Hello :) Lately I've become obsessed with Puck and Quinn, so I decided to write a story on them and their little girl. It takes place during the episode 'Theatricality' and mostly goes on from my own ideas from there. Enjoy and please review!

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, any of the characters or songs in the story. I only own the plot.


Chapter One

Beth, I know you're lonely,

And I hope you'll be alright,

'Cause, me and the boys will be playin'

All night,

All night.

"I know you're giving her up, but before you do, I think you should name her Beth. And if you'll let me, I'd really like to be there when she's born."

Quinn didn't know what to do. She couldn't speak; if she opened her mouth, she knew she'd start crying.

She gave Puck a smile, and nodded, before getting up and leaving the classroom.

Quinn knew that she probably looked really bad at the moment, but she didn't care. She needed to get out of there.

As she left the school, Quinn thought about everything that had happened over the past few weeks.

She had been so sure that she was going to give her little girl to a family who loved her and could provide her with everything she needed. But, lately, Quinn had been questioning her decision. Puck had become more mature, and even though he said he would go along with whatever choice she made, Quinn knew how much Puck wanted to keep their daughter. The truth was that Quinn wanted to keep little Beth just as much as he did.

But they were sixteen! They couldn't raise a child on their own! How would they pay for food and clothes for her? They were just kids themselves, and Beth didn't deserve a life like this.

Quinn found her car keys and unlocked the doors. As she started to drive, Quinn's thoughts flashed back to Puck's emotional "Beth" preformance. Tears spilled from her eyes and she wiped them away with the back of her hands.

"Why do I always get myself into these situations?" Quinn asked herself, starting to cry again.

Finally, she reached the Puckerman house, and was relieved to find no one home. She needed time to think things through.

After she got inside, Quinn went upstairs, got changed and cried herself to sleep.


Puck couldn't stop staring at the clock hanging on the wall. It had been 15 minutes since Quinn had left Glee practice. He had been so tempted to go after her after she practically ran out of the room, but he knew that she just needed time to herself. That song had been emotional for the both of them, and it took all of Puck's strength to stop him from bursting into tears.

So, here he was, sitting in Glee practice, waiting for it to be over so he could go see Quinn. Mr. Schue wasn't really talking about anything important and Puck resisted the urge to run out of the school.

Finally, Mr. Schuester dismissed the kids and Puck ran outside. As quick as he could, Puck grabbed his keys and got in the car.

He needed to get to Quinn.

He needed to tell her how much this baby girl meant to him.

Okay, there was the first chapter! Please review! This is my first story and I would love to hear what you think! Thanks!
