Everybody was surprised as they heard that Fugeo was back and alive. Cyril accepted him now and with the other two Guardians he did the formal ritual to welcome Fugeo as the new Fire guardian.
Spyro was given a position familiar to the Guardians, making him to an unofficial fifth guardian and with Cynder he had an egg, from which a young dragon girl hatched with Cynders dark scales but with Spyros yellow wings and belly.
From the two eggs that were laid by Daimond hatched a fire dragoness and a ice dragon, both sharing traits of their parents.
Spyke and Cross stayed in Warfang due Alastors advice. They helped to hold Warfang clean from harmful forces. Roark stayed as well and was a great rival of Spyke.
Snowhair returned with her brother back to their village but stayed in close contact with Fugeo and the others. Leaf went back to Seafang and continued her work in the hospital.
Draco and Hope became mates and are expecting their first child.
Archold moved to Seafang to study in the great archive in the liberty of the town.
Jolt remained in Warfang and to everybody's surprise he found a girlfriend after some time
Master Meadow was missing and nobody had an idea about his whereabouts…
So passed many years in the world without many incidents worth to be mentioned
And it seems nothing worse will happen anymore. Until one day…
A large metallic object neared the world.
Inside the object are two individuals talking to each other
"Sir! We near the estimated coordinates! And it seems that our contact failed in his task!" told the first one
The second replied "This was to be predicted since he promised us something that only a few would accept to have happen!"