OhMyKami. I'm FINALLY done XD. I think this one turned out better than my last fic, please tell me what you think! I tried very hard to get more detail in rather than just skipping over a lot of stuff so hopefully I accomplished that ^_^. Anyway, please enjoy! And if you have the time, don't forget to review ^.^/'

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Vampire Knight or anything associated with it besides this fanfic.

Stop reading right now if BL/Yaoi/Men Having Sex With Other Men is not your idea of a good read. Otherwise, please continue!

The first thing Zero noticed as Kaname's fangs anchored themselves deep into his neck was that it felt really good. So good in fact, that he momentarily forgot that he was being violated by the person he was supposed to hate the most. Zero simply let himself indulge in the immense pleasure that coursed through him each time Kaname drew out more of his life force. The silver haired teen would've probably let the pureblood suck him dry if it wasn't for the strange feelings and thoughts beginning to surface in his mind. Lusty, yet hate-driven thoughts. 'Wait, these aren't my thoughts…what the hell is going on?' Zero thought, now trying in vain to push Kaname off him. The pureblood sighed and backed off slightly, making sure to keep Zero securely pinned to the wall.

"Relax, Zero. It'll be more enjoyable if you do." Kaname said smiling seductively at the thoroughly confused ex hunter. "That - whatever that was just now. Explain yourself Kuran." Zero said, trying to be authoritative but failing miserably. "I don't owe you any kind of explanation. The only thing you need to know is that you can't escape me anymore. And I intend to take full advantage of that. Whether you want to submit or not, it's going to happen. And you are going to enjoy it." The pureblood explained, a dangerous glint appearing in his eyes. Zero was utterly horrified, but to his dismay his body had a rather different reaction to the pureblood's sudden dominance. Embarrassment flooded through Zero as a slight bulge began forming in his pants. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Kaname.

"Ah, so you are enjoying it." Kaname teased, sliding his free hand down to graze Zero's thigh. Zero tried unsuccessfully to hold in a moan as lust soared through him. "Wh-what're you doing to me? Did you drug me or something?" he said, trying to pull himself out of his slightly incoherent state to concentrate on full sentences. "Not at all Zero. You see, when a blood bond is formed, the vampires involved can feel each other's emotions." Realizing the full extent of what Kaname had just told him, Zero recoiled in fear. "Y-you bastard! A blood bond? Why the fuck would you do that? Wait this means the reason I'm…like this," he said, gesturing to the obvious bulge, "is because of your thoughts?" he finished, a hint of relief in his voice. Sure, he was probably going to be raped by the bastard but at least he could have a clear conscious if that was the case. Even as the words left Zero's mouth however, he knew that it wasn't all in Kaname's head. A part of him really was enjoying this. He suddenly realized that an increasingly large part of him actually wanted this to continue. And his mind was coming up with fewer and fewer reasons why they shouldn't.

As if reading his mind, Kaname chuckled and said, "Zero we both know that if I stopped right now, you would be left very dissatisfied." Zero promptly blushed and turned his head to avoid Kaname's piercing gaze. "Y-you don't know that…" he argued. But it seemed with each denial, the urge to finish what they started only became stronger. Before the ex hunter could even comprehend what he was doing, he found his lips frantically caressing the purebloods with a passion he hadn't realized he possessed. Knowing that now was definitely not a proper time for a witty comeback, Kaname simply obliged Zero by returning the ever increasing fervour. But as Zero started to force Kaname back towards the bed, he felt it was time to assert his dominance. Zero was becoming a little too cocky.

