A/N - I'm getting writers block on my other story and thought I would start this, I 'borrowed' the idea, but I did ask permission first! Let me know what you think, yada yada yada (: !

Link to the story that gave me the inspiration - .net/s/4786710/1/The_plan


Bella Pov

I sat at my desk playing with my pencil in my fingers. Everyone else around me was frantically writing trying to finish the test that I had finished ages ago. I glanced over what I had written one last time just to make sure it made sense.

"Pens and pencils down, time's up." Miss Black called without even lifting her head.

I began gathering my things and putting them away waiting on the bell to announce the start of lunch. I didn't particularly like lunch, I would have much preferred to stay in the comfort of my English class, but that wasn't an option. I loved English. It was one of the few things I was good at. If I wasn't writing I had a book in front of me. It was my passion.


I jumped at the sound of the bell. I grabbed my bag and my test placing the test on Miss Blacks desk before making my way to the cafeteria.

I looked around at the choices for lunch today. There weren't very many.

Pasta or pizza? I battled with myself.

I decided on some creamy pasta dish and took my seat at the 'loser' table. I was what's known as a geek, dork, loser or any other popular name for being 'uncool' so I often sat myself. It didn't bother me though. I pulled the book I was currently re-reading out, withering heights, and opened it at the page where my bookmark occupied. I also pulled my ipod out sticking my earphones in my ears to drown out the noises around me.

Time flew by fast as I read my book, eating at a sluggishly slow pace. Before I knew it school was over and I was making my way out to my truck. My rustic red truck. I liked to think of it as vintage, but most people would just call it old. I loved it. It wasn't shiny or expensive and occasionally it made weird noises, but it had character.

I drove slowely through the small town of Forks, where I lived. It wasn't as though I could go fast even if I did want to.

Aah home sweet home. I thought to myself as I pulled into the driveway.

I unlocked the door letting myself in and dragging my feet up the stairs. I dropped my bag at the bottom of my bed before letting myself fall into it. I instantly relaxed. I got my homework out of my bag deciding I may as well start it. Biology. I hated Biology. I felt nauseous at the thought of blood never mind writing a report on vessels and cells and other things I had no interest in. I opened up my Biology book flicking through it without focusing on the words.

I decided to do it later putting the things back in my bag and making my way downstairs to start dinner. Charlie, my dad, was due home soon and I liked to have dinner ready for him coming in. Charlie was the chief of police in our small town. He worked hard and I liked to do as much as I could to make things easier for him.

I hummed to myself as I worked, slicing vegetables and stirring noodles before throwing them into a wok and adding soy sauce. Charlie loved stir fry, he preferred it with meat, but I hadn't had time to go shopping lately so I made do with what was there. I sat his usual can of Stella on the table and poured myself a glass of water. Charlie didn't drink much, he only had one can with his dinner and even then he rarely finished it.

"Hey Bells." He greeted me as he walked through the door. "Something smells good."

I smiled. I hated the nickname 'Bells'. Why couldn't he just call me Bella? It had the same amount of letters and sounded more ordinary. My full name was Isabella Marie Swan, but I insisted I be called Bella. Isabella was so formal, so old fashioned. Bella was more.. me.

I plated up the stir fry and sat them at the table, taking my seat.

"How was school?" he enquired. "Same old, same old." I always gave him the same response. I wasn't sure if he knew that I didn't have any friends. I didn't think he'd mind. It wasn't as though I was lonely or anything. I enjoyed spending time on my own. I was like him in a way. I kept myself to myself. Charlie didn't pry into my life, and I didn't pry into his. It was how we got along so well. We weren't the type to show affection although we both knew the other one cares.

After dinner I washed up and went back upstairs. Although I hadn't done much that day I felt quite tired so I jumped in for a quick shower before going through my nightly routine. Once I was ready I tidied away my Biology stuff from earlier and climbed into bed with withering heights. I lay and read for a while before falling into a dreamless sleep.

Edward Pov

I sat staring at the paper in front of me.

Think Edward think! I screamed at myself.

Discuss how fate plays a part in the play Romeo & Juliet.

I had looked at the question a million times, but my mind was blank.

Fuck! I thought glancing at the clock, I only had ten minutes left.

I began writing frantically trying to get anything down, not caring whether it made sense or not.

"Pens and pencils down, time's up."

I gathered up all my shit, as the bell rang, throwing it into my bag. I slung it over my shoulder grabbing my test and throwing it on Miss Blacks desk. I ran my fingers through my bronze messy hair making my way to the canteen, catching up with Em and Jazz on the way.

We stood in the queue for lunch trying to decide what to have.

"Pizza." I told the lunch lady flashing her my trademark smile. The women was about forty but she blushed and snuck an extra piece of pizza on my plate. I winked at her as I walked away leaving her staring after me.

"How do you do that?" Jazz asked me. I shrugged smiling.

"Very easily my man, very very easily."

We sat down at our usual table at the back of the canteen. Emmett and Jasper were my best friends, although technically everybody at Forks high was my friend, everybody that counted anyway.

"You owe me a tenner." Emmett remembered.


I thought he had forgotten about that. Me and Emmett liked to make stupid bets with each other. We had done it practically our whole lives.

"Hm." I responded. "How about another bet?" I asked him.

"Do you think I like taking your money Cullen?"

I laughed. I had won almost all of the bets we had made over the years.

"Double money?" I asked him.

He looked as though he was thinking about it. I knew Emmett though. He could never turn down a bet.

"Make it fifty."

I was slightly taken aback, we never usually made bets above twenty. It wasn't like we didn't have the money, our parents were high earners and it was nothing to us. We just hadn't before.

"What's the bet?" I asked him.

"Nope." He shook his head. "You have to accept first."

I smiled. There wasn't much I couldn't or wouldn't do.

"Fine. I accept."

Jazz looked from me to Em and back again laughing. Jazz wasn't a gambler. He didn't mind gambling, it just wasn't something he participated in.

"What's the bet?" I repeated my earlier question.

"I'm thinking man, I'm thinking."

I watched as Em's eyes lit up and I began to wonder what the fuck I had gotten myself into this time.

"I know. I've got the perfect challenge for you Eddie boy." I grimaced at the nickname. I hated anyone calling me Eddie. "I bet you that you can't make that little freak fall in love with you." He finished pointing to a girl sitting by herself.

"Oh c'mon Em, she's a fucking weirdo."

I didn't doubt that I could do it. I knew I could, I just didn't really want some little creep falling for me.

"What if she fucking stalks me or something?"

"That's the bet, either do it or hand over the fifty."

I groaned. "Fine! Is there a time limit or what?"

"Nope, no time limit, obviously it has to be before the end of the year or whatever, don't want you still chasing the girl when your seventy."

"O.k and it ends when..?"

"It ends the minute she tells you she loves you."

"Shouldn't be too hard." I laughed.

That was all I thought about that night. How did I start? I hardly knew the girl, I knew she was in my English class and possibly another few classes, but she was a bit of a weirdo. She sat by herself and always had a book with her. What the fuck could I talk to her about? If it was any other bitch I'd just tell them what I knew got their panties wet. I'd been told I was loved by nearly every girl in the school, weirdo's being the exception. Every guy wanted to be me and every girl wanted me. I could use that to my advantage, heck she probably loves me already, I just need her to think I'm falling for her to admit it.

That fifty was mine.

A/N - Please review guys, I forgot to mention up the top, I wrote all this out, then word decided to do that nice thing it does and crashed before I saved it. So I re-wrote the whole thing |-), Since I did that for you, surely you can review for me? (:

I'll give you a wrapped up Edward ? (:
