the first flicker of genuine emotion that she had seen the sarcastic PI show.

There was silence as both tried to ignore the unexpected sentiment, waiting for Veronica to get the images and go. Veronica's mind wandered back to Neptune, to Mars Investigations and how it was nothing like this strange operations that seemed to consist of two virile, attractive men bickering in a large, empty hotel. She hadn't observed any of the usual technology nor had Angel or Spike shown anything of particular note in the investigating department. Looking at the set up, however, she suddenly had an idea. "I think I know someone who could help out here, if you're interested," she said, private amused.

"Oh?" Spike said diffidently, "We're mostly into the dangerous in here, love. I dunno if we're really your typical Shamuses—you shouldn't worry about us."

"Oh, no trouble at all," Veronica replied. "I'll call him and tell him about your set up and maybe he can swing by. He was interested in the PI business a while back and somehow I think he would be perfect."

"Alright," Spike said grudgingly. "Just as a personal favor though, just 'cause I'm a sucker for cute blondes."

"Whatever you need to tell yourself," Veronica said, taking out her blackberry to type in "Call Weevil" on the To Do list.

"Veronica," Spike said going back to the topic she had come about, "these guys, Curran's, are right dangerous. You let Buffy take care of them—she won't let you get hurt."

Veronica opened her mouth, about to protest that she could take care of herself. She knew her job was dangerous and she didn't need to be babysat, she wanted to say, but the door opened and Angel entered. He was carrying a few pieces of paper in his hands. "Here're the pictures you wanted," he said, smiling and handing them to Veronica and then glaring at Spike. Veronica was surprised to see that they were sketches, rather than the typical photograph.

"These are extremely helpful," she said, memorizing the three faces of men who ranged between 22 and 40. She would need to be able to recognize them in any circumstances. "I'll make sure Buffy gets a look at these."

Both men flinched at the name and shared an equivocal expression. Veronica would leave the two of them to work out their issues in her absence. She looked at her watch; Buffy should be there to pick her up already. She stood up to leave and bade the both of them goodbye, tucking the pictures carefully into her purse. They followed her to the door in a show of courtesy that was belied by the way they craned their necks at the exit to see her partner and vehicle. Veronica guessed that Buffy had parked at the end of the block however as she couldn't be seen from the doorway. Angel stopped her as she pressed the door open. "Veronica?"

Veronica paused expectantly. Angel cleared his throat awkwardly. "Can you tell Buffy to come by? It's been— it's been too long."

She nodded. "Sure thing," she said, stepping out of the door into the street. She saw the car at the end of the block. She didn't envy Buffy the two headaches Veronica had just left behind. At least Veronica only had one Logan Echolls, as much of an excess as it might seem sometimes.

She opened the door and climbed in next to Buffy. She was in a more positive mood after gaining information both about the case and about her partner from her little visit to Angel Investigations. "We have faces for some of Curran's associates, courtesy of Angel Investigations. I'll let you peruse them at the next stop light." Buffy nodded. "We'll need to keep an eye out for them at whatever club we're going to tonight. What's the name of the place anyways?"

"Swanson22," Buffy said. She had chosen it as it had been one both on the list compiled by the FBI and on Logan's. She didn't want to admit it, but she definitely had a feeling that the supernatural was not out of the question for this case. Just visiting somewhere there might be vampires should get her into the swing of things, she hoped, as she was woefully out of practice. They sat in silence shortly as Buffy navigated the streets leading to their destination. Veronica remembered her message. "Angel says to tell you that you should come by. Oh, and that it's been too long."

Veronica saw Buffy face remain impassive, but her knuckles whitened on the steering wheel. Buffy swallowed. "And Spike? Did he give you a message too?" she asked, her voice tight.

"No," Veronica said. She watched Buffy's face but she couldn't read the reaction to her words.

Buffy stayed silent, not trusting her voice. Thinking of the two of them so nearby made her feel her grip on reality slipping away. She felt herself on the edge of a cliff, hanging on desperately to her job and her current life to prevent the inevitable crash onto the jagged rocks below. Why couldn't she just be free to concentrate on the task at hand without two undead ex-lovers forever lurking in the wings?

Swanson22 was as much of a scene as the previous clubs they had gone to. Buffy threw herself into the crowd, eager to lose herself in the music and the movement that surrounded her. Veronica decided not to follow her, finding Buffy's approach lacking in strategy or direction. She headed to a small balcony to get a good vantage point on the dance floor and bar area. Now that she had some targets, it gave her purpose, and she inspected the room thoroughly. For about half an hour, she familiarized herself with her surroundings and watched the crowd for any recognizable faces. Buffy was central, ostensibly dancing with a couple of guys, but Veronica could see that she was entirely self-involved. Veronica was troubled at the apparent lack of any attempt to pursue their assignment at all. Buffy seemed alienated from the reality of their assignment altogether.

Her musings did not interrupt her constant surveillance and suddenly she paused. She had seen the high cheekbones and wide-set eyes of one of the men from Spike's illustrations. Beside him were two others, facing away from her, but quite possibly the other two Spike had mentioned. She felt the frisson of excitement that she experienced whenever an investigation progressed from theory to action. She thought momentarily that she should alert Buffy, but then looked at her dancing with abandon. Spike had said they were dangerous, but Veronica dismissed the idea that a distracted Buffy would be any help in this instance. She could just make their acquaintance and she had her taser if there were any problems. She headed down to the dance floor, putting on the brilliant smile that beamed eagerness and naiveté.

At some point, Buffy decided she should probably find out what her partner was up to. Also, her ankle strap was slightly chafing. She looked around to see Veronica chatting with three guys at the edge of the dance floor. Buffy noticed that they looked vaguely familiar and then felt the sudden quiver in her stomach that she hadn't felt in so long. Vampires. She had just swallowed the realization, when she saw the four of them moving off towards an exit. The dullness that had overtaken Buffy in her dancing haze was immediately shaken off with the sudden suggestion of menace. Buffy knew there was no way three vampires and her entirely human partner could end well at all. She stood up straight as every nerve in her body tingled and she started to push and weave her way through the crowd, trying to get to the exit, following Veronica.

As the cool air of the street outside hit her, Veronica realized that this plan may have not been the wisest. The man who seemed about her age was being very attentive, wrapping his arm around her and trying to kiss her. Veronica decided that the dim sorority girl act may have been a little too convincing this time, but going with the flow was still the safest way to get herself out of this mix-up sans unpleasant kidnapping, while planting one of the trackers she had put in her bag before coming out. The three men seemed to enjoy joking about the fine quality of the cuisine in LA and Veronica giggled at what she saw as the appropriate moment. They turned down the alley next to the club and Veronica's cool was rapidly disappearing. The man she was walking with pushed her up against the brick wall of the club a little roughly and leaned over her, looking like he was about to kiss her.

What happened next was so sudden and astonishing that Veronica was paralyzed. The man clapped a hand over her mouth, gripping her shoulder with great force, while his face transformed; his teeth grew long and sharp, his canines particularly and the entire upper part of his face became unequivocally inhuman. His head came down suddenly and his breath was close and cold on her neck, when the movement was suddenly arrested.

"Jarvis!" the taller of the other two said in a gravelly voice. "This is work, not play, you imbecile. You know she's more valuable untasted—find snacks on your own time."

The thing pinning Veronica, apparently named Jarvis, let out a doglike whine. "But she looks and smells so delicious, Vince."

The hold on Veronica was momentarily loosed, as Vince grabbed Jarvis by the throat, his face having apparently undergone the same transformation. Veronica tried to take this instant to run, but the silent 3rd man caught her and held her fast after two weak steps.

"That's why she's going to net us a lot of cash, whelp," Vince hissed to Jarvis, "and you can attract plenty of sweets with your new BMW."

"Fine," Jarvis squeezed out.

At that moment, there was a crash at the opening of the alley and Veronica managed to see Buffy silhouetted in the street lamp. "You know, boys, your mothers should have taught you not to play so rough," she called out to them, standing defiantly with her hands on her hips.

As discombobulated as Veronica was by the unexpected series of events, the distraction allowed her to reach her hand into her purse and get a handle on her taser. "Say hello to Mr. Sparky," she muttered as she pressed the weapon against her captor.

As he collapsed, Veronica heard the sound of combat from the area where Buffy and the two other assailants were. She ran down the other end of the alley. 50 yards away she paused; she couldn't just leave her partner in there to be kidnapped or even to die. They were a team for a reason. When she looked back to see how Buffy was faring, she was amazed to see her taking on the two creatures easily despite the disadvantages in size and number. With a graceful, practiced arc, Buffy plunged a stake into Jarvis' chest and he disintegrated. Buffy continued her bout with Vince, fighting with a strength and proficiency that Veronica could only identify as superhuman. Veronica saw Buffy lifted and thrown against the opposite wall, only to stand up once again and recommence her attack. At that moment Veronica saw that her previous captor had spotted her and was running to catch up with her. Veronica quickly surveyed her surroundings. As he approached, she saw a long black wire stretching from one side of the alley to the other, wrapped around a pipe and with a loop lying at her feet. The adrenaline making her feel estranged from her own actions, her brain functioning outside of her consciousness; just as he was about to cross the line, she pulled it taut, sending him tripping and tumbling forward. Something tumbled from his pocket, clattering under a nearby box, and his head smashed into the corner of a cement step with a crunch, leaving him momentarily still.

"Stake him!" Veronica heard Buffy shout to her. "Don't let him get up!"

Veronica grabbed a wooden slat, the remainder from some sort of abandoned shipping crate. She stabbed down into his back, using her own weight and gravity to embed it deep. To her relief, he crumbled to dust, leaving her holding the wooden board over the tangled wire and empty street. She heard a commotion behind her and saw Vince running towards her. She held up her wood as firmly as she could, but he turned to dust before reaching her, a stake apparently stuck in his back that then clattered to the ground when he vanished.

Veronica bent to pick it up and then straightened to see Buffy standing in front of her. "That was all of them, right?" Buffy asked, breathlessly. "There can't be any witnesses. I don't want them knowing I'm in town."

"Them?" Veronica asked dumbly.

"Vampires." Buffy replied.


"Yes. Undead, soulless, blood-sucking demons."

"Vampires." Veronica nodded dreamily. "That was all of them." As she heard herself say it, the exhilaration of still being alive receded. "Those were our only leads," she said flatly, "and now we have nothing."

Buffy's eyes widened. "I just saved your life and you're complaining about the case?" she said, startled.

"Although you seem to have forgotten entirely why we're here, we are supposed to solve a case. For our jobs. That's why I risked my life in this goddamn alley to begin with." Veronica's hysterical frustration had entirely overtaken her.

"We're partners, Veronica, how come you didn't tell me to come with you out here? We're not supposed to be working this case on our own. I dusted two vamps tonight to stop you from being just another FBI agent sucked dry and left dead in an alley. Should I have just let him have you as a snack for the sake of some half-cocked investigation?"

The word "snack" suddenly diverted Veronica from her irritation borne of suppressed panic, stirring memories of the conversation she had overheard, but not grasped earlier. "He wasn't going to," she said softly, thinking back to the discussion between the two, she swallowed as she wrapped her head around it, vampires.

"He wasn't?" Buffy asked, intrigued.

"No," she said, shaking her head and remembering. "They were going to take me away as part of a job. I had to be 'untasted.'"

Buffy reached up reflexively to rub her neck. Her brow was furrowed as she looked blankly at the wall behind Veronica. "We're going to need help on this one. I guess it's lucky I know some vampire specialists," she said a little bitterly, running her hand through her hair. "Sorry we had to dust our leads," she said looking at Veronica.

Veronica began to giggle, a little hysterically. When she had to apologize for yelling at someone for saving her life, the night had officially become ridiculous. When the laughter became to sound suspiciously like sobs, she managed to control herself enough to speak. "The way I acted, you probably should have left me out there to die. What was that extreme action girl stuff you had going on back there anyway? Why do I feel like the world is way more insane than I ever guessed before?"

Buffy took Veronica's arm and started steering her out of the alley. "I'll explain tomorrow, k? I think there's been a little too much of the crazy tonight."

They started walking towards the entrance to the street. Two feet from the street, the silence was broken by the echoing rattle of vibration on metal. They stopped and Buffy ran back to investigate. Veronica saw her kneeling on the ground, reaching under a random metal box. She pulled out something with a flashing screen. "It's a phone," Buffy called. She stood up and walked towards Veronica, looking at the Caller ID. "Looks like it's 'Max' calling."

Veronica smiled in satisfaction. "Guess we do have a lead after all."

A/N: Sorry to take so long; I was out of town. Please read and review, it makes me happy and want to write so much more! Also, I think I need a beta to help me keep my two little protagonists under control, so if anyone who is a Buffy and Veronica fan wants PM me, I'd love to hear from them. I'm looking for plot/characterization input, not so much on the grammar.