The silver haired teen couldn't hold back the startled yelp that came out as Kaname roughly grabbed Zero's collar and shoved him onto the bed. Sprawled out with his shirt barely clinging to his shoulders, blood still trickling from the earlier wound, Zero looked delicious. And Kaname was never very good at resisting temptation. Positioning himself on top of Zero, the pureblood put on his most seductive look and started trailing his hands up and down Zero's chest, making sure to pinch his nipples every so often when he looked too relaxed. After a few minutes of this, Kaname grew bored and decided it was time to pick up the pace a little. He lowered his mouth onto one of Zero's taut nipples and sucked it into his mouth. A low groan issued from Zero at the new sensation and he had to keep himself from bucking his hips. Kaname continued to gently suck and nip at his tender flesh, enjoying the sound of Zero's increasingly impatient moans. Sneaking a hand slowly downward, Kaname dipped his hand below Zero's boxers and as he stroked Zero's rigid member, he bit down hard on one of the ex hunter's pink buds.

Zero cried out and lifted his hips, seeking more contact but Kaname chose that moment to remove his hand. He whimpered and looked questioningly at Kaname but his expression remained as unreadable as ever. The pureblood slowly began tracing a path down Zero's torso with his tongue, stopping when he got to the button of Zero's pants. "These are going to have to go." Kaname said frowning slightly. With a quick tug the pants were off, along with his boxers. If he had time to, Zero might've felt slightly embarrassed about being fully exposed while Kaname was still dressed. But the instant his clothes were off, Kaname's mouth had engulfed the head of Zero's erection sending ripples of heat through the teen that caused him to cry out in pure ecstasy. Feeling that Zero had been sufficiently distracted, Kaname took the opportunity to slide a finger down to the violet eyed teens entrance. Slowly so as not to alert Zero to his actions, Kaname pushed his finger into the tight space. When he lightly grazed Zero's prostate, the reaction was nothing short of spectacular to Kaname. Zero's back arched gracefully off the bed and the sound that escaped his lips was practically orgasmic. Of course in the next instant, Zero was once again trying to fight off Kaname, albeit less frantically than before. "What do you think you're doing?" Zero asked, more embarrassed than genuinely pissed off. "Zero you didn't honestly think I would let you be on top did you?" Kaname replied smirking in that devilish way that Zero had only recently begun to like.

At this point, Zero was too far gone to even care anymore. Looking up at the pureblood he simply said "Do what you want." and turned his head, blushing a deep crimson. Without a second thought Kaname picked up where he had left off, gently probing at Zero's entrance while making sure to distract him by stroking his cock. As the second digit slipped in Zero squirmed, clearly uncomfortable. "Zero you have to relax." Kaname murmured into his ear. "Easy for you to say." Zero said, gritting his teeth. "I promise as soon as you relax it'll feel a lot better." He emphasized the point by pushing gently against Zero's sweet spot. The ex hunter gasped and bit his lip but wasn't gritting his teeth anymore. "Fine." was the only reply Kaname got. A couple minutes later when Kaname inserted the third finger however, it was obvious that Zero had taken his advice. Instead of clenching his teeth and frowning he was now panting and squirming, begging for Kaname to stop teasing him.

Taking this as a signal that Zero was ready, Kaname positioned himself at Zero's entrance and started pushing in. After a minute of this, Zero yelled, "Just fuck me already you bastard!" With a chuckle, Kaname looked at him and said "As you wish." and slammed into him as hard as he could. Zero cried out in pain and immediately began to regret his outburst. His discomfort quickly turned to pleasure once Kaname began to stroke slowly in and out. By the third stroke Zero was trying, unsuccessfully, to hold in moans and found himself moving to meet Kaname's actions. Each time Kaname's hard member slammed his prostate, stars exploded behind Zero's eyes and all he wanted was for this to go on forever. But even as these thoughts came through his head, his body ached for release and he would soon have it. With a few more deep thrusts on Kaname's part, Zero exploded, hot drops of his seed landing on his chest as he cried out in ecstasy. Kaname was not far behind and as his seed flowed inside Zero, he felt more satisfied than he ever had.

Exhausted and out of breath, Kaname collapsed on Zero and just laid there for awhile. Zero was thinking about getting up and leaving but the moment he tried, Kaname held him in a death lock and said, "You're not going anywhere." Zero sighed but in his mind he knew that there was really no where else he would rather be.