A NEW story? GASP! Hahaha okay I'm bored and I have this idea running through my head. Now listen closely, I know this has been done before, in fact, I've seen it done SO many times, but I wanted to try it out =] I'm not copying anybody, but the whole Teacher/Student thing is a common storyline. Bear with me as I try my hand at this kind of writing =] SO Enjoy whatever is about to come hahaha

Miley POV

Hey! My name's Miley Stewart and I'm 17 years old. I'm a senior at Northumberland High. I have two brothers and two sisters. I have a really close group of friends and their names are Demi, Emily, Selena, and Taylor. You can say we're the popular ones in the school. We go to all the parties and talk with all the guys. I do pretty well in school, mostly A's and a couple of B's. I don't have a boyfriend at the moment, but I've had a couple in the past. I like to flirt, but only in a friendly way. I would never flirt with a taken guy. I'm really bubbly and outgoing. My group of friends, we may be popular, but we're all super nice. We don't have any enemies and we're completely against bullying. We all come from wealthy families but we never let it get to our heads.

So today is the first day of senior year! I had an awesome summer and spent a lot of time with my family and friends. I may have hooked up with a couple of guys, but definitely nothing serious. So I just finished getting ready and I love my outfit. I'm wearing a pair of tight black skinny jeans with a few rips here and there. I have a simple, silk, beige shirt on that has a little cut in the middle, making it have a v-neckline. I assorted my outfit with long gold necklaces and numerous bracelets and bangles. My hair is down in its natural curls with a few pieces pulled back. I have a cute pair of gladiators on to finish off my outfit. My makeup is light, nothing too extreme. I grabbed my tote bag from the chair in my room and stuffed all my needed school supplies into it. I heard a beep from outside and automatically knew it was Demi, here to pick me up. We lived only a block away from each other, and so we alternate on who picks up who for school. I always look forward to our conversations in the car though. I can talk to her about absolutely anything and I'm a teensie weensie bit closer to her than my other three best friends. But I still love Tay, Sel, and Em to death. It's just all these car rides with Demi that bring us so close. We've been doing it ever since we got our licenses. Emily, Selena, and Taylor live farther away from each other, so they just drive themselves.

"Sweetie, grab something to eat before you go! I don't want you getting hungry in class." My mom said, emerging from the kitchen as I finished the flight of stairs.

"K." I said, walking into the kitchen with her. I saw my little sister and brother sitting at the table eating breakfast. My older sister and brother went to the same college, which was only twenty minutes away from our house. They were home the majority of the time, but they slept in the dorms on their campus.

I grabbed a piece of buttered toast and took a bite, before grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. I took a sip and went to greet my little siblings.

"Hey, babe." I said to my little sister, kissing her on the cheek. She mumbled an incoherent response, her mouth full of food. I giggled and shook my head.

"Chew, Noah." I said, before ruffling my brother's hair.

"Bye guys, love you." I said, getting goodbye waves from my family, including my dad who was pouring his morning coffee.

"Bye Sweetie!" My mom said, smiling.

"Have a great first day, bud." My dad said, taking a sip of his coffee. I waved goodbye and ran out the front door, down my walkway and into Demi's car.

"Damn, girl. Someone's looking hot today." She said, smiling as I closed the passenger door.

"I could say the same about you." I said giggling. "I can't believe we're seniors already."

"I know, I feel like we rule the school now." She said with a grin, before starting up the car and zooming into the street. I shook my head laughing.

"Don't get cocky on me, now." I told her, reaching for the radio switch.

"I'm not, I'm not. So I heard Mark Larenos got even hotter over the summer." Demi said, licking her lips in exaggeration.

"How is that even possible?" I asked, giggling. Mark Larenos was pretty much the hottest guy in school. Every girl swooned over him and he happened to be one of my really good friends. We had hooked up in sophomore year but it didn't really evolve into anything else. Now we're just friends, even if I occasionally find myself drooling over his amazing body during his football practice. I still don't like him anymore than a friend, though.

"Apparently his body is even more built than before. Maybe he took steroids." Demi said with a shrug, as we stopped at a red light.

"Nah, he's just obsessed with protein shakes." I said with a smile. "You, Tay, Sel, Em and I better get some classes together this year." I said, unknowingly changing the subject.

"I know! Last year was almost unbearable. I can't believe we all only had two classes with each other. Hell." She said, shaking her head in disbelief. I looked out the window and saw the "Northumberland High School. Founded in 1788" sign right before the main entrance to school.

"We're here!" I exclaimed, unbuckling my seat belt as Demi parked in our usual spot.

"And look, there are Em and Tay getting out of their cars." Demi said as she spotting the two blondes. We quickly got out of the car and made a beeline for our two friends.

"Sup chickas." Taylor said with a grin as we approached.

"Not much, babes. Pretty stoked for the first day as a senior!" I said with a smile.

"No doubt. This year is gonna be sick!" Emily said with a giggle.

"The bells gonna ring in like 10 minutes. Where's Sel?" Taylor asked, linking arms with me.

"You know Selena, she's always late." Demi said with a giggle. We all walked towards the door and walked into school. Immediately, all eyes were on us. It was kind of like this all the time, except last year, since the seniors had their own little social groups. Now we were seniors and it was totally weird.

"Guys!" We all turned around to see Selena rushing through the doors. We laughed as she approached.

"Dude, why are you always late?" Demi asked, shaking her head with a giggle.

"I couldn't decide what to wear!" Selena whined, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"It's fine, girl. You look amazing." I said with a smile. Suddenly the five-minute bell rang.

"Five minutes went by already?" Emily groaned.

"Guys, we haven't even gotten our schedules yet! We need to see if we have classes with each other." Tay said, taking the lead in walking to the front office. We walked up to the desk and recited our names. The woman behind the desk nodded and flipped through the files, pulling out each of our schedules.

"There you go girls. Have a good first day!" She said smiling. We said our thanks and sat down on the large bench outside the office. After going through each of our schedules we were more than ecstatic. Out of six classes, I had two with Demi, two with both Selena and Emily, and then one with Taylor. It was gym though, so it was about the same duration as two classes. I frowned though, after seeing that I had one class by myself. All the other girls had the same problem.

"It's okay, guys. It's just one class, we can stick it out!" said Taylor, living up to her 'Miss Optimism' role. We all nodded and stood up after hearing the bell ring. This was the class that I had alone. I hugged my friends goodbye and made my way to History. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad. I walked through the doors and saw that almost everyone was there except for the teacher.

"Miley!" Someone yelled, causing me to look around for the voice. It belonged to David Montie (David H from Wizards =]). He was one of my best friends and was also one of the most popular guys in school. I smiled and walked over to him. He was sitting with my other friend, Daniel.

"What's up, dork." I said giggling, as I ruffled my hair. He grinned,

"Nothing much, princess." It was a name he had been calling me since eighth grade. "Where's the crew?" He asked, referring to my best friends, who he was close to also.

"Unfortunately, I'm sailing alone in this class." I said with a laugh. I looked over at Daniel and smiled. "What's up, Dan?"

"Not much, Mi. How was your summer?" He asked, smiling.

"Hah, you should know, we all basically spent it together." I said, grinning. It was true, we had all hosted tons of parties over the summer and none of us missed one.

"True, true." He replied with a smile. I looked up at the clock and noticed that class would be starting in a minute.

"I'll see you guys at lunch, I better take my seat." I said smiling before walking to the front of the class. I sat in the last remaining desk, which faced the teacher's. Great, I groaned. I hated sitting at the front of the class. I sighed and took out my stuff. Suddenly I heard the door open but I didn't bother looking up. I was too busy scavenging around my bag for a spare pencil. It was only until I heard gasps that I decided to look up.

There before me was the most breathtaking, sexiest guy I had ever seen in my life. My mouth opened in shock and I dropped the pencil I had just been holding. He had soft brown curls that seemed to be perfectly placed on his head. There was a little shine, notifying me that there was some mousse in there. He had a black button down shirt that was rolled up at his elbows, exposing his perfectly sculpted, muscular tan forearms. He had a pair of dark pants on and beautiful Italian shoes on his feet. I looked at his face and saw a mysterious pair of dark brown eyes and lips that were just dying to be kissed. I glanced at the other girls in the room and watched as they practically drooled over the Greek god that had just entered our classroom. I watched as he smirked at everyone's faces before turning his attention to me. I regained my composure and held a straight facial expression. Hoping not to give away my sudden yearn to touch him. A smile tugged on my lips as I watched him subtly look me up and down, before smirking and walking over to the chalkboard. Oh dear god, our teacher was a fucking sex god. And he totally just checked me out. His perfect hand grabbed a piece of chalk and we all watched as he wrote his name on the board. He then turned around and I saw him glance at me before looking at all the other faces in the room.

"Hello, everybody." Oh my gosh, he evens talks like sex on a stick. He had a low, mysterious voice. It made me want to grab him by the shirt and just do him right there. I don't think I've ever been so attracted to anybody in my entire life. "I'm Mr. Jonas, your new history teacher." Oh gosh, he even had a sexy last name. I'd be having this guy as my teacher for the rest of the year? I feel like I'm on cloud nine. "Alright, so we're going to go around and I want all of you to tell me your names. Let's start with you." He said, turning to me and smirking. That smirk was gonna kill me one day, I just knew it. I took a deep breath and spoke up.

"I'm Miley Stewart." I said, using my slightly seductive voice. I narrowed my eyes at him and bit my lip. I couldn't help but do the same things I did when I was around a guy I liked. Because I do like him already. It was just that he was my teacher and this was wrong. But he seemed to like it because he smiled at me and responded,

"It's very nice to meet you, Miley." And I could just feel the jealous stares I was getting from all the other girls in the room. But I was way too busy trying to control my breathing from the way he looked at me. He then glanced away and slowly made his way through the rest of the class, learning all of their names. It was only me, though, that he had responded to. All the others he had just nodded and moved onto the next person. Finally the name process was finished and Mr. Jonas leaned back on his desk, supporting himself with his strong tan arms.

"Now that I know a little about all of you, I'll tell you a little about myself." He said, glancing at me once again. I was content, because I wanted to know as much about him as possible. "So my first name is Nick, but to you all I'm Mr. Jonas. I'm twenty-two years old and I just graduated out of college." Oh lord, he wasn't even that old. That just made him so much more irresistible. We were technically only four years apart, since I would be turning eighteen around the middle of the school year. "I majored in history, which is why I'm here with all of you today. This year will be tough, but I know all of you can make it. Since classes are short today, due to the long assembly at the end of the day, I'm going to have to leave you at that. The bell will ring in five minutes. I'm going to pass out a packet that I would like you to begin reading now and finish tonight for homework. If you have any questions, raise your hand and I'll be happy to come to you."

We all waited patiently as he pulled out a pack of papers, most likely the packets we would need to read. I watched his muscular arms as they released the clip holding the papers. He began passing them out and for some reason I was the last one who was going to get one. He finally walked over to my desk with a single packet in his hand. Everyone had already begun reading and I looked up expectantly, hoping to receive it so I could get a head start on homework. He stood to the side of me with a sexy smirk adorning his face. He was so close to me, I could smell his delicious cologne. It took all of my willpower not to rip is clothes off right there. He gently laid the packet on my desk before turning to look at me.

"Like I said," He said, almost whispering. "If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask." He finished, adding a small wink before standing up fully and walking back to his desk. He winked at me. The sex god fucking winked at me. Is it just me or was he subtly flirting? Maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me. I looked down at the packet and immediately had a question. I smiled and raised my hand. Mr. Jonas grinned and sat up from his chair, walking over to me. He knelt down so that he would be level with my face.

"Yes, Ms. Stewart?" He said, his face dangerously close to mine. I cleared my throat and thought back to my question.

"Um, do we have to take notes for homework?" I asked sweetly, staring at him intensely.

"Good question," he said with a smile. "Don't bother, we'll be taking plenty of notes in class tomorrow." I nodded, taking a deep breath, his cologne yet again filling my nostrils. I watched closely as he ever so slightly averted his eyes down to my chest before quickly looking back up. So much for being discreet. I smirked at him.

"Looking at something, Mr. Jonas?" I asked, my confidence building up. He cleared his throat and shot me a small smile.

"I think your shirt is a tad low for school rules, wouldn't you say Ms. Stewart?" And the next thing he did is what shocked me the most. He brought his hands to the neckline of my thin shirt, so close to my breasts I swear I stopped breathing. He gently pulled it up, his hands brushing against my bare skin. He smiled at me before standing up. Holy mother fucking jeezus, the Greek god had just come dangerously close to touching me in places I'll from now on only dream he would touch me in. Oh damn, I wanted him so badly. His eyes stayed on me as he sat in his desk chair, chuckling to himself. He looked so sexy with his sleeves rolled up and his hands holding his head. I could see his muscles almost bulging out of his black shirt. I would die for those arms to hold me. This was gonna be a long year.

Soooo, what'd you think? Too weird for you guys? I know I'm one to write about real life Miley and Nick, but I decided to try something different. I'm not saying this is a definite story, because I don't know if you guys are interested or not. I actually had a ton of fun writing this and I hope I can get all of your feedback! =] Please check out any other stories I have on this account. Love you guys and please please review, telling me whether or not you'd like me to continue. What you liked and disliked about it? Also, read the beginning A/N. Cause I really don't want anyone thinking that I'm trying to copy anybody. I'm just trying out the storyline =] Hope you liked it!


P.S. New chapter of Crash Into Me will be posted momentarily!