I have sadly neglected this fic! Grrrr. So here is the next chapter :)

I jogged back to my room hoping to get rid of the restlessness that had made its way into me (with no success). Will was waiting for me when I got there, his tall frame resting effortlessly against the wall, his hair still ruffled.

"Hey! Would you maybe, like to have dinner with us?" I asked him all too quickly, stopping abruptly in front of him.

"Us being who exactly?" he asked.

"Oh you know, just me and Lissa, Christian, Adrian, Tasha and Dimitri," My voice trailing off toward the end. He pretended to consider it, even though I was more than sure he'd end up coming.

"I was thinking, with your crazy determination and imagination this may actually be entertaining," looking as if he was talking to himself but I knew he was watching my reaction. Quickly I stopped the smile that was threatening and cleared my throat.

"Are you coming or not?"

"Fine, I'll come!" He managed as I gave him a push toward the direction of his room.

"Meet me back here in forty five minutes!" I called after him and he turned back, performed a gracious bow and flashed me a smile before turning around again. I allowed myself to smile.

As I showered a thousand thoughts ran through my mind. What exactly was I planning on doing? Did I really want him back? Why couldn't I be happy with Will? Why, after three years, did he feel the need to come back?"

I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel, deciding on a crimson dress that Lissa had insisted on buying me when we went shopping once. She and I both knew I wouldn't get much chance to wear it, but she bought it anyway. I can still hear her saying, "Just in case," with a knowing smile.

I managed to get dressed while pacing around the room and stopped to look at my reflection. The dress was form fitting, falling just above my knees. The front design was simple enough, the top half looked like normal singlet covering my chest properly but from the behind, it dropped half way down my back leaving my neck and my upper back exposed. My molnija marks made a swirling pattern around the nape of my neck. I'd lost count of just how many I had, many from countless raids that Court guardians participated in and some from travelling with Lissa around Europe. More than anything I wanted to show Dimitri just some of I'd achieved, he was my mentor after all. Aside from all my kills Lissa and I had one year left at university, not that it meant much for me but I'd managed to scrap into the top ten students in my course, which was a surprise. I'd also become one of the most recognised guardians at Court, and on raids – despite my age – I was trusted as an advisor by my superiors. I felt the need to prove myself to him, back at school I was amazed by how many people knew him and revered him, especially the older guardians. It was because of this I decided to tie my hair up, (I rarely did it, seeing as Adrian seemed to drawn to the nape of my neck like a magnet). Besides, the dress was sexy in its own way and I wasn't about to try and get Dimitri's attention by flipping my hair at him. I knew he loved my hair but he would have to wait. I knew I was running late, I always spend far too long in the shower and I could faintly feel Lissa getting impatient. I hastily applied some foundation, mascara and lip gloss, some simple silver jewellery and put on my black pumps that Lissa also bought.

When I flung my door open five minutes later I almost crashed into Will who had his hand in mid air as if he was about to knock. Always the gentleman, he offered me his arm and I took it. His hair was still a bit damp and his blue eyes sparkling.

Well take your time! Just come straight to the restaurant then. The thai one, right next to that bakery you like. Lissa said. Up until that point Will and I had been walking very slowly, pretending we were human royalty, going to some high class event. Lissa's message had interrupted of our fits of laughter because apparently human royalty had posh English accents. I stopped in my tracks to listen to it, Will recognising what was going on having been with me countless times when it happened. But he still had to ask what the message was.

"Lis-," he began but it cut him off.

"Race you," shoving him lightly to free my arm. The guardians didn't care so much for this anymore, it happened often. We were usually pretty evenly matched but with my heels with edged ahead even with my head start. We'd done this many times going to the bakery and he recognised to the route I took. We were laughing so much when we stopped just outside the restaurant that a group of Moroi looked at us strangely as they passed. I was about to push the door open when Will wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. We walked in together.

They had the biggest table by far, and the place was relatively empty. Adrian sat at the head of the table, looking bored until he saw me approaching. Tasha and Dimitri sat across from Lissa and Christian, they all turned around to look at us.

Dimitri had his guardian mask on, his arm around the back Tasha's chair. I took a depth breath before smiling back. I sat down across from Adrian while Will took a seat in between Christian and I. An awkward silence settled over the table as soon as we did. Usually I was the one you could count on to do something about a situation like this but I had no idea where to start. Thankfully Adrian had the same talent as me.

"So Cousin, Belikov, why don't you catch us up on the last three years?" he said, after glancing at me he added, "And by us, I mean Rose of course," gesturing toward me. Before I could stop myself, I was glaring at him. Which apparently wasn't effective at all seeing as Christian snorted once again with laughter as did Will, I could feel Lissa's suppressed amusement and Tasha was smiling as she turned toward me. Dimitri however did not show any emotion, I couldn't decide whether that was good or bad. I dragged my eyes away from Adrian and fixed them on Tasha with a forced smile trying not to look at Dimitri directly.

"Yes, enlighten us,"

For the most of the night we listened as Tasha and Dimitri told what they'd been up to. I listened as best I could but occupied myself with food so I wouldn't have to reply. I could feel the jealousy creeping over me as I sat through tales of Tasha and Dimitri doing this and that, and going here and there. They'd been travelling anywhere and everywhere, especially around Europe; finding amusement with the fact that people thought they were a couple. I had one had around my fork but the other was clenched into a fist. All this talk reminded me of the times I had gotten Dimitri talking of what he loved about home. I was envious of Tasha. It was so easy for them to go places together, for him to show her all the things I wanted him to show me. I was afraid of what I would say if my mouth wasn't full. And besides, I was trying to be mature and responsible. That involved keeping my remarks to myself.

"And for most of this year we've been in Siberia with Dimitri's family," Tasha finished finally. But I looked up from my Panang Curry. This pushed my jealousy over the edge, but it also came with an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. Even though my time with his family was short, I'd loved them all as if they were my own family. I couldn't say anything; the questions in my mind weren't capable of converting themselves to speech. How did they react when they saw him? Were they all alright? Did they remember me? Did they ask about me?

It was then I realised that no one else had spoken, and Tasha changed the subject.

"Well, enough of me talking, how have all of you been?" she asked looking around the table. Christian was now whispering into Lissa's ear evoking soft giggles. I turned toward Tasha in an attempt to block them out. "I've heard you've made quite the impression on the guardians here Rose,"

"I- well, I guess so," Wait, this is what I want isn't it? Why am I freezing?

"Oh don't listen to her. Of course she has. She has more standing than me around here and many guardians older than her." Will, lovely Will. My saviour. "She has more molnija marks than anyone I know around here," Then before I knew it, I was pulled to my feet and being spun around by Will, showing our table my marks.

"Ah Little Dhampir, stop the teasing," Adrian chimed in, making me sit back down.

I glanced at Dimitri and for a second I thought I saw pride in his eyes, and a smile playing on his lips.