To close for comfort

Alec pov

We all turned to see Renesmee emerge from the toilet. She came out, her heart racing and her face as white as snow. She dropped to the floor.

"Renesmee!" Bella screamed.

"Carlisle help her" Alice should have seen this coming seriously she is the psychic here. I noticed something vibrating on the floor. I shifted to it as every one surrounded Renesmee.

Look you stupid girl I have kept you hidden for a long time I do not want you to be by your self they might try to kill you if they see your still alive I love you come home so I can protect you from the monsters who you bore and who never wanted you- love Jakey.

It was from Jacob asking her to come back to him. My mood shifted to anger as I read the last texts from him, I went through them in my head so Edward could see them. His head jerked up.

"Alec pas me that NOW"

"dude I am going to inflict so much depression on him he wont survive he's not going to any way you have to kill him" Edwards face turned from anger to hurt.

"b-but its true I never wanted her when Bella was pregnant with her I mean it all changed when I first read her mind she was mine, ours. And I never wanted her. I hated her for what she was doing to Bella- making her ill, sucking the life out of her." I had to take a double take at what he said he never wanted her at first he new it was killing Bella but he never understood that he would love her.

"Edward no don't you dare start this again there was doubt in all our minds even mine dare I say it I was in so much pain at one point and momentarily wish it would go we all had doubts but we all new that you loved her with all your heart" Bella was sitting next to him on the sofa now hugging him tight. I wished I had some one like Bella. Edward shot me a warning glance.

Dude you know what I mean. I know she is yours and I only see her as a friend. I just want some one you know to love, hold; spend the rest of eternity with. I want love. Something that the Volturi never showed me. That I even doubted even existed. But you showed me it did.

He nodded his head in understanding. Renesmee was waking up and I could hear her. With out even thinking I ran to her room. I was there when she woke up. I could tell the guys were going to let me have sometime with her since she knew me.

"Alec what happened"

"You passed out" her cheeks flared red- it was so adorable. No. she was Edwards daughter. he's been a good friend to me- I can't think like that.

"um-um-um did they are they have they" I knew she was wondering if they left her because she was too much trouble.

"No they are down stairs waiting for you to come down…coming" I gestured to the door. She nodded and stumbled out of bed.

Edward she is most definitely Bella's from what you told me about Bella being clumsy the gene has most definitely been passed on.

I heard Edwards's laugh loud. Renesmee looked at me like an angel. She flushed again at her own clumsiness.

I held her hand tight in mine, we eventually got to the living room after she stumbled several times.

Something flashed in my head- it was me with the Volturi all those years ago when I had helped them abuse this family. I didn't even remember this. It wasn't in my point of view, I realised. Then the vision changed- it was of Bella and Edward. This was Renesmee memories. I looked at her confused. She instantly let go of my hands.

"Renesmee its lovely to see you awake and well, are you hungry?" Esme asked. Renesmee nodded yes.

Sorry guy this chapter is short but they will get longer but these next few weeks I have exams so I have to revise when its over I will get the stories longer promise and please don't hate me because of the way I portray Jacob but he is just on my hate list at the moment thanks for the reply from the last chapter and I do take what you say seriously.